
Did anyone else go through a phase when they were young when they wanted to become a pilot? I certainly did; well, up until I realised what the requirements were, both academically and physically. Unfortunately, I had neither the brains, nor the brawn to do what it takes to become a pilot, and to be honest, I’m much too anxious a flyer now. It’s for the best really. My interest in flying never waned though, and I can still imagine the excitement of being a pilot. The thrill of the airplane powering up its engines, releasing the break, and hurtling down the runway until the pilot pulls back on the stick. People, cars, buildings become smaller — clouds become closer, the sky becomes a slightly darker shade of Blue at 35,000ft. It goes against the nature of our species, and it’s a testament to the relentless pursuit of science that we’re able to soar upwards into the sky, albeit mechanically, and land safely (for the most part) at our chosen destination.

d ID任何人经过一个阶段的时候,他们年轻的时候,他们想成为一名飞行员? 我当然做到了; 好吧,直到我意识到学术和物理上的要求是什么。 不幸的是,我既没有大脑,也没有勇气去做成为飞行员所需的一切,老实说,我现在对飞行传单太着急了。 真的是最好的。 但是,我对飞行的兴趣从未减弱,我仍然可以想象成为一名飞行员的兴奋。 飞机的颤动为其引擎提供动力,释放中断,并冲向跑道,直到飞行员向后拉动操纵杆。 人,汽车,建筑物变得更小-在35,000英尺处,云朵越来越近,天空变成了稍微暗一些的蓝色阴影。 它与我们物种的性质背道而驰,这证明了我们对科学的不懈追求,使我们能够以机械方式向上飞入天空,并(在大部分情况下)安全降落在我们选择的目的地。

Thankfully however, there’s a cheaper, more accessible way we can live out our childhood dreams of being a pilot. Enter Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Yes, the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 was met, oddly, with quite some fanfare on its release. To my memory, much more than any previous flight simulator. And I say oddly, as this is not the latest FIFA, CoD or triple-A action title in which the protagonist welds an almighty sword. No, this is first and foremost, a simulator. You only have to type in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 to see how popular it currently is with YouTubers, both respected flight simmers and casual gamers alike. If I had to attribute its popularity to just one aspect, it would certainly be the satellite imagery used from Bing Maps to generate a 1:1 world that’s not perfect, but very, very recognisable. This then has led to a number of gamers unfamiliar with flight simulators jumping in, and hoping to take off virtually in a world that has seen the actual airline industry struggle due to COVID-19.

值得庆幸的是,我们有一种更便宜,更容易获得的方式来实现我们儿时梦想成为飞行员的梦想。 输入Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 。 是的,奇怪的是,遇到了Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020的发布,并且对其发布颇有争议。 在我的记忆中,它比以前的任何飞行模拟器都要多得多。 我奇怪地说,因为这不是主角焊接全能剑的最新FIFACoD或Triple-A动作片。 不,这首先是模拟器 。 您只需要输入Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020,即可查看当前在YouTubers中的受欢迎程度,无论是受到敬重的飞行慢跑者还是休闲游戏玩家。 如果仅将其受欢迎程度归因于一个方面,那肯定是Bing Maps用来生成1:1世界的卫星图像,该世界并不完美,但非常非常可识别。 然后,这导致许多不熟悉飞行模拟器的游戏玩家加入,并希望在这个由于COVID-19而实际航空业陷入困境的世界中起飞。

At its core, it can seem like a tricky beast to get started with and that will no doubt fill some with anxiety. After all, this is a simulator designed in such a way to offer relative parity with a Boeing 747–800. But my experience with the game so far is one that’s reasonably accessible, depending on what aircraft you choose first of course. If you’re anything like me, you might be tempted to jump straight into said 747, try to land it on a runway that’s much too short in the middle of nowhere, in conditions that can best be described as “summer” in the UK, which usually ends in complete rain soaked tragedy. But this is part of the experience, part of the experimentation process that this title affords us, part of the fun. This then leads me on to the crux of this article and the reason I think this is one of the most significant advancements in gaming for quite some time.

从本质上讲,它似乎像是一门棘手的野兽,毫无疑问这将使某些人充满焦虑。 毕竟,这是一种仿真器,其设计旨在提供与波音747-800相对的价格。 但是到目前为止,我的游戏体验是可以合理获得的,具体取决于您首先选择的飞机。 如果您像我一样,可能会很想直接进入747,试图将其降落在空旷的地方,跑道太短了,这种情况在英国最能描述为“夏季” ,通常以完全的雨水浸透的悲剧结束。 但这是经验的一部分,是此标题为我们提供的实验过程的一部分,是乐趣的一部分。 然后,这引出了本文的重点,也是我认为这是一段时间以来游戏领域最重要的进步之一的原因。

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is one of the best experiences I’ve had in recent times, and as a result, reaffirmed my connection with gaming as a form of entertainment and escapism — something I feel no book or film can match.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020是我最近获得的最佳体验之一,因此,重申了我作为娱乐和逃避现实的形式与游戏的联系-我觉得没有书或电影可以匹敌。

To sum this experience up in just one sentence, Eurogamer said: “Microsoft Flight Simulator is a once-in-a-generation wow moment.”

总结起来,Eurogamer仅用一句话就总结道:“ Microsoft Flight Simulator是一个千载难逢的时刻。 ”

A close up of the 747’s massive engines.

周游世界,实现梦想 (Travelling the globe, making dreams come true)

I can’t remember the last time I started up a game for the sake of relaxation by exploration, but Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 offers this on a literal global scale. Want to experience what flying around the Himalayas is like? You can. Found something odd on Google Maps at 2am? Get out of bed (at the expense of feeling tired the next day), drop the coordinates into Flight Simulator and find out for yourself. Ever wondered what that little island off Japan (Urup) is like? Let’s go check it out! Wherever you decide to go, enter it into the interface, and you’re there before you can say the word overspeed.

我不记得上一次为探索而放松时开始玩游戏,但是Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020全球范围内提供了此功能。 想体验喜马拉雅山脉周围的飞行情况吗? 您可以。 凌晨2点在Google地图上发现了奇怪的地方吗? 起床(以第二天感到疲倦为代价),将坐标放到“ 飞行模拟器”中并自己寻找。 有没有想过日本(Urup)上的那个小岛是什么样的? 让我们去看看吧! 无论您决定去哪里,都将其输入到界面中,然后您就可以在这里说出超速这个词。

Speaking of the interface, it’s a rather elegant, clear and simple to use affair. Configure to your heart’s content, choose your aircraft, departure and arrival airport, tweak the weather settings and time of day. I was simply not ready for the spectacle of watching the sun set through partial clouds while trying to land in Donegal on the west coast of Ireland, even with my fairly underpowered graphics card. It just continues to visually impress, time and time again. Flight after flight, discovery after discovery, I find myself itching for just one more go. There’s joy to be found in aimlessly flying around the globe, not worrying about high scores, achievements or connecting with others in typical battle royale fashion — though, I guess you can do that if you really want to. No, In a world of shooters and loud noises… Asobo/Microsoft have created a beautiful thing, and really captured the peace and tranquillity of flight and the astonishment of discovery.

说到界面,使用起来相当优雅,清晰和简单。 配置您的内心内容,选择飞机,起降机场,调整天气设置和一天中的时间。 我什至没有准备好在试图降落在爱尔兰西海岸的多尼加尔(Donegal)时观看透过部分云的日落的奇观,即使我的显卡功率不足。 它只是一次又一次地在视觉上留下深刻的印象。 一次又一次的飞行,一次又一次的发现,我发现自己又发痒了。 在漫无目的的环球飞行中可以找到快乐,而不必担心高分,成就或以典型的大逃杀时尚与他人建立联系-不过,我想如果您真的愿意的话,可以做到这一点。 不,在一个充满射击和喧闹声的世界中……Asobo /微软创造了一件美丽的东西,并真正捕捉了飞行的和平与安宁以及发现的惊奇。

A mile of highway will take you a mile. A mile of runway will take you anywhere.

一英里的高速公路将带您一英里。 一英里的跑道将带您到任何地方。

Few games have ever produced this feeling of awe for me, and fewer games are likely to as my childhood wonderment becomes a mere speck in the rearview mirror of life. Flight Simulator 98, EF2000 and even Pilot Wings 64 all have a special place in my heart, but they have been far, far surpassed by what is on offer in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and I expect this to be a title that offers a supreme level of replay value for years to come.

很少有游戏能给我带来这种敬畏的感觉,而随着我的童年时光成为生活中后视镜上的斑点,可能很少有游戏会出现。 Flight Simulator 98EF2000甚至Pilot Wings 64在我心中都有一个特殊的位置,但是它们已经远远超出了Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020中提供的功能 ,我希望这将是一个具有最高水平的称号未来几年的重播价值。

Christ the Redeemer.

允许起飞 (Cleared for takeoff)

I’m less competitive when I game now, and I’m more likely to invest my time in a game that offers me escapism through incredible storytelling, or allowing me to explore a world of genuine significance. No other game has offered me a level of escapism much like Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has. With Microsoft’s continued support, and the support from the mod community, I’m genuinely excited for the future of this simulator.

当我现在玩游戏时,我的竞争力降低了,我更有可能将时间投入到一款通过令人难以置信的讲故事为我提供逃避现实的游戏中,或者让我探索真正意义上的世界。 没有其他游戏像Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020那样为我提供逃避现实的水平。 在Microsoft的持续支持下,以及在mod社区的支持下,我对该模拟器的未来感到非常兴奋。

Now you’ll have to excuse me, I’m currently due to depart Belfast International. My destination? Who knows, but I know I’ll be having fun searching for one.

现在您必须原谅我,我目前要离开贝尔法斯特国际机场。 我的目的地? 谁知道,但我知道我会很乐意寻找一个。

I have a YouTube channel now! Please feel free to wander over and join me in discussing design from around the world.

我现在有一个YouTube频道! 请随意 徘徊, 与我一起讨论来自世界各地的设计。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/a-mile-of-runway-will-take-you-anywhere-8c1929745726




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