The moving parts in a hard drive can create a lot of vibration and noise, and when you pack a bunch of hard drives together into an enclosure, that ruckus multiplies. Here’s how to keep it at bay.

硬盘驱动器中的活动部件会产生大量的振动和噪音,当您将一堆硬盘驱动器打包到一个机箱中时,震荡会成倍增加。 这是如何避免误操作。

The noise from vibrations isn’t just annoying to listen to, but the actual vibration can be unhealthy for hard drives. It can cause the read/write head inside of the drive to bounce around, resulting in errors. And it could eventually kill the drive prematurely.

振动产生的噪声不仅烦人听,而且实际的振动对硬盘驱动器可能有害。 这可能会导致驱动器内部的读/写磁头反弹,从而导致错误。 而且它最终可能会过早地杀死驱动器。

If your NAS box is creating a lot of vibration and noise, here are some ways to get rid of it, or at least tone it down the best you can.


在驱动器托盘上使用毛毡带 (Use Felt Tape on the Drive Trays)

The drive tray is that bracket that you attach directly to the hard drives so that you can then slide them easily in and out of their slots in your NAS. One big cause of vibration in your NAS is when the drives are not completely snug inside of their slots.

驱动器托盘是直接连接到硬盘驱动器的托架,因此您可以轻松地将其滑入和滑出NAS中的插槽。 NAS振动的一大原因是驱动器没有完全卡在其插槽中。

You can test this my lightly pressing down on the front of the slots while the NAS is up and running. If the vibration and noise goes away when you’re pressing on a tray slot, there’s a good chance that the tray is culprit.

您可以在NAS启动并运行时轻轻按下插槽正面来进行测试。 如果在按下托盘插槽时振动和噪音消失,则很有可能是托盘被盗。

To remedy this, you can stick some felt tape in various places on the trays. As you can see in the image above, I placed some felt along the edges of the tray on both sides. I also placed some felt on the inside where the drive contacts the tray, just for good measure. However, it’s ultimately up to you where you want to place the felt, and it might take some trial and error to get it vibration-free.

为了解决这个问题,您可以在托盘的不同位置粘贴一些毡布 。 如您在上图中所看到的,我在托盘两边的边缘上放置了一些毛毡。 我还在驱动器接触托盘的内部放置了一些毡布,以防万一。 但是,最终要由您决定要放置毛毡的位置,并且可能要经过反复试验才能使其无振动。

获取一些减震垫 (Get Some Vibration-Dampening Pads)

Even if you got rid of most of the vibration using the felt tape, there still might be some vibration left. And depending on where your NAS is placed, your furniture and floors could be amplifying that vibration.

即使使用毡带消除了大部分振动,仍然可能会残留一些振动。 根据您NAS的放置位置,家具和地板可能会放大这种振动。

For example, if you have your NAS placed on a hardwood desk, and that desk is on a hardwood floor, any subtle vibration coming from the NAS might be getting amplified by all the hardwood or any empty spaces in the furniture. That sound can even permeate to different rooms. If you live in an old house with hardwood floors, you likely know what I’m talking about.

例如,如果您将NAS放在硬木桌子上,并且该桌子在硬木地板上,则NAS发出的任何细微振动都可能会被所有硬木或家具中的空白空间放大。 这种声音甚至可以渗透到不同的房间。 如果您居住在有硬木地板的老房子里,您可能知道我在说什么。

The extra sound is annoying enough, but that extra vibration in the furniture could even make your NAS itself vibrate even more. To fix this, you can get some vibration-dampening pads to place under the feet of your NAS. These soak up a good bit of the vibration coming from your NAS, so that less of it reaches your furniture. And the less vibration, the lower the noise levels.

多余的声音令人讨厌,但是家具中的额外振动甚至可能使您的NAS本身振动得更多。 要解决此问题,您可以在NAS的脚下放置一些减震垫 。 它们吸收了NAS产生的大量振动,因此较少的振动到达您的家具。 振动越小,噪音水平越低。

降低主轴转速 (Go with Slower Spindle Speeds)

Most NAS hard drives range from 5,400 RPM to 7,2000 RPM. The slower the spindle speed, the quieter the drive tends to be, and the less heat they produce. When you’re shopping for new hard drives for your NAS, it might be a good idea to trade a bit of speed for a quieter, cooler drive.

大多数NAS硬盘驱动器的范围从5,400 RPM到7,2000 RPM。 主轴速度越慢,驱动器趋向于安静,并且它们产生的热量越少。 当您为NAS购买新的硬盘驱动器时,最好将速度换成更安静,更凉爽的驱动器。

Spindle speed is one of the main specifications you’ll see when looking at a hard drive’s spec sheet, and it’s usually listed in the title of the product on retail sites.


But to give you a quick overview of what you’ll come across, here’s the speed at which most of the popular NAS hard drive models spin:


  • WD Red: 5,400 RPM

    WD红色 : 5,400 RPM

  • WD Red Pro: 7,200 RPM

    WD Red Pro : 7,200转/分

  • Seagate IronWolf (1TB, 2TB, 4TB): 5,900 RPM

    希捷IronWolf (1TB,2TB,4TB): 5,900 RPM

  • Seagate IronWolf (6TB+): 7,200 RPM

    希捷IronWolf(6TB以上): 7,200 RPM

  • Seagate IronWolf Pro: 7,200 RPM

    希捷IronWolf Pro : 7,200 RPM

  • Toshiba N300: 7,200 RPM

    东芝N300 : 7,200 RPM

  • HGST DeskStar NAS: 7,200 RPM

    HGST DeskStar NAS : 7,200 RPM

Again, slower spindle speeds give you less vibration, noise, and heat, but it could also result in slower read/write performance. In a NAS environment, the heat and noise are usually more important, so keep that in mind as you’re window shopping.

同样,较低的主轴速度会减少振动,噪音和热量,但也会导致读取/写入性能降低。 在NAS环境中,热量和噪音通常更为重要,因此在逛橱窗时请记住这一点。

可能是驱动器故障 (It Could Be a Faulty Drive)

The worst-case scenario for vibration and noise coming from your NAS is that there’s a faulty drive. It’s probably not the news you want to hear, but it’s one that you should take seriously and check up on.

NAS产生的振动和噪音的最坏情况是驱动器出现故障。 这可能不是您想听到的新闻,但您应该认真对待并加以检查。

The best way to test a hard drive for excessive vibration and noise is to completely isolate it so that there are no other factors that could contribute vibration and noise. This require you to remove the drive completely from your NAS, including removing the drive from the tray. From there, you can plug it into a desktop computer that has some spare connections you can use, or you can use a hard drive dock, like this one.

测试硬盘驱动器是否过度振动和噪音的最好方法是将其完全隔离,以确保没有其他因素会导致振动和噪音。 这要求您从NAS上完全卸下驱动器,包括从托盘中卸下驱动器。 从那里,您可以将其插入具有一些备用连接的台式计算机,或者可以使用硬盘驱动器底座( 例如该底座)。

Spin up the drive and listen to it carefully. If it sounds louder or is vibrating more than it should, it could be a faulty drive, especially if it’s louder and vibrates more than your other NAS hard drives. You can also perform a SMART test on the drive, but keep in mind that a passed SMART test doesn’t necessarily mean a completely healthy drive.

旋转驱动器并仔细聆听。 如果它听起来响亮或振动过大,则可能是驱动器出现故障,尤其是当它响亮并且比其他NAS硬盘驱动器振动更大时。 您还可以在驱动器上执行SMART测试 ,但是请记住,通过SMART测试并不一定意味着驱动器完全正常。

Thankfully, most NAS hard drives come with generous warranties (usually three years or more), so you should be able to return it and get a new one without much of a problem.




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