

0 引言



1 工程目录


2 头文件


#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Core>typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> JointsState;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1> Points;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4> TransMat;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> RotMat;


JointState: 表示关节状态,一共6个关节,为6行1列矩阵;


TransMat: 坐标系变换齐次矩阵,4行4列矩阵;

RotMat: 坐标系变换的旋转矩阵,3行3列。



#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>namespace UR5_DH
{std::vector<double> a = {0, -0.425, -0.39225, 0, 0, 0};std::vector<double> alpha = {M_PI / 2, 0, 0, M_PI / 2, -1 * M_PI / 2, 0};std::vector<double> d = {0.089459, 0, 0, 0.10915, 0.09465, 0.0823};



/* The API of Frame transformation */
#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "Common.h"namespace FT
{TransMat rotx(double angle);TransMat roty(double angle);TransMat rotz(double angle);TransMat trans(double x, double y, double z);



#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "Common.h"class Kinematics
public:/* a, alpha and d are the DH parameters */Kinematics(std::vector<double> a, std::vector<double> alpha, std::vector<double> d);public:std::vector<double> a;std::vector<double> alpha;std::vector<double> d;public:bool FK(const JointsState &joints_angle, TransMat &mat);bool IK(const TransMat &mat, std::vector<JointsState> &inverse_solutions);


注意:两个成员函数都是返回bool值,计算成功为true,正解FK函数计算结果保存在TransMat &mat变量中,逆解IK计算结果保存在std::vector<JointsState> &inverse_solutions变量中。


3 源代码



#include "FrameTransform.h"
#include <cmath>TransMat FT::rotx(double angle)
{TransMat mat;mat << 1, 0, 0, 0,0, cos(angle), -1 * sin(angle), 0,0, sin(angle), cos(angle), 0,0, 0, 0, 1;return mat;
}TransMat FT::roty(double angle)
{TransMat mat;mat << cos(angle), 0, sin(angle), 0,0, 1, 0, 0,-1 * sin(angle), 0, cos(angle), 0,0, 0, 0, 1;return mat;
}TransMat FT::rotz(double angle)
{TransMat mat;mat << cos(angle), -1 * sin(angle), 0, 0,sin(angle), cos(angle), 0, 0,0, 0, 1, 0,0, 0, 0, 1;return mat;
}TransMat FT::trans(double x, double y, double z)
{TransMat mat;mat << 1, 0, 0, x,0, 1, 0, y,0, 0, 1, z,0, 0, 0, 1;return mat;



#include "Kinematics.h"
#include "FrameTransform.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>void limit_angle(Eigen::Matrix<double, 8, 1> &angles)
{for (int i = 0; i <= 7;i++){while(true){if(angles[i] < -1 * M_PI){angles[i] += 2 * M_PI;}else if(angles[i] > M_PI){angles[i] -= 2 * M_PI;}else{break;}}}
}Kinematics::Kinematics(std::vector<double> a, std::vector<double> alpha, std::vector<double> d)
{this->a = a;this->alpha = alpha;this->d = d;
}bool Kinematics::FK(const JointsState &angles, TransMat &mat)
{try{TransMat T12 = FT::rotz(angles[0]) * FT::trans(0, 0, this->d[0]) * FT::rotx(this->alpha[0]) * FT::trans(this->a[0], 0, 0);TransMat T23 = FT::rotz(angles[1]) * FT::trans(0, 0, this->d[1]) * FT::rotx(this->alpha[1]) * FT::trans(this->a[1], 0, 0);TransMat T34 = FT::rotz(angles[2]) * FT::trans(0, 0, this->d[2]) * FT::rotx(this->alpha[2]) * FT::trans(this->a[2], 0, 0);TransMat T45 = FT::rotz(angles[3]) * FT::trans(0, 0, this->d[3]) * FT::rotx(this->alpha[3]) * FT::trans(this->a[3], 0, 0);TransMat T56 = FT::rotz(angles[4]) * FT::trans(0, 0, this->d[4]) * FT::rotx(this->alpha[4]) * FT::trans(this->a[4], 0, 0);TransMat T67 = FT::rotz(angles[5]) * FT::trans(0, 0, this->d[5]) * FT::rotx(this->alpha[5]) * FT::trans(this->a[5], 0, 0);mat = T12 * T23 * T34 * T45 * T56 * T67;return true;}catch(...){std::cerr << "Forward kinematics solution failed"<< "\n";return false;}
}bool Kinematics::IK(const TransMat &mat, std::vector<JointsState> &inverse_solutions)
{try{double nx = mat(0, 0);double ny = mat(1, 0);double nz = mat(2, 0);double ox = mat(0, 1);double oy = mat(1, 1);double oz = mat(2, 1);double ax = mat(0, 2);double ay = mat(1, 2);double az = mat(2, 2);double px = mat(0, 3);double py = mat(1, 3);double pz = mat(2, 3);Eigen::Matrix<double, 8, 1> theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6;/* ----------theta1---------- */double A1 = px - ax * this->d[5];double B1 = py - ay * this->d[5];double X = sqrt(pow(A1, 2) + pow(B1, 2) - pow(this->d[3], 2));theta1[0] = atan2(this->d[3], X) + atan2(B1, A1);theta1[1] = theta1[2] = theta1[3] = theta1[0];theta1[4] = atan2(this->d[3], -1 * X) + atan2(B1, A1);theta1[5] = theta1[6] = theta1[7] = theta1[4];/* ----------theta6---------- */double A6 = ny * cos(theta1[0]) - nx * sin(theta1[0]);double B6 = oy * cos(theta1[0]) - ox * sin(theta1[0]);theta6[0] = -1 * atan2(B6, A6);theta6[1] = theta6[0];theta6[2] = theta6[3] = M_PI + theta6[0];A6 = ny * cos(theta1[4]) - nx * sin(theta1[4]);B6 = oy * cos(theta1[4]) - ox * sin(theta1[4]);theta6[4] = -1 * atan2(B6, A6);theta6[5] = theta6[4];theta6[6] = theta6[7] = M_PI + theta6[4];/* ----------theta5---------- */theta5[0] = -1 * acos(ax * sin(theta1[0]) - ay * cos(theta1[0]));theta5[1] = theta5[0];theta5[2] = -1 * theta5[0];theta5[3] = theta5[2];theta5[4] = -1 * acos(ax * sin(theta1[4]) - ay * cos(theta1[4]));theta5[5] = theta5[4];theta5[6] = -1 * theta5[4];theta5[7] = theta5[6];/* ----------theta3---------- */std::vector<double> m(8), n(8);double record1, record2;for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++){m[i] = this->d[4] * (sin(theta6[i]) * (nx * cos(theta1[i]) + ny * sin(theta1[i])) + cos(theta6[i]) * (ox * cos(theta1[i]) + oy * sin(theta1[i]))) - this->d[5] * (ax * cos(theta1[i]) + ay * sin(theta1[i])) + px * cos(theta1[i]) + py * sin(theta1[i]);n[i] = pz - this->d[0] - az * this->d[5] + this->d[4] * (oz * cos(theta6[i]) + nz * sin(theta6[i]));record1 = pow(m[i], 2) + pow(n[i], 2) - pow(this->a[1], 2) - pow(this->a[2], 2);record2 = 2 * this->a[1] * this->a[2];if(i % 2 == 0){if(record1 / record2 <= 1.0001 && record1 / record2 > 1){theta3[i] = 0;}else{theta3[i] = acos(record1 / record2);}}else{if(record1 / record2 <= 1.0001 && record1 / record2 > 1){theta3[i] = 0;}else{theta3[i] = -1 * acos(record1 / record2);}}}/* ----------theta2---------- */std::vector<double> s2(8), c2(8);for (int i = 0; i <= 7;i++){s2[i] = ((this->a[2] * cos(theta3[i]) + this->a[1]) * n[i] - this->a[2] * sin(theta3[i]) * m[i]) / (pow(this->a[1], 2) + pow(this->a[2], 2) + 2 * this->a[1] * this->a[2] * cos(theta3[i]));c2[i] = (m[i] + this->a[2] * sin(theta3[i]) * s2[i]) / (this->a[2] * cos(theta3[i]) + this->a[1]);theta2[i] = atan2(s2[i], c2[i]);}/* ----------theta4---------- */for (int i = 0; i <= 7;i++){theta4[i] = atan2(-1 * sin(theta6[i]) * (nx * cos(theta1[i]) + ny * sin(theta1[i])) - cos(theta6[i]) * (ox * cos(theta1[i]) + oy * sin(theta1[i])), oz * cos(theta6[i]) + nz * sin(theta6[i])) - theta2[i] - theta3[i];}limit_angle(theta1);limit_angle(theta2);limit_angle(theta3);limit_angle(theta4);limit_angle(theta5);limit_angle(theta6);JointsState angles;inverse_solutions.clear();for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++){angles << theta1[i], theta2[i], theta3[i], theta4[i], theta5[i], theta6[i];inverse_solutions.push_back(angles);}return true;}catch(...){std::cerr << "Inverse kinematics solution failed"<< "\n";return false;}


需要注意的是,因为逆解很容易因为各种奇异构型而求解失败,为了不使程序崩溃报错,最好使用try catch语句。


#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <iostream>
#include "Kinematics.h"
#include "DH_config.h"
#include "Common.h"int main()
{Kinematics K(UR5_DH::a, UR5_DH::alpha, UR5_DH::d);TransMat mat;JointsState angles;angles << 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1;K.FK(angles, mat);std::vector<JointsState> solution;K.IK(mat, solution);for (int i = 0; i <= 7;i++){std::cout << solution[i] << "\n"<< "\n";}return 0;


4 CMakeList.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.0)project(RoboticsLib)set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib)
file(GLOB ${PROJECT_NAME}_HEADERS "./include/*.h")include_directories(include)
include_directories(你的Eigen路径)add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED ${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCES})add_executable(test ${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCES})



后续进入build目录,依次执行cmake ..和make命令,即可在lib和bin下发现生成了相应文件。

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