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已知已知,未知已知和未知未知 (Known knowns, unknown knowns and unknown unknowns)

It’s been almost twenty years since Donald Rumsfeld, the then US Secretary of State of Defense, said:

自当时的美国国防大臣唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)说起已经过去了二十年:

"There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don't know. "


This saying is typically used to conduct risk management analysis by splitting the upcoming obstacles into 3 categories:


Known knowns — things that we know (i.e are aware of) that we know. These pose less of a risk, as they are facts we are confident in.

已知已知 -我们知道(即知道)的事情。 这些风险较小,因为它们是我们有信心的事实。

Known unknowns — things that we know (i.e. are aware of) that we don’t know — they imply a risk, but since we know them we can measure the risk, understand it and investigate more to make this a known known.

已知未知事物-我们知道(即知道)的未知事物-隐含着一种风险,但是由于我们知道这些未知数 ,因此我们可以衡量风险,了解风险并进行更多调查,以使其广为人知。

Unknown unknown — things we don’t know (i.e are not aware of) that we don’t know. These are probably the most dangerous since these encompass what we are not aware of and therefore can’t plan, analyze or take actions to mitigate them. You’ll have to do some thorough exploration to find the things you don’t know that don’t know.

未知未知 -我们不知道(即不知道)的事情。 这些可能是最危险的,因为它们包含了我们不知道的内容,因此无法计划,分析或采取措施来缓解它们。 您必须进行一些彻底的探索才能找到您不知道的东西。

It can get a little confusing when you put it that way, so let’s put it in a graph:


But wait… what about the unknown knowns? this is something Donald Rumsfeld didn’t discuss, but might be the most interesting.

但是等等……那未知的未知呢? 这是唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)并未讨论的问题,但可能是最有趣的。

你不知道的事 (The things you don’t know you know)

The unknown knowns quadrant is often overlooked or just misinterpreted. I can easily understand why people don’t see the importance of it and just refer to it as a nonsense contradiction — how can someone not know something they already know?

未知的已知象限经常被忽视或被误解。 我很容易理解为什么人们看不到它的重要性,而只是将其称为胡说八道-人们怎么可能不知道他们已经知道的东西?

Well, it turns out that your knowledge is based on many things you are not aware of — instincts, intuitions or other factors you think are trivial.


Think about your mother tongue. You can easily formulate any thought to an accurate sentence. As English is not my first language, I had to study it for years. I had to learn thousands of words to expand my vocabulary, learn the difference between a noun, a verb, an adjective and how to use them to construct a sentence. I had to learn the difference between present simple, present progressive, and past perfect. Even knowing when to use “on”, “in” or “at” is still a challenge for me. If English is your native language you might not even be aware of all these rules, you learned them when you were young and just know how to use them properly. Thus, you may also be unaware of the challenges others face when they try to speak English.

想想你的母语。 您可以轻松地将任何思想表达为准确的句子。 由于英语不是我的母语,所以我不得不学习多年。 我必须学习成千上万的单词来扩展词汇量,学习名词,动词,形容词之间的区别以及如何使用它们来构建句子。 我必须学习现在的简单,现在的进步和过去的完美之间的区别。 即使知道何时使用“在...上”,“在...中”或“在...上”仍然对我构成挑战。 如果英语是您的母语,则您甚至可能都不知道所有这些规则,因此您在年轻时就学会了这些规则,并且只知道如何正确使用它们。 因此,您可能也没有意识到其他人尝试说英语时面临的挑战。

如果您忽略未知的已知状态会怎样? (What can happen if you ignore the unknown known?)

So far we’ve only tried to understand what these known unknowns are, but haven’t elaborated on why these matter at all. Ignoring the known unknowns leads to a problematic dissonance between facts (what you know) and your awareness (what you aren’t aware of). Ignoring them can be harmful and lead to situations, some of you know all too well:

到目前为止,我们仅试图了解这些已知的未知数是什么但并未详细说明为什么这些至关重要。 忽略已知的未知数会导致事实(您所知道的)和您的意识(您所不知道的)之间出现问题性的不一致。 忽略它们可能是有害的,并可能导致情况,其中有些人非常了解:

“ Imposter综合征” (“Imposter syndrome”)

A few years ago I heard about imposter syndrome, and I immediately related to it. I always try to surround myself with people smarter than I am so I can learn and advance. The problem with that is that I always doubted my knowledge and felt like one day they will all expose my “secret” and realize that I’m not as good as I made my self out to be. I was terrified that one day they’ll demand to replace me with someone better. So far it didn’t happen (and I hope this post won’t give them any crazy ideas

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