汉字速录水平测试二级 二级水平测试原题,答案与原文


Practice test 1

Part 1 Listening Comprehension Section A 1. A) The edge of the card catalog holds pencils.

B) The edges of the card are sharp.

C) The pencil can be found on the card catalog. D) There is a pencil sharpener at the end of the card catalog.

2. A) The program won?t go beyond ten.

B) There won?t be more than ten people at the program.

C) It will continue beyond the tent.

D) The program will end after ten o?clock. 3. A) Bonnie and Paul messed up dinner.

B) Both Bonnie and Paul long for dinner. C) Neither Bonnie nor Paul came to dinner. D) Bonnie and Paul used to be thinner. 4. A) Mary was looking at the leaf.

B) Mary was looking for the leaf.

C) Mary looked under the microscope for the leaf. D) Mary wanted to examined the microscope. 5. A) Please open the window.

B) Do you mind that the window isn?t open?

C) Do you have an open mind? D) I don?t mind closed windows.

Section B

11. A) He left his notes in class.

B) He borrowed the notes from his classmate. C) He needn?t have the exam.

D) A classmate borrowed his notes.

12. A) He has a better idea.

B) It would be better if Mary could come with him.

C) He thinks Mary?s idea is the best. D) Mary should come up with a better idea. 13. A) Finish the work.

B) Wait until next morning. C) Go home. D) Have a rest there.

14. A) They want to go downtown.

B) They want to go to a park.

C) The man doesn?t know where to park the car. D) The man wants to know where the park is. 15. A) He wants to join the others.

B) He is behind in his work.

C) He missed work when he was ill.

D) He will catch up with his friends later.

6. A) I suspected they didn?t know the answers.

B) They didn?t think I didn?t know the answers.

C) I was suspected because I knew the answers. D) They didn?t suspect me because I didn?t know the answers.

7. A) Jane is staring at her elder sister.

B) Jane respects her elder sister.

C) Jane?s elder sister told her to look up

计算机速录测试二级,汉字速录水平测试二级 二级水平测试原题,答案与原文.doc...相关推荐

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