Httponly cookie 是一种 cookie 安全解决方案。

在支持httponly cookie的浏览器(IE6+、FF3.0+)中,如果cookie中设置了“httponly”属性,则JavaScript脚本将无法读取cookie信息,可以有效防止XSS攻击,让网站应用更安全。

但是J2EE4、J2EE5 cookie不提供设置httponly属性的方法,所以如果需要设置httponly属性需要自己处理。

import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;/*** Cookie Tools*/
public class CookieUtil {/*** Set httponly cookie* @param  Response HTTP response* @param  Cookie cookie object* @param  Ishttponly is httponly*/public static void addCookie(HttpServletResponse response, Cookie cookie, boolean isHttpOnly) {String name = cookie.getName();//Cookie nameString value = cookie.getValue();//Cookie valueint maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge();//Maximum survival time (milliseconds, 0 representative deletion, -1 represents the same as the browser session)String path = cookie.getPath();//pathString domain = cookie.getDomain();//areaboolean isSecure = cookie.getSecure();//Is there a security protocol? StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();buffer.append(name).append("=").append(value).append(";");if (maxAge == 0) {buffer.append("Expires=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970;");} else if (maxAge > 0) {buffer.append("Max-Age=").append(maxAge).append(";");}if (domain != null) {buffer.append("domain=").append(domain).append(";");}if (path != null) {buffer.append("path=").append(path).append(";");}if (isSecure) {buffer.append("secure;");}if (isHttpOnly) {buffer.append("HTTPOnly;");}response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", buffer.toString());}}

值得一提的是,Java Ee 6.0中的cookie已经设置了httponly,所以如果兼容Java EE 6.0兼容的容器(例如Tomcat 7),可以使用cookie.sethttponly设置HTTPONLY:


Java HttpCookie 类的setHttpOnly(Boolean httpOnly) 方法用于指示cookie 是否可以被认为是HTTPOnly。如果设置为 true,则 cookie 不能被 JavaScript 等脚本引擎访问。


public void setHttpOnly(boolean httpOnly)



  1. httpOnly - 如果 cookie 仅是 HTTP,则表示 true,这意味着它作为 HTTP 请求的一部分可见。



示例 1

public class JavaHttpCookieSetHttpOnlyExample1 {  public static void main(String[] args) {  HttpCookie  cookie = new HttpCookie("Student", "1");  // Indicate whether the cookie can be considered as HTTP Only or not.  cookie.setHttpOnly(true);  // Return true if the cookie is considered as HTTPOnly.
System.out.println("Check whether the cookie is HTTPOnly: "+cookie.isHttpOnly());  }  }  


Check whether the cookie is HTTPOnly: true

示例 2

public class JavaHttpCookieSetHttpOnlyExample2 {  public static void main(String[] args) {  HttpCookie  cookie = new HttpCookie("Student", "1");  // Indicate whether the cookie can be considered as HTTP Only or not.  cookie.setHttpOnly(false);  // Return false if the cookie is not considered as HTTPOnly.  System.out.println("Check whether the cookie is HTTPOnly: "+cookie.isHttpOnly());  }


Check whether the cookie is HTTPOnly: false

示例 3

public class JavaHttpCookieSetHttpOnlyExample3 {  public static void main(String[] args) {  HttpCookie cookie1 = new HttpCookie("Student1", "1");  HttpCookie cookie2 = new HttpCookie("Student2", "2");  //Indicate whether the cookie can be considered as HTTP Only or not.  cookie1.setHttpOnly(true);  cookie2.setHttpOnly(false);  System.out.println("Check whether the first cookie is HTTPOnly:"+cookie1.isHttpOnly());  System.out.println("Check whether the second cookie is HTTPOnly:"+cookie2.isHttpOnly());  }  }  


Check whether the first cookie is HTTPOnly:true
Check whether the second cookie is HTTPOnly:false

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