1 通过Brocade交换机自带U盘升级




`将微码复制到U盘的firmware路径下,并且将U盘插到active的CP上。用一根网线连接DCX的active CP板,在IE中输入DCX的IP地址。

点击CP板上USB接口,mount USB设备

点击firmware download,选择微码文件进行升级。



通过console口连接DCX的active CP。将微码保存到U盘,插在active CP的USB口。打开命令行。

用户名:admin    密码:password

swd77 login: admin



Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.

Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.

Password was not changed. Will prompt again at next login

until password is changed.

swd77:admin> usbstorage -e

Trying to enable USB device. Please wait...

USB storage enabled

swd77:admin> firmwaredownload

Download from USB [No]: yes

Firmware filename: ./

Server IP:, Protocol IPv4

Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...

Failed to access usb://

Cannot access the firmware on USB device. Please check the firmware path.

swd77:admin> firmwaredownload

Download from USB [No]: y

Firmware filename: ./release.plist

Server IP:, Protocol IPv4

Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...

Failed to access usb://

Cannot access the firmware on USB device. Please check the firmware path.

swd77:admin> usbstorage -l

firmware\               900MB    2009 May 20 13:05

v6.4.2b\              900MB    2012 Jun 07 14:39

config\                 0B       2009 May 20 13:05

support\                0B       2009 May 20 13:05

firmwarekey\            0B       2009 May 20 13:05

Available space on usbstorage 51%

swd77:admin> firmwaredownload

Download from USB [No]: y

Firmware filename: v6.4.2b

Server IP:, Protocol IPv4

Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...

System settings check passed.

This command will upgrade the firmware on both CP blades. If you want to

upgrade firmware on a single CP only, please use -s option.

You may run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status of this


This command will cause a warm/non-disruptive boot on the active CP,

but will require that existing telnet, secure telnet or SSH sessions

be restarted.

Do you want to continue (Y/N) [Y]: y

Firmware is being downloaded to standby CP. This step may take up to 30 minutes.

Firmware is being downloaded to Standby CP. Please wait...

Completed download of 114/114 packages (100%). Please wait...

Firmware has been downloaded successfully to Standby CP.it...

Standby CP is going to reboot with new firmware.

Standby CP booted successfully with new firmware.


2 通过console升级


hashow       检验HA是否同步

ipaddrshow    检查两个CP板的IP

firmwareshow  检查两个CP板的微码版本

准备FTP server,将firmware保存到相应的目录下。

2.2升级Standby CP的firmware

"firmwaredownload -s"选择FTP服务器下的firmware进行升级,当standby CP升级完成后"firmwareshow"检验微码是否正确,如果正确"reboot"。

2.3切换Standby CP

"hafailover"切换standby CP

2.4 升级Standby CP的firmware

当原来Active CP切换为standby CP后,按照2.1升级现在的Standby CP。

2.5在Standby CP上执行commit

在现在Standby CP上执行"firmwarecommit"后,执行"firmwareshow"检验微码版本是否正确

2.6在Active CP上执行commit

在现在Active CP上执行"firmwarecommit"后,执行"firmwareshow"检查两个CP板微码是否一致并且符合要求。执行"hashow"检查HA是否同步。

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