

用法: os.abort()




# Python program to explain os.abort() method

# importing os module

import os

print("Hello ! Geeks")

# os.abort() method

# will generate 'SIGABRT'

# signal to the current process

# On Unix, a core dump

# will be produced

# On windows, process

# will exit with exit code 3


# As process is aborted

# the line after os.abort() statement

# will not be executed.

print("This will not be printed")


Hello! Geeks

Aborted (core dumped)


# Python program to explain os.abort() method

# importing os module

import os, signal

# Create a child process

# using os.fork() method

pid = os.fork()

# pid greater than 0

# indicates the parent process

if pid > 0:

# Parent process

print("\nIn Parent process")

# Wait for the completion

# of child process and get

# its pid and exit status indication

# using os.wait() method

info = os.wait()

sig = os.WTERMSIG(info[1])

print("Child exited due to signal no:", sig)

print("Signal name:", signal.Signals(sig).name)

else :

# child process

print("In child process")

print("Process ID:", os.getpid())

print("Hello ! Geeks")

# Abort the child process

# by generating SIGABRT signal

# using os.abort() method



In child process

Process ID: 13914

Hello! Geeks

In Parent process

Child stopped due to signal no: 6

Signal name: SIGABRT

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