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1. Gerrit

Gerrit is a web based code review system, facilitating online code reviews for projects using the Git version control system. Gerrit makes reviews easier by showing changes in a side-by-side display, and allowing inline comments to be added by any reviewer. Gerrit simplifies Git based project maintainership by permitting any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, rather than requiring all approved changes to be merged in by hand by the project maintainer.

2. Rietveld

This is one of the best code review tool from Google wherein users can discuss the defects in the code and review the code.

3. Crucible

code reviews = quality code. Review code, discuss changes, share knowledge, and identify defects with Crucible’s flexible review workflow. Its code review made easy for Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and more.

4. Codeplex

Codeplex provides a complete solution for team system code reviews, and this tool and has become very popular with programmers. This code review tool uses the benefits of team system for reducing waste.

5. Barkeep

Barkeep is a fast, fun way to review code. Engineering organizations can use it to keep the bar high. Barkeep is standalone software that you host. Once it’s set up, you can use it to track and code review any number of git repos available on the internet. It’s designed to be easy to run on Ubuntu.

6. Review Assistant

Review Assistant is a code review plugin for Visual Studio. This code review tool helps you to create review requests and respond to them without leaving Visual Studio. Review Assistant supports TFS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, and Perforce. Simple setup: up and running in 5 minutes.

7. CodeStriker

Codestriker is an open-sourced web application which supports online code reviewing. Traditional document reviews are supported, as well as reviewing diffs generated by an SCM (Source Code Management) system and plain unidiff patches. There are integration points with CVS, Subversion, Clearcase, Perforce, Visual SourceSafe and Bugzilla. There is a plug-in architecture for supporting other SCMs and issue tracking systems.

8. Code Review Tool

Code Review Tool allows team members to review code collaboratively in an easy and efficient manner by removing most of the overhead associated with regular formal code inspections. It provides all the benefits of formal code inspections and requires considerably less effort and time compared to formal code inspections. It supports both formal and lightweight code review processes.

9. Malevich

Malevich is a web-based, point-and-click code review system designed for use by individuals and small teams. Its goal is making the cost of a comment as close to zero as possible: easy commenting encourages thorough code reviews. Reviewing code in Malevich is easy indeed. A reviewer can see both the original as well as the new revision of a file in a browser. To comment on a line of code, he or she simply clicks on that line, and starts typing. Submitting comments makes them visible to the person who requested the code review, as well as to all other reviewers.

10. Code Brag

Codebrag is a simple code review tool that makes the process work for your team.

11. Veracode

Veracode is the world’s best automated, on-demand, application security testing and code review solution. Founded by experts from security companies such as Guardent, Symantec, @stake, and VeriSign, and built on a Software-as-a-Service model – Veracode solutions deliver application security and automated code review services for enterprises that want to cost-efficiently test software security by identifying flaws in applications. Veracode helps developers create secure software by scanning compiled code (also called “binary” or “byte” code) instead of source code.

12. Collaborator

Collaborator is a code review tool that helps development, testing and management teams work together to produce high quality code. It allows teams to peer review code, user stories and test plans in a transparent, collaborative framework — instantly keeping the entire team up to speed on changes made to the code. By enabling team members to work together to review their work, Collaborator can help you catch bugs before your software hits the market.

13. Peer Review Plugin

With Trac’s current set of features, a peer review plugin fits nicely into its lineup. This plugin’s goal is to eliminate the need for time consuming code review meetings by giving developers the ability to review code in a user-friendly web-based environment during their own time. This program is written primarily in Python. The interface integrates seemlessly with Subversion allowing users to browse the repository for reviewable files. Genshi is used as the server-side web-based scripting language with Javascript and AJAX to modernize the user interface.

14. Codifferous

Codifferous can be described as one of the code review tools which is used by busy software developers. Once your code is imported from BitBucket or Github, the software reads the code in a jiffy.

15. Phabricator

Pfabricator can be defined as an open source software engineering platform which includes various open source web applications. These web applications assist software companies for building better software.

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本文链接:分享15个最佳的代码评审(Code Review)工具

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源


15个最佳的代码评审(Code Review)工具相关推荐

  1. 代码评审(Code Review)

    代码评审的目的 不是为了去刻意批斗某个Coder,而是为了团队成员之间相互了解学习,加深成员对系统的理解,使团队成员的代码更加健壮,提早发现代码缺陷. 那么应该如何做代码评审呢? 流程说明: 1.代码 ...

  2. 作为CTO,我为什么必须要求代码进行Code Review!

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  3. 老板:请将你的代码进行Code Review!

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  4. 工具的特性_16 个好用的 Code Review 工具

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  5. java code review 工具_两款好用的代码Review工具 | 学步园

    最近团队内部呼吁代码质量的声音越来越高,项目组引入了代码Review机制.上次我由于不了解主站URL替换的规则,险些造成客户端图片读取错误,而代码Review则有助于帮我们发现代码潜在的问题. 主讲的 ...

  6. 工程能力(4)代码检查code Review

    代码检查规则: 源文件规范 文件名 :java源文件名必须与包含的顶层类名一致 文件编码:utf-8格式 特殊字符:换行 缩进  空格 源文件组织规范 许可证或版权声明: package语句:单独占一 ...

  7. 最佳实践-代码评审歪诗

    本文有赵玉开老师总结整理,经本人同意转载至此.如需转载,请务必保留出处! 本文作者:赵玉开,十年以上互联网研发经验,2013年加入京东,在运营研发部任架构师,期间先后主持了物流系统自动化运维平台.青龙 ...

  8. 5个开源且简单实用的Code Review工具

    更多内容关注微信公众号:fullstack888 Code Review中文应该译作"代码审查"或是"代码评审",这是一个流程,当开发人员写好代码后,需要让别人 ...

  9. 17款code review工具

    本文是码农网原创翻译,转载请看清文末的转载要求,谢谢合作! 好的代码审查器可以大大地帮助程序员提高代码质量,减少错误几率. 虽然现在市场上有许多可用的代码审查工具,但如何挑选也是一个艰巨的任务.在咨询 ...


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