
import java.util.Calendar;



* 描述:此类用于取得当前日期相对应的月初,月末,季初,季末,年初,年末,返回值均为String字符串

* 1、得到当前日期 today()

* 2、得到当前月份月初 thisMonth()

* 3、得到当前月份月底 thisMonthEnd()

* 4、得到当前季度季初 thisSeason()

* 5、得到当前季度季末 thisSeasonEnd()

* 6、得到当前年份年初 thisYear()

* 7、得到当前年份年底 thisYearEnd()

* 8、判断输入年份是否为闰年 leapYear


* 注意事项: 日期格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-05)


* 实例:


* @author pure


public class DateThis {

private int x; // 日期属性:年

private int y; // 日期属性:月

private int z; // 日期属性:日

private Calendar localTime; // 当前日期

public DateThis() {

localTime = Calendar.getInstance();



* 功能:得到当前日期 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-05)

* @return String

* @author pure


public String today() {

String strY = null;

String strZ = null;

x = localTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);

y = localTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;

z = localTime.get(Calendar.DATE);

strY = y >= 10 ? String.valueOf(y) : ("0" + y);

strZ = z >= 10 ? String.valueOf(z) : ("0" + z);

return x + "-" + strY + "-" + strZ;



* 功能:得到当前月份月初 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-01)

* @return String

* @author pure


public String thisMonth() {

String strY = null;

x = localTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);

y = localTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;

strY = y >= 10 ? String.valueOf(y) : ("0" + y);

return x + "-" + strY + "-01";



* 功能:得到当前月份月底 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-31)

* @return String

* @author pure


public String thisMonthEnd() {

String strY = null;

String strZ = null;

boolean leap = false;

x = localTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);

y = localTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;

if (y == 1 || y == 3 || y == 5 || y == 7 || y == 8 || y == 10 || y == 12) {

strZ = "31";


if (y == 4 || y == 6 || y == 9 || y == 11) {

strZ = "30";


if (y == 2) {

leap = leapYear(x);

if (leap) {

strZ = "29";


else {

strZ = "28";



strY = y >= 10 ? String.valueOf(y) : ("0" + y);

return x + "-" + strY + "-" + strZ;



* 功能:得到当前季度季初 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-10-01)

* @return String

* @author pure


public String thisSeason() {

String dateString = "";

x = localTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);

y = localTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;

if (y >= 1 && y <= 3) {

dateString = x + "-" + "01" + "-" + "01";


if (y >= 4 && y <= 6) {

dateString = x + "-" + "04" + "-" + "01";


if (y >= 7 && y <= 9) {

dateString = x + "-" + "07" + "-" + "01";


if (y >= 10 && y <= 12) {

dateString = x + "-" + "10" + "-" + "01";


return dateString;



* 功能:得到当前季度季末 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-31)

* @return String

* @author pure


public String thisSeasonEnd() {

String dateString = "";

x = localTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);

y = localTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;

if (y >= 1 && y <= 3) {

dateString = x + "-" + "03" + "-" + "31";


if (y >= 4 && y <= 6) {

dateString = x + "-" + "06" + "-" + "30";


if (y >= 7 && y <= 9) {

dateString = x + "-" + "09" + "-" + "30";


if (y >= 10 && y <= 12) {

dateString = x + "-" + "12" + "-" + "31";


return dateString;



* 功能:得到当前年份年初 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-01-01)

* @return String

* @author pure


public String thisYear() {

x = localTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);

return x + "-01" + "-01";



* 功能:得到当前年份年底 格式为:xxxx-yy-zz (eg: 2007-12-31)

* @return String

* @author pure


public String thisYearEnd() {

x = localTime.get(Calendar.YEAR);

return x + "-12" + "-31";



* 功能:判断输入年份是否为闰年


* @param year

* @return 是:true 否:false

* @author pure


public boolean leapYear(int year) {

boolean leap;

if (year % 4 == 0) {

if (year % 100 == 0) {

if (year % 400 == 0) leap = true;

else leap = false;


else leap = true;


else leap = false;

return leap;




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