Exploring your Postgraduate Study Options


A person with notebooks studying

What are your motivations for considering postgraduate study?

.Do I enjoy figuring out things independently?

.Are there particular skills I would like learn?

.Am I looking to learn about topics outside of what I studied as an undergraduate?

.What evidence do I have of myachievements so far?

.What do I want in the long-term? Is further study moving me in that direction?

.Am I unsure of my future plans?

.Does further study offer me a path of least resistance?

How do I know I’m motivated?

A picture containing building, feet

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Types of Course

Brain in head with solid fill
Taught Masters

Classroom with solid fill
Storytelling with solid fill
Graduation cap with solid fill
A series of taught modules plus independent study

Most will lead to a thesis, dissertation or project

Acquire advanced subject knowledge

Support progression to a specific career

Facilitate entry to PhDs and academic careers

Briefcase with solid fill

Research Masters

Independent research degree specific to a subject or subfield
1-2 years full-time in the UK, varies in other countries
Includes substantial written presentation of work, which may or may not be publishable
Can be standalone or a stepping stone to a PhD

Clock with solid fill
Diploma roll with solid fill
Blog with solid fill
Internet with solid fill

Highest level of academic qualification
Independently-led research degree, highly subject specific
3-4 years full-time in the UK, varies in other countries
Culminates in a thesis or dissertation, which may or may not include published journal articles or books
Essential for pursuing a permanent academic research career (eg, lectureship, professor)


Clock with solid fill
Classroom outline
Graduation cap with solid fill
Books with solid fill
Person with idea with solid fill

an illustration


Shape, polygon

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Shape, polygon

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Shape, polygon

Description automatically generated
Shape, polygon

Description automatically generated
Shape, polygon

Description automatically generated

Shape, polygon

Description automatically generated
Shape, polygon

Description automatically generated
Shape, polygon

Description automatically generated

You are here

Other Postgraduate Courses

brown sticky notes
What factors might influence your choice of postgraduate course?

Course content
Reputation of the university/ department/supervisor
Destinations of alumni of the programme
Employer and industry links
Placements and/or work opportunities
Time investment
Fees and funding
Support outside of academics
Other priorities (ie, location, personal situation)

Factors to Consider

Schoolhouse with solid fill
Briefcase with solid fill
Money outline
Daily calendar with solid fill
Open hand with solid fill
Polaroid Pictures outline
Remote work with solid fill
Customer review with solid fill
Checklist with solid fill

Funding for Postgraduate Study

Angry and frustrated person
A person holding lots of cash
person holding brown leather bifold wallet

blue and white visa card on silver laptop computer

Money Inside Gift Box | Jernej Furman | Flickr

Funding for Postgraduate Study

Thought with solid fill
The million-dollar question!
.How will it help you achieve your personal goals?

.How does it support you in achieving your long-term career ambitions?

.To what extent might you get a return on your investment?

.What else might you take from the experience?

Is it worth the investment?
















Further Resources

Types of Courses

Where are you now?

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Factors to Consider


Finding Information


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