1、Session Timeout

Session Timer的默认值为1800s,也就是30min。
Session Timeout:当该计时器超时时,使得客户端强制发生重认证,这个时间是从客户端认证成功后开始计算,进入倒计时。

配置Session Timeout
我们可以调整Session Timeout时间,以确认客户端在重认证之前所维持的时间。

注意:在Open System下,如果配置Session Timeout为0,就代表关闭了Session Timer;而对于Other System types,最大值为86400s
注意:当修改802.1x的Session Timeout值时,关联的客户端的PMK缓存不会改变来反映新的Session Timeout值。


Step 1   ChooseWLANs to open the WLANs page.
Step 2   Click the ID number of the WLAN for which you want to assign a session timeout.
Step 3   When the WLANs > Edit page appears, choose the Advanced tab. The WLANs > Edit (Advanced) page appears.
Step 4   Select theEnable Session Timeout check box to configure a session timeout for this WLAN. Not selecting the checkbox is equal to setting it to 0, which is the maximum value for a session timeout for each session type.<<<不选中该复选框等于将其设置为0,这是每种会话类型的会话超时的最大值。
Step 5   Click Apply to commit your changes.
Step 6   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.


Step 1   Configure a session timeout for wireless clients on a WLAN by entering this command:

config wlan session-timeout wlan_id timeout

The default value is 1800 seconds for the following Layer 2 security types: 802.1X, Static WEP+802.1X, WPA+WPA2 with 802.1X, CCKM, or 802.1X+CCKM authentication key management and 0 seconds for all other Layer 2 security types (Open WLAN/CKIP/Static WEP). A value of 0 is equivalent to no timeout.

Step 2   Save your changes by entering this command:

save config

Step 3   See the current session timeout value for a WLAN by entering this command:

show wlan wlan_id

Information similar to the following appears:

WLAN Identifier.................................. 9
Profile Name..................................... test12
Network Name (SSID)........................... test12
Number of Active Clients......................... 0
Exclusionlist Timeout............................ 60 seconds
Session Timeout............................... 1800 seconds

故障示例:客户端由于Session timeout解除协商

命令:debug client <mac addr>

Logs to parse

apfMsExpireCallback (apf_ms.c:608) Expiring Mobile!apfMsExpireMobileStation (apf_ms.c:5009) Changing state for mobile 00:1e:8c:0f:a4:57 onAP 00:26:cb:94:44:c0 from Associated to DisassociatedScheduling deletion of Mobile Station:  (callerId: 45) in 10 secondsapfMsExpireCallback (apf_ms.c:608) Expiring Mobile!Sent Deauthenticate to mobile on BSSID 00:26:cb:94:44:c0 slot 0(caller apf_ms.c:5094)


增加session timeout值,WLC GUI>>WLAN>>ID>>Advanced

2、Idle Timeout

Idle Timer的默认值为300s,也就是5min.

Idle Timeout:Idle计时器超时时,客户端会从WLC上被移除掉(如果一个用户的设备关机了,或者是笔记本等设备进入睡眠状态,进入空闲状态,无法和AP之前进行沟通,进行信息传递,那么该计时器就开始倒计时)。当计时器超时后,下次客户端协商就需要完成完整的认证过程。

我们可以针对单个WLAN去进行配置,还可以配置阈值触发超时,如果客户端在指定的Idle Timeout时间内没有发送阈值数据值,则认为客户端处于非活动状态且已取消身份验证。如果客户端发送的数据超过用户Idle Timeout内指定的阈值配额,则认为客户端处于活动状态,控制器刷新另一个超时时间。如果阈值配额在超时期限内耗尽,则刷新超时时间。
假设用户Idle Timeout指定为120秒,用户空闲阈值指定为10MB。在120秒的时间段之后,如果客户端没有发送10MB的数据,则认为客户端处于非活动状态并且未经身份验证。如果客户端在120秒发送了10MB,则会刷新超时时间。

配置Idle Timeout

  • Configure user idle timeout for a WLAN by entering this command:

    config wlan usertimeout timeout-in-seconds wlan-id

  • Configure user idle threshold for a WLAN by entering this command:

    config wlan user-idle-threshold value-in-bytes wlan-id


故障示例:客户端由于Idle Timeout解除协商

命令:debug client <mac addr>

Received Idle-Timeout from AP 00:26:cb:94:44:c0, slot 0 for STA 00:1e:8c:0f:a4:57

apfMsDeleteByMscb Scheduling mobile for deletion with deleteReason 4, reasonCode 4

Scheduling deletion of Mobile Station:  (callerId: 30) in 1 seconds

apfMsExpireCallback (apf_ms.c:608) Expiring Mobile!

Sent Deauthenticate to mobile on BSSID 00:26:cb:94:44:c0 slot 0(caller apf_ms.c:5094)


增加Idle Timeout的值:“WLC GUI>>Controller>>General” 或针对单独WLAN “WLC GUI>>WLAN>>ID>>Advanced”






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