
using namespace std;//对于内置数据类型,编译器知道如何运算
class Person {
public:int m_a;int m_b;//成员函数实现加号运算符重载//Person operator+ (Person& p) {//   Person temp;//  temp.m_a = this->m_a + p.m_a;//    temp.m_b = this->m_b + p.m_b;//    return temp;//}};
Person operator+ (Person& p1, Person& p2) {Person temp;temp.m_a = p1.m_a + p2.m_a;temp.m_b = p1.m_b + p2.m_b;return temp;
Person operator+ (Person& p1, int num) {Person temp;temp.m_a = p1.m_a + num;temp.m_b = p1.m_b + num;return temp;
}void test01() {Person p1;Person p2;p1.m_a = 11;p1.m_b = 12;p2.m_a = 13;p2.m_b = 14;Person p3 = p1 + p2;cout << "p3.m_a = " << p3.m_a << endl;cout << "p3.m_b = " << p3.m_b << endl;p3 = p3 + 100;cout << "p3.m_a = " << p3.m_a << endl;cout << "p3.m_b = " << p3.m_b << endl;}int main() {test01();return 0;


using namespace std;
class Person {friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& cout, Person& p);//友元
public:Person() {m_a = 0;m_b = 0;}
private:int m_a;int m_b;//利用成员函数重载左移函数, 通常不会利用成员函数重载左移运算符/*void operator<<(Person& p) {}*/};ostream & operator<<(ostream &cout, Person &p) {cout << "m_a = " << p.m_a << " m_b = " << p.m_b;return cout;
}void test01() {Person p;cout << p << endl;
}int main() {test01();return 0;


using namespace std;
class MyInteger {friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, MyInteger myint);
public:MyInteger() {m_num = 0;}//重载前置++运算符 返回&是为了一直对一个数据进行操作MyInteger& operator++() {m_num++;//将自身作为返回return *this;}//重置后置++运算符 int代表占位参数 用于区分前置和后置递增//不反回& 因为局部变量temp会被释放MyInteger operator++(int) {//先记录当时结果MyInteger temp = *this;//后递增m_num++;//最后将记录的结果进行返回,因为这是后置++return temp;}private:int m_num;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, MyInteger myint) {out << myint.m_num;return out;
}void test01() {MyInteger myint;cout << ++myint;}void test02() {MyInteger myint;cout << (myint++)++ << endl;;cout << myint;
}int main() {//test01();test02();return 0;


using namespace std;
class Person {
public:Person(int age) {m_age = new int(age);}~Person() {if (m_age != NULL) {delete(m_age);//防止成为野指针m_age = NULL;}}//重载赋值运算符Person& operator=(Person& p) {//编译器提供的是浅拷贝//m_age = p.m_age//应该先释放是否有属性在堆区,如果有先释放,然后再深拷贝if (m_age != NULL) {delete m_age;m_age = NULL;}//深拷贝m_age = new int(*p.m_age);return *this;}int* m_age;};
void test01() {Person p1(18);Person p2(20);Person p3(30);p3 = p2 = p1;cout << "p1的年龄:"<< * p1.m_age << endl;cout << "p2的年龄:" << *p2.m_age << endl;cout << "p2的年龄:" << *p3.m_age << endl;
int main() {test01();return 0;


using namespace std;
class Person {
public:Person(string name, int age) {m_name = name;m_age = age;}//重载关系运算符int operator==(Person& p) {if (this->m_age == p.m_age && this->m_name == p.m_name)return 1;elsereturn 0;}bool operator!=(Person& p) {if (this->m_age == p.m_age && this->m_name == p.m_name)return false;return true;}string m_name;int m_age;
void test01() {Person p1("tom", 18);Person p2("tom", 17);if (p1 == p2)cout << "p1和p2是相等的" << endl;elsecout << "p1和p2是不相等的" << endl;}void test02() {Person p1("tom", 18);Person p2("tom", 18);if (p1 != p2)cout << "p1和p2是不相等的" << endl;elsecout << "p1和p2是相等的" << endl;}int main() {test01();test02();return 0;


using namespace std;
class Myprint {
public://重载函数调用运算符void operator() (string test) {cout << test << endl;}};void test01() {Myprint myprint;//由于使用起来非常像函数调用,所以也叫仿函数myprint("hello motherfucker");}
class Add {
public:int operator()(int num1, int num2) {return num1 + num2;}};void test02() {Add myadd;int res = myadd(100, 111);cout << "sum = " << res << endl;//匿名函数对象cout << Add()(100, 100) << endl;}int main() {//test01();test02();return 0;


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