自主访问控制 强制访问控制

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss about Swift Access Control. Before we get a hang of it, let’s understand an important term that we’ll be using throughout this tutorial: Modules.

在本教程中,我们将讨论Swift Access Control。 在掌握它之前,让我们了解一个将在本教程中使用的重要术语: Modules

Modules are just a bundle of code that is used in other Modules through the import statement. In simpler terms, a Module is just a folder in which you hold your swift files.

模块只是通过import语句在其他模块中使用的一捆代码。 简单来说,模块只是一个文件夹,您可以在其中保存快速文件。

快速访问控制 (Swift Access Control)

Access Control handles the restrictions of your code. By defining the access of your classes, functions, properties, enumerations, protocols, you have the power to use these stuff at places you want to, and hide it from where you don’t need it, in your XCode Project.

访问控制处理您的代码的限制。 通过定义对类 , 函数 , 属性 , 枚举 , 协议的访问 ,您可以在XCode Project中的所需位置使用这些内容,并将其隐藏在不需要的地方。

Note: Whenever we write entities in this tutorial, it’ll refer to these: classes, functions, properties, enumerations, protocols.

Note :每当我们在本教程中编写实体时,它都会引用以下内容:类,函数,属性,枚举,协议。

快速访问级别 (Swift Access Levels)

Following are the major levels that provide you with access control. They’re ordered from least restricted to the highest.

以下是为您提供访问控制的主要级别。 按从最低到最高的顺序排列。

  • open: Least restrictive. Entities can be accessed from any file in the current module or a different module files.
    classes. Classes/Members with open modifier can be inherited/overridden anywhere in the current module or different module.open :限制性最小。 可以从当前模块中的任何文件或其他模块文件中访问实体。
    类。 带有open修饰符的类/成员可以在当前模块或其他模块中的任何位置继承/重写。
  • public: Less restrictive. Entities can be accessed in the same or different module.
    Classes/Members with open modifier cannot be inherited/overridden anywhere in modules other than the current module.public :限制较少。 可以在相同或不同的模块中访问实体。
  • internal: Default access level. If no access level is specified, this is the default access level. It allows entities to be used within any source file in their defined module but not outside that module. The same rule applies to inheritance too.internal :默认访问级别。 如果未指定访问级别,则这是默认访问级别。 它允许实体在其定义的模块中的任何源文件中使用,但不能在该模块之外使用。 同样的规则也适用于继承。
  • fileprivate: This access level restricts the use of entities to the current file only. Subclassing a fileprivate class would require you to specify the subclass access level to fileprivate or a more restrictive one.fileprivate :此访问级别将实体的使用限制为仅当前文件。 子类化fileprivate类将需要您指定子类的访问级别以fileprivate或更严格。
  • private: Most restrictive. Entities with this access level can be accessed only in the enclosed scope. Also, any extension to that declaration has the access too.private :最严格的。 具有此访问级别的实体只能在随附的范围内访问。 同样,对该声明的任何扩展都可以访问。

The following flow aptly shows the access levels for each.


快速访问控制示例 (Swift Access Control Example)

The syntax of classes and properties looks like this:


open class AnOpenClass {}
public class APublicClass {}
internal class ExplicitInternalClass {}
fileprivate class AFilePrivateClass {}
private class APrivateClass {}open func AnOpenFunction() {}
public var APublicVariable = 0
internal let ExplicitInternalConstant = 0
fileprivate func AFilePrivateFunction() {}
private func APrivateFunction() {}func ImplicitInternalFunction(){}
class ImplicitInternalClass {}

快速访问控制–属性 (Swift Access Control – Properties)

A Property – var, let cannot have more access that the type it is assigned to.

一个Property – var,让我们不能对其分配的类型拥有更多的访问权限。

class A {}
public var a = A() //compiler error.open class B{//Your code
public var b = B()private class C{//Your code
private var c = C()

class A is internal, so it’ll fail to compile when a is public(more access)
A private class has to have a private property defined.

class A是内部的,因此当a是公共的(更多访问权限)时,它将无法编译

Swift访问控制Getter和Setter方法 (Swift Access Control Getter and Setter Methods)

The getters and setters on a property would get the same access level as defined on the property.
We can set a different access level on the setter too.
But, the setter cannot have a higher access level than the property.
A fileprivate getter and setter property:

一个fileprivate getter和setter属性:

var length : Double = 5.0
let breadth : Double = 1.1fileprivate var area : Double {get{return length*breadth}set(newArea){length = newArea/breadth}

The getter will always have the same access level as the property.
The following is a public getter and a private setter.


var length : Double = 5.0
let breadth : Double = 1.1public private(set) var area : Double {get{return length*breadth}set(newArea){length = newArea/breadth}

The following would fail since the setter has more access than the property and its getter


var length : Double = 5.0
let breadth : Double = 1.1private fileprivate(set) var area : Double { //compiler errorget{return length*breadth}set(newArea){length = newArea/breadth}

Swift访问控制–类 (Swift Access Control – Classes)

The access level defined for a class may or may not be applied to the members and functions.
A class with public access means that its members will have internal access by default unless stated otherwise.
The following image shows two classes. The private members of one class cannot be accessed in the other.

下图显示了两个类。 一类的私人成员无法在另一类中访问。

子类的访问控制 (Access control with Subclasses)

Rule 1: A subclass cannot have a higher access level than it’s superclass.

The following example won’t compile.


class A {//Internal class
}public class B : A {//public subclass not allowed.
Rule 2: Overridden methods can have a higher access level than their superclass counterparts.
class A {//Internal classfileprivate func hey() {print("Hey")}internal func hello() {print("Hello")}
}fileprivate class B : A {override public func hey() {print("B")}override fileprivate func hello() {print("B")}
Rule 3: A private function cannot be overridden. An overridden function cannot be private.
规则3:私有功能不能被覆盖。 覆盖的函数不能是私有的。
class A {//Internal classfileprivate func hey() {print("Hey")}internal func hello() {print("Hello")}
}fileprivate class B : A {override open func hey() {print("B")}override private func hello() { //compiler error.print("B")}

快速访问控制–元组 (Swift Access Control – Tuples)

The access level of a Swift Tuple would be the level of the most restrictive element among the elements present.


fileprivate class F1{var str : Stringvar number: Intinit(s: String, n: Int) {str = snumber = n}
private class F2{var str : Stringvar number: Intinit(s: String, n: Int) {str = snumber = n}
class G{//compiler error below.var tuple : (F1,F2) =  (F1(s: "Anupam",n: 101), F2(s: "JournalDev.com",n: 102))

In the above code, the access level of the tuple must be set to private, the more restrictive of the two levels.


private var tuple : (F1,F2) =  (F1(s: "Anupam",n: 101), F2(s: "JournalDev.com",n: 102))

具有功能类型的Swift访问控制 (Swift Access Control with Function Types)

Functions in swift, like Tuples, have the access level equal to the most restrictive level among the parameters and the return type. But you have to specify the access level of the functions explicitly too.
If the specified access level does not match the calculated one, it’ll throw a compiler error.
The below code looks fine but it would NOT compile:

快速的函数(如元组)具有的访问级别等于参数和返回类型中最严格的级别。 但是,您也必须明确指定功能的访问级别。

fileprivate class F1{var str : Stringvar number: Intinit(s: String, n: Int) {str = snumber = n}
class G{func hey(s: String,y: Int) -> F1 //compiler error.{print("\(s) and \(y)")return F1(s: s, n: y)}

The return type of hey() is F1 which is a fileprivate class. Hence you must make the function fileprivate.

Hey hey()的返回类型是F1 ,这是一个文件私有类。 因此,您必须使函数fileprivate。

具有初始化功能的Swift Access Control (Swift Access Control with init function)

Swift Initialisers must have the same or lesser access level than its parameters defined.
The following code defines an initaliser in class G that would fail since it has higher access level.


fileprivate class F1{var str : Stringvar number: Intinit(s: String, n: Int) {str = snumber = n}
private class F2{var str : Stringvar number: Intinit(s: String, n: Int) {str = snumber = n}
class G{private var tuple : (F1,F2)init(f1: F1, f2: F2) { //compiler error.tuple = (F1(s: "Anupam",n: 101), F2(s: "JournalDev.com",n: 102))}

We can set the initialiser above to either of the fileprivate or private.


Required initialisers follow the same access rule as initialisers along with the rule that the access level should be the same as that of the enclosed class.

So just keeping the fileprivate level on the required init would give the following error.


So either make the parameters as the same type of the class OR vice-versa. Here we’ll do the later and make the class as fileprivate.
Continuing with our previous code, using required init would make the class G look like this:

因此,要么将参数设为类的相同类型,要么反之亦然。 在这里,我们稍后再做,使该类成为fileprivate
继续我们之前的代码,使用必需的init将使class G看起来像这样:

fileprivate class G{private var tuple : (F1,F2)required fileprivate init(f1: F1, f2: F2) {tuple = (F1(s: "Anupam",n: 101), F2(s: "JournalDev.com",n: 102))}

结构类型的默认成员级初始化程序 (Default Memberwise Initializers for Structure Types)

For structure initialiser we must set the initialiser to the following level based on the members


  • If any of the initialiser members is private or fileprivate the init should be fileprivate如果任何初始化程序成员是privatefileprivate private ,则初始化应为文件fileprivate
  • Else the init by default is internal.否则,默认情况下,init是内部的。

Continuing with our previous code of fileprivate F1 and private F2 classes, the following code snippet is for the structure’s default initialiser.

继续我们先前的文件fileprivate F1和private F2类的代码,以下代码段适用于该结构的默认初始化程序。

struct StructureExample {
private var tuple : (F1,F2)fileprivate init(f1: F1, f2: F2) {tuple = (F1(s: "Anupam",n: 101), F2(s: "JournalDev.com",n: 102))}

Recap: The tuple must be set to an access level lower or equal to its elements levels


快速访问控制示例–协议 (Swift Access Control Example – Protocols)

Protocol access level must be set at the time of defining that protocol.
The protocol functions/requirements must have the same access level defined.
Just like Subclassing, if a protocol inherits from another protocol, it cannot have a higher access level that the inherited one.


private protocol ProtocolA{//Your code
}private protocol ProtocolB : ProtocolA{//Your code

You cannot set ProtocolB to any higher level such as fileprivate.


Protocol Conformance


  • A class can conform to a protocol with a lower access level.类可以符合访问级别较低的协议。
  • If a class is public and a protocol is private then the type conformance is private.如果类是公共的,而协议是private则类型一致性是private
  • It always the lower one that’s considered.它总是被认为是较低的。
  • If the protocol methods are implemented in the class/structure/enum, they must be set to an access level that is equal to the protocol access level or higher than that.如果协议方法是在类/结构/枚举中实现的,则必须将它们设置为等于协议访问级别或更高的访问级别。

快速访问控制–枚举 (Swift Access Control – Enumerations)

The access level for an enumeration would be applied across all its cases


private enum Color{case redcase blue

red and blue have the same access type private


The access level of the raw values should be greater than or equal to the enum access level.

快速访问控制–扩展 (Swift Access Control – Extensions)

Any type members added in an extension must have the same default access level as type members declared in the original type being extended.
To change the access level to a different one from the class, you just need to add the access modifier on the extension and it’ll change the default access levels of the extensions members too unless you set the levels on members explicitly.


You cannot declare a private/fileprivate class with an extension of public or internal or open

您不能声明具有public或internal或open扩展名的private / fileprivate类

private class H{private var hello = "Hi"
//compiler error below
public extension H{var newHello:String  {return "Yeah"}

We can access private members from a class/struct in their extensions.
We can access private members from one extension in another.


快速访问控制–泛型和类型别名 (Swift Access Control – Generics and Type Aliases)

  • The access level for a generic type or generic function is the minimum of the access level of the generic type or function itself and the access level of any of its members/return type.通用类型或通用功能的访问级别是通用类型或功能本身的访问级别及其任何成员/返回类型的访问级别的最小值。
  • A type alias can have an access level less than or equal to the access level of the type it aliases.
    This is the same as subclassing. Type alias cannot use a higher access level than it’s type.类型别名的访问级别可以小于或等于其别名的访问级别。
    这与子类化相同。 类型别名不能使用比其类型更高的访问级别。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/19795/swift-access-control

自主访问控制 强制访问控制

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