
来自 | 知乎

作者 | GeorgeLee

地址 | https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/145624170

编辑 | 机器学习算法与自然语言处理




  1. Adversarial Attacks on Probabilistic Autoregressive Forecasting Models

  2. Stronger and Faster Wasserstein Adversarial Attacks

  3. Policy Teaching via Environment Poisoning: Training-time Adversarial Attacks against Reinforcement Learning

  4. Adversarial Attacks on Copyright Detection Systems

  5. Minimally distorted Adversarial Examples with a Fast Adaptive Boundary Attack

  6. Reliable evaluation of adversarial robustness with an ensemble of diverse parameter-free attacks

  7. Dual-Path Distillation: A Unified Framework to Improve Black-Box Attacks

  8. Nonlinear Gradient Estimation for Query Efficient Blackbox Attack


  1. Adversarial Robustness via Runtime Masking and Cleansing

  2. Implicit Euler Skip Connections: Enhancing Adversarial Robustness via Numerical Stability

  3. Adversarial Neural Pruning with Latent Vulnerability Suppression

  4. Hierarchical Verification for Adversarial Robustness

  5. Randomization matters How to defend against strong adversarial attacks

  6. Margin-aware Adversarial Domain Adaptation with Optimal Transport (没看到文章不确定)

  7. Second-Order Provable Defenses against Adversarial Attacks

  8. Adversarial Risk via Optimal Transport and Optimal Couplings

  9. Optimal Statistical Guaratees for Adversarially Robust Gaussian Classification

  10. Scalable Differential Privacy with Certified Robustness in Adversarial Learning

  11. Adversarial Robustness Against the Union of Multiple Threat Models

  12. Confidence-Calibrated Adversarial Training: Generalizing to Unseen Attacks

  13. Learning Adversarially Robust Representations via Worst-Case Mutual Information Maximization

  14. Black-box Certification and Learning under Adversarial Perturbations


  1. Feature-map-level Online Adversarial Knowledge Distillation

  2. Attacks Which Do Not Kill Training Make Adversarial Learning Stronger

  3. Towards Understanding the Regularization of Adversarial Robustness on Neural Networks

  4. More Data Can Expand The Generalization Gap Between Adversarially Robust and Standard Models

  5. Interpreting Robust Optimization via Adversarial Influence Functions

  6. Proper Network Interpretability Helps Adversarial Robustness in Classification

  7. DeepMatch: Balancing Deep Covariate Representations for Causal Inference Using Adversarial Training

  8. Overfitting in adversarially robust deep learning

  9. Adversarial Learning Guarantees for Linear Hypotheses and Neural Networks

  10. Adversarial Robustness for Code

  11. Rank Aggregation from Pairwise Comparisons in the Presence of Adversarial Corruptions (没看到文章不确定)

  12. Concise Explanations of Neural Networks using Adversarial Training

  13. Logarithmic Regret for Online Control with Adversarial Noise (没看到文章不确定)

  14. Adversarial Filters of Dataset Biases

  15. Fundamental Tradeoffs between Invariance and Sensitivity to Adversarial Perturbations

  16. Neural Network Control Policy Verification With Persistent Adversarial Perturbation

  17. Efficiently Learning Adversarially Robust Halfspaces with Noise

  18. Representation Learning via Adversarially-Contrastive Optimal Transport (没看到文章不确定)

方向有很多:机器学习、深度学习,python,情感分析、意见挖掘、句法分析、机器翻译、人机对话、知识图谱、语音识别等。记得备注呦推荐两个专辑给大家:专辑 | 李宏毅人类语言处理2020笔记专辑 | NLP论文解读专辑 | 情感分析整理不易,还望给个在看!


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