
*  YVU420PackedSemiPlanar       : Buffer containing all Y, and then V and U

*                                 interleaved.

*  YVU420PackedSemiPlanar32m4ka : YUV planar format, similar to the

*                                 YVU420PackedSemiPlanar format, but with the

*                                 following restrictions:


*                                 1. The width and height of both plane must

*                                 be a multiple of 32 texels.


*                                 2. The base address of both planes must be

*                                 aligned to a 4kB boundary.


*  YUV420PackedSemiPlanar16m2ka : YUV planar format, similar to the

*                                 YUV420PackedSemiPlanar format, but with the

*                                 following restrictions:


*                                 1. The width of the luma plane must be a

*                                 multiple of 16 pixels.


*                                 2. The address of both planes must be

*                                 aligned to a 2kB boundary.


*  YUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka : YUV planar format, similar to the

*                                 YUV420PackedSemiPlanar format, but with the

*                                 following restrictions:


*                                 1. The data is laid out in a 4x2 MB tiling

*                                 memory structure


*                                 2. The width of each plane is a multiple of

*                                 2 4x2 MB tiles.


*                                 3. The height of each plan is a multiple of

*                                 a 4x2 MB tile.


*                                 4. The base address of both planes must be

*                                 aligned to an 8kB boundary.


*                                 5. The tiles are scanned in the order

*                                 defined in the MFCV5.1 User's Manual.






void YUV420PackedSemiPlanar32mToYUV420(char* src,char* dst)


const int width =512;

const int height =480;

char* _yuv = dst;

char* _y = _yuv;

char* _u = _yuv + width*height;

char* _v = _u + width*height/4;

memset(_yuv, 0, width*height*3/2);


char* pStart = src + width*height;

for (int i=0; i<height*width/4; i++) {

*_u++ = *pStart++;

*_v++ = *pStart++;




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