I know that you can open an Excel file from the win cmd line. But how would you open a particular spreadsheet in that file using win cmd?

解决方案Paste the following code into a text editor (NotePad, WordPad, Word


Save the file with a "vbs" extension, for example


Change this line strFileName = "c:\temp\testa.xlsx" to your

desired Excel file path

You can then run this from the commandline by entering the path name of your vbs file

The code has error handling in case the filepath is wrong, or a second sheet isn't present.

[Updated: added further error handling to test for the second sheet being hidden]

Const xlVisible = -1

Dim objExcel

Dim objWb

Dim objws

Dim strFileName

strFileName = "c:\temp\test.xlsx"

On Error Resume Next

Set objExcel = CreateObject("excel.application")

Set objWb = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strFileName)

Set objws = objWb.Sheets(2)

On Error GoTo 0

If Not IsEmpty(objws) Then

If objws.Visible = xlVisible Then

objExcel.Goto objws.Range("a1")


wscript.echo "the 2nd sheet is present but is hidden"

End If

objExcel.Visible = True



Set objExcel = Nothing

If IsEmpty(objWb) Then

wscript.echo strFileName & " not found"


wscript.echo "sheet2 not found"

End If

End If

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