

Microsoft is shutting down Wunderlist on May 6, 2020. If you’re still using this once-popular task management application, it’s time to switch. Microsoft purchased Wunderlist, and the Wunderlist team is now working on Microsoft To Do. But that’s not your only option.

微软将于2020年5月6日关闭Wunderlist。如果您仍在使用这个曾经很受欢迎的任务管理应用程序,那么该是时候了。 Microsoft购买了Wunderlist,Wunderlist团队现在正在研究Microsoft ToDo。 但这不是您唯一的选择。

您必须在6月30日之前导入任务 (You Have Until June 30 to Import Tasks)

While Wunderlist is shutting down on May 6, 2020, Microsoft says it will continue letting people import data from Wunderlist to Microsoft To Do for a while longer.

当Wunderlist于2020年5月6日关闭时,微软表示将继续允许人们将数据从Wunderlist导入到Microsoft To Do的时间更长。

A blog post from Wunderlist originally said the migration feature will only be available “for a period of time” after the shutdown of Wunderlist. Now, it looks like you have until June 30, 2020, to import your data. After that time, it will likely be deleted from Wunderlist’s servers.

Wunderlist的博客文章最初表示,迁移功能仅在Wunderlist关闭后“一段时间”可用。 现在,您似乎要在2020年6月30日之前导入数据。 在那之后,它很可能会从Wunderlist的服务器中删除。

如何将任务迁移到Microsoft做 (How to Migrate Tasks to Microsoft To Do)

The process of switching and importing your to-do lists from Wunderlist to Microsoft To Do is pretty simple.

将待办事项列表从Wunderlist切换和导入到Microsoft To Do的过程非常简单。

First, head to the Microsoft To Do website. Ensure you’re signed in with the Microsoft account you want to import your Wunderlist tasks to.

首先,前往Microsoft To Do网站。 确保您已使用您想要将Wunderlist任务导入到的Microsoft帐户登录。

Click on the gear icon at the top-right corner of the window, then click “Import.”


You’ll be prompted to sign in with your Wunderlist account details.


Next, Microsoft To Do will show you what it’s importing. If everything looks right, click “Import” to continue.

接下来,Microsoft To Do将向您显示其导入的内容。 如果一切正常,请单击“导入”继续。

If you click the gear icon at the top-right corner again and click “Import Summary,” you’ll see more information about how the import was handled.


Items in the Wunderlist Inbox become tasks in the “Tasks” list. Subtasks become “Steps.” Starred items become “Important” items. Folders become “Groups.”

Wunderlist收件箱中的项目成为“任务”列表中的任务。 子任务成为“步骤”。 已加星标的项目将成为“重要”项目。 文件夹成为“组”。

Microsoft做的替代方案 (Alternatives to Microsoft To Do)

If you love Wunderlist, Microsoft To Do is probably the closest alternative—after all, it’s made by the same team.

如果您喜欢Wunderlist,那么Microsoft To Do可能是最接近的选择-毕竟,它是由同一支团队生产的。

However, it’s not your only option. Our sister site Review Geek has run down the best replacements for Wunderlist, including Todoist, Any.do, Google Keep, Habitica, and Remember the Milk.

但是,这不是您唯一的选择。 我们的姊妹网站Review Geek击败了Wunderlist的最佳替代者,包括Todoist , Any.do , Google Keep , Habitica和Remember the Milk 。

If you’re into Apple’s ecosystem services, the Reminders app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac is an easy-to-use alternative that syncs via iCloud.


If you prefer Google services, you can also try the new Google Tasks application, available in Gmail, Google Calendar, and in the Google Tasks app for iPhone, iPad, and Android.

如果您喜欢Google服务,还可以尝试在Gmail,Google日历以及适用于iPhone,iPad和Android的Google Tasks应用程序中使用的新Google Tasks应用程序。

Some services—like Todoist—can import from Wunderlist. However, you’ll likely need to perform the import process before Wunderlist shuts down on May 6. It’s time to switch.

某些服务(例如Todoist)可以从Wunderlist导入。 但是,您可能需要在5月6日Wunderlist关闭之前执行导入过程。该切换了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/670612/how-to-switch-from-wunderlist-to-microsoft-to-do/



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