


Generating PDFs from Wall Street to Wikipedia

We build solutions to generate rich, attractive and fully bespoke PDF documents at incredible speeds. This can let you serve personalised documents in real time, produce high-quality output, and support all kinds of delivery from web downloads through to personalised digital print.

简要来说,就是 快速实时生成丰富的、定制的PDF文档。用于实时个性化定制,生成高质量的输出,支持各种交付,可以从网络下载到个人输出等。


  1. #  yum install freetype-devel.x86_64
  2. #  yum install python-devel.x86_64
  3. #  pip install reportlab


  1. #  error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 Command /usr/bin/python -c "import setuptools;__file__='/tmp/pip-build-root/reportlab/setup.py';exec(compile(open(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-oneoII-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-root/reportlab



  1. from reportlab.lib import colors
  2. from urllib import urlopen
  3. from reportlab.graphics.shapes import *
  4. from reportlab.graphics.charts.lineplots import LinePlot
  5. from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
  6. URL="http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/weekly/Predict.txt"
  8. drawing = Drawing(400,200)
  9. data = []
  10. for  line in  urlopen(URL).readlines():
  11. if not line.isspace() and not line[0] in COMMENT_CHARS:
  12. data.append([float(n) for n in line.split()])
  13. pred = [row[2] for row in data]
  14. high = [row[3] for row in data]
  15. low = [row[4] for row in data]
  16. times = [row[0] + row[1]/12.0 for row in data]
  17. lp = LinePlot()
  18. lp.x = 50
  19. lp.y = 50
  20. lp.height = 125
  21. lp.width = 300
  22. lp.data = [zip(times,pred),zip(times,high),zip(times,low)]
  23. drawing.add(lp)
  24. renderPDF.drawToFile(drawing,'report.pdf','Sunspots')
  25. def main():
  26. return 0
  27. if __name__ == '__main__':
  28. main()


  1. from reportlab.lib.colors import Color, blue, red
  2. from reportlab.graphics.charts.legends import Legend, TotalAnnotator
  3. from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, _DrawingEditorMixin
  4. from standard_colors import pdf_chart_colors, setItems
  5. from reportlab.lib.validators import Auto
  6. from reportlab.graphics.charts.barcharts import VerticalBarChart
  7. class FactSheetHoldingsVBar(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):
  8. def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):
  9. apply(Drawing.__init__,(self,width,height)+args,kw)
  10. self._add(self,VerticalBarChart(),name='bar',validate=None,desc=None)
  11. self.bar.data             = [[4.22], [4.12], [3.65], [3.56], [3.49], [3.44], [3.07], [2.84], [2.76], [1.09]]
  12. self.bar.categoryAxis.categoryNames = ['Financials','Energy','Health Care','Telecoms','Consumer','Consumer 2','Industrials','Materials','Other','Liquid Assets']
  13. self.bar.categoryAxis.labels.fillColor = None
  14. self.bar.width                      = 200
  15. self.bar.height                     = 150
  16. self.bar.x                          = 30
  17. self.bar.y                          = 15
  18. self.bar.barSpacing                 = 5
  19. self.bar.groupSpacing               = 5
  20. self.bar.valueAxis.labels.fontName  = 'Helvetica'
  21. self.bar.valueAxis.labels.fontSize  = 8
  22. self.bar.valueAxis.forceZero        = 1
  23. self.bar.valueAxis.rangeRound       = 'both'
  24. self.bar.valueAxis.valueMax         = None#10#
  25. self.bar.categoryAxis.visible       = 1
  26. self.bar.categoryAxis.visibleTicks  = 0
  27. self.bar.barLabels.fontSize         = 6
  28. self.bar.valueAxis.labels.fontSize  = 6
  29. self.bar.strokeWidth                = 0.1
  30. self.bar.bars.strokeWidth           = 0.5
  31. n                                   = len(self.bar.data)
  32. setItems(n,self.bar.bars,'fillColor',pdf_chart_colors)
  33. #add and set up legend
  34. self._add(self,Legend(),name='legend',validate=None,desc=None)
  35. _ = ['Vodafone Group', 'UBS', 'British Petroleum', 'Royal bk of Scotland', 'HSBC Holdings', 'Total Elf Fina', 'Repsol', 'Novartis', 'BNP Paribas', 'Schneider Electric' ]
  36. self.legend.colorNamePairs  = [(Auto(chart=self.bar),(t,'%.2f'% d[0])) for t,d in zip(_,self.bar.data)]
  37. self.legend.columnMaximum   = 10
  38. self.legend.fontName        = 'Helvetica'
  39. self.legend.fontSize        = 5.5
  40. self.legend.boxAnchor       = 'w'
  41. self.legend.x               = 260
  42. self.legend.y               = self.height/2
  43. self.legend.dx              = 8
  44. self.legend.dy              = 8
  45. self.legend.alignment       = 'right'
  46. self.legend.yGap            = 0
  47. self.legend.deltay          = 11
  48. self.legend.dividerLines    = 1|2|4
  49. self.legend.subCols.rpad    = 10
  50. self.legend.dxTextSpace     = 5
  51. self.legend.strokeWidth     = 0
  52. self.legend.dividerOffsY    = 6
  53. self.legend.colEndCallout   = TotalAnnotator(rText='%.2f'%sum([x[0] for x in self.bar.data]), fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=self.legend.fontSize*1.1)
  54. self.legend.colorNamePairs  = [(self.bar.bars[i].fillColor, (self.bar.categoryAxis.categoryNames[i][0:20], '%0.2f' % self.bar.data[i][0])) for i in range(len(self.bar.data))]
  55. def main():
  56. drawing = FactSheetHoldingsVBar()
  57. drawing.save(formats=['pdf'],outDir='.',fnRoot=None)
  58. drawing.save(formats=['png'],outDir='.',fnRoot=None)
  59. return 0
  60. if __name__ == '__main__':
  61. main()


  1. from reportlab.graphics.charts.piecharts import Pie
  2. from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, _DrawingEditorMixin
  3. from reportlab.lib.colors import Color, magenta, cyan
  4. class pietests(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):
  5. def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):
  6. Drawing.__init__(self,width,height,*args,**kw)
  7. self._add(self,Pie(),name='pie',validate=None,desc=None)
  8. self.pie.sideLabels       = 1
  9. self.pie.labels           = ['Label 1', 'Label 2', 'Label 3', 'Label 4', 'Label 5']
  10. self.pie.data             = [20, 10, 5, 5, 5]
  11. self.pie.width            = 140
  12. self.pie.height           = 140
  13. self.pie.y                = 35
  14. self.pie.x                = 125
  15. def main():
  16. drawing = pietests()
  17. # you can do all sorts of things to drawing, lets just save it as pdf and png.
  18. drawing.save(formats=['pdf','png'],outDir='.',fnRoot=None)
  19. return 0
  20. if __name__ == '__main__':
  21. main()









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