
  • 1. 本次移植系统及前提
  • 2. 移植三步骤(osal、oshw、soem)
    • 2.1 官方soem移植下载
    • 2.2 FreeRTOS版本SOEM移植
      • 2.2.1 osal.c修改
      • 2.2.2 oshw.c修改
      • 2.2.3 nicdrv.c修改及增加netdev_hook.c
      • 2.2.4 soem的剪切
      • 2.2.5 确保lwip开启mac混杂模式
  • 3. 测试代码
  • 4. 周期同步位置模式CSP控制代码
  • 5. 周期同步扭矩模式CST控制代码
  • 6. 相关资料

1. 本次移植系统及前提


  • stm32f07做裸机开发
  • FreeRTOS做为实时系统
  • 移植lwip做tcp通讯

2. 移植三步骤(osal、oshw、soem)


  1. NUC980 DIY项目大挑战 - EtherCAT实现: : link
  2. 在RT-Thread上移植EtherCAT开源主站SOEM1.4.0: link
  3. 基于STM32构建EtherCAT主站: link
  4. EtherCATマスターSOEMをマイコンに移植する link
  5. 知网搜:基于嵌入式平台的EtherCAT主站实现研究

2.1 官方soem移植下载


官方soem下载源文件你可以在github下载(1.4.0)版本: link


2.2 FreeRTOS版本SOEM移植

Some移植主要是三个文件 osal.c,oshw.c和nicdrv.c。

  • osal.c 主要是微秒及的延时和定时函数;
  • oshw.c 主要是网络端和本机端数据的大小端转换;
  • nicdrv.c 主要是网络数据收发




2.2.1 osal.c修改





/** Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with exceptions. See* LICENSE file in the project root for full license information*/#include "osal.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"//此处由于与lwip有重定义所以除掉,没有的话可以开启
//#define  timercmp(a, b, CMP)                                \
//  (((a)->tv_sec == (b)->tv_sec) ?                           \
//   ((a)->tv_usec CMP (b)->tv_usec) :                        \
//   ((a)->tv_sec CMP (b)->tv_sec))
//#define  timeradd(a, b, result)                             \
//  do {                                                      \
//    (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec + (b)->tv_sec;           \
//    (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec + (b)->tv_usec;        \
//    if ((result)->tv_usec >= 1000000)                       \
//    {                                                       \
//       ++(result)->tv_sec;                                  \
//       (result)->tv_usec -= 1000000;                        \
//    }                                                       \
//  } while (0)
//#define  timersub(a, b, result)                             \
//  do {                                                      \
//    (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec;           \
//    (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec - (b)->tv_usec;        \
//    if ((result)->tv_usec < 0) {                            \
//      --(result)->tv_sec;                                   \
//      (result)->tv_usec += 1000000;                         \
//    }                                                       \
//  } while (0)#define USECS_PER_SEC   1000000
#define USECS_PER_TICK  (USECS_PER_SEC / CFG_TICKS_PER_SECOND)/* Workaround for rt-labs defect 776.* Default implementation of udelay() didn't work correctly when tick was* shorter than one millisecond.*/
#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
extern TIM_HandleTypeDef   htim10;
#define false 0//延迟ms
void MY_MsDelay(uint32_t Delay)
{uint16_t start_ms,start_us;if(Delay==0){return;}//不超过1msstart_ms=HAL_GetTick();start_us =__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10);while((HAL_GetTick() - start_ms) < Delay){}while(__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10) <start_us){}
void MY_UsDelay(uint32_t Delay)
{uint16_t wait_ms,wait_us,start_us,realse_us;if(Delay==0){return;}wait_ms=Delay/1000;wait_us=Delay%1000;realse_us =__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10);if(wait_ms!=0){MY_MsDelay(wait_ms);}if(wait_us!=0){start_us =__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10);if((start_us+wait_us)>999){wait_us=start_us+wait_us-1000;while(__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10)>=start_us || __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10)<wait_us){}}else{while(__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10)-start_us <wait_us){}}}
}void udelay (uint32_t us)
}uint16 test_mss;int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *tzp)
{//   tick_t tick = tick_get();
//   tick_t ticks_left;
//   ASSERT (tp != NULL);
//   tp->tv_sec = tick / CFG_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
//   ticks_left = tick % CFG_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
//   tp->tv_usec = ticks_left * USECS_PER_TICK;
//   ASSERT (tp->tv_usec < USECS_PER_SEC);
//  configASSERT(tp != NULL);tp->tv_sec=HAL_GetTick()/1000;tp->tv_usec =(HAL_GetTick()%1000)*1000+__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10);test_mss=__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim10);return 0;
}int osal_usleep (uint32 usec)
{udelay(usec);return 0;
}int osal_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
{return gettimeofday(tv, tz);
}ec_timet osal_current_time (void)
{struct timeval current_time;ec_timet return_value;gettimeofday (&current_time, 0);return_value.sec = current_time.tv_sec;return_value.usec = current_time.tv_usec;return return_value;
}void osal_timer_start (osal_timert * self, uint32 timeout_usec)
{struct timeval start_time;struct timeval timeout;struct timeval stop_time;gettimeofday (&start_time, 0);timeout.tv_sec = timeout_usec / USECS_PER_SEC;timeout.tv_usec = timeout_usec % USECS_PER_SEC;timeradd (&start_time, &timeout, &stop_time);self->stop_time.sec = stop_time.tv_sec;self->stop_time.usec = stop_time.tv_usec;
}boolean osal_timer_is_expired (osal_timert * self)
{struct timeval current_time;struct timeval stop_time;int is_not_yet_expired;gettimeofday (&current_time, 0);stop_time.tv_sec = self->stop_time.sec;stop_time.tv_usec = self->stop_time.usec;is_not_yet_expired = timercmp (&current_time, &stop_time, <);return is_not_yet_expired == false;
}void *osal_malloc(size_t size)
{return malloc(size);
}void osal_free(void *ptr)
}int osal_thread_create(void *thandle, int stacksize, void *func, void *param)
{//   thandle = task_spawn ("worker", func, 6,stacksize, param);
//   if(!thandle)
//   {//      return 0;
//   }return 1;
}int osal_thread_create_rt(void *thandle, int stacksize, void *func, void *param)
{//   thandle = task_spawn ("worker_rt", func, 15 ,stacksize, param);
//   if(!thandle)
//   {//      return 0;
//   }return 1;

2.2.2 oshw.c修改


2.2.3 nicdrv.c修改及增加netdev_hook.c


其原理就是soem在ecx_setupnic网络初始化时候,找到lwip网络端口结构体:now_netif = netif_find(ifname); 在now_netif结构体中有:netif->linkoutput与netif->input为发送与接收处理钩子函数,将其保存并指引到新的发送与接收钩子函数处理,绕过原来lwip协议。 在ecx_closenic网络注销中,将钩子函数退出来写入lwip原来钩子处理函数。



/** Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with exceptions. See* LICENSE file in the project root for full license information*//** \file* \brief* EtherCAT RAW socket driver.** Low level interface functions to send and receive EtherCAT packets.* EtherCAT has the property that packets are only send by the master,* and the send packets always return in the receive buffer.* There can be multiple packets "on the wire" before they return.* To combine the received packets with the original send packets a buffer* system is installed. The identifier is put in the index item of the* EtherCAT header. The index is stored and compared when a frame is received.* If there is a match the packet can be combined with the transmit packet* and returned to the higher level function.** The socket layer can exhibit a reversal in the packet order (rare).* If the Tx order is A-B-C the return order could be A-C-B. The indexed buffer* will reorder the packets automatically.** The "redundant" option will configure two sockets and two NIC interfaces.* Slaves are connected to both interfaces, one on the IN port and one on the* OUT port. Packets are send via both interfaces. Any one of the connections* (also an interconnect) can be removed and the slaves are still serviced with* packets. The software layer will detect the possible failure modes and* compensate. If needed the packets from interface A are resent through interface B.* This layer is fully transparent for the higher layers.*///#include <kern.h>
//#include <ioctl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "osal.h"
#include "oshw.h"
#include "netdev_hook.h"
//#include "lw_mac/lw_emac.h"#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#endif/** Redundancy modes */
{/** No redundancy, single NIC mode */ECT_RED_NONE,/** Double redundant NIC connection */ECT_RED_DOUBLE
};/** Primary source MAC address used for EtherCAT.* This address is not the MAC address used from the NIC.* EtherCAT does not care about MAC addressing, but it is used here to* differentiate the route the packet traverses through the EtherCAT* segment. This is needed to find out the packet flow in redundant* configurations. */
const uint16 priMAC[3] = { 0x0101, 0x0101, 0x0101 };
/** Secondary source MAC address used for EtherCAT. */
const uint16 secMAC[3] = { 0x0404, 0x0404, 0x0404 };/** second MAC word is used for identification */
#define RX_PRIM priMAC[1]
/** second MAC word is used for identification */
#define RX_SEC secMAC[1]static void ecx_clear_rxbufstat(int *rxbufstat)
{int i;for(i = 0; i < EC_MAXBUF; i++){rxbufstat[i] = EC_BUF_EMPTY;}
}/** Basic setup to connect NIC to socket.* @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] ifname      = Name of NIC device, f.e. "eth0"* @param[in] secondary   = if >0 then use secondary stack instead of primary* @return >0 if succeeded*/
int ecx_setupnic(ecx_portt *port, const char *ifname, int secondary)
{int i;int rVal;int *psock;//   port->getindex_mutex = mtx_create();
//   port->tx_mutex = mtx_create();
//   port->rx_mutex = mtx_create();//   rVal = bfin_EMAC_init((uint8_t *)priMAC);
//   if (rVal != 0)
//      return 0;if (secondary){/* secondary port struct available? */if (port->redport){/* when using secondary socket it is automatically a redundant setup */psock = &(port->redport->sockhandle);*psock = -1;port->redstate                   = ECT_RED_DOUBLE;port->redport->stack.sock        = &(port->redport->sockhandle);port->redport->stack.txbuf       = &(port->txbuf);port->redport->stack.txbuflength = &(port->txbuflength);port->redport->stack.tempbuf     = &(port->redport->tempinbuf);port->redport->stack.rxbuf       = &(port->redport->rxbuf);port->redport->stack.rxbufstat   = &(port->redport->rxbufstat);port->redport->stack.rxsa        = &(port->redport->rxsa);ecx_clear_rxbufstat(&(port->redport->rxbufstat[0]));}else{/* fail */return 0;}}else{//      port->getindex_mutex = mtx_create();
//      port->tx_mutex = mtx_create();
//      port->rx_mutex = mtx_create();
//    sys_mutex_new(port->getindex_mutex);
//    sys_mutex_new(port->tx_mutex);
//    sys_mutex_new(port->rx_mutex);port->getindex_mutex=xSemaphoreCreateMutex();port->tx_mutex=xSemaphoreCreateMutex();port->rx_mutex=xSemaphoreCreateMutex();port->sockhandle        = -1;port->lastidx           = 0;port->redstate          = ECT_RED_NONE;port->stack.sock        = &(port->sockhandle);port->stack.txbuf       = &(port->txbuf);port->stack.txbuflength = &(port->txbuflength);port->stack.tempbuf     = &(port->tempinbuf);port->stack.rxbuf       = &(port->rxbuf);port->stack.rxbufstat   = &(port->rxbufstat);port->stack.rxsa        = &(port->rxsa);ecx_clear_rxbufstat(&(port->rxbufstat[0]));psock = &(port->sockhandle);}if(install_hook(port, ifname)==0){printf("ecx_setupnic fail\n");return 0; //fail}/* setup ethernet headers in tx buffers so we don't have to repeat it */for (i = 0; i < EC_MAXBUF; i++){ec_setupheader(&(port->txbuf[i]));port->rxbufstat[i] = EC_BUF_EMPTY;}ec_setupheader(&(port->txbuf2));return 1;
}/** Close sockets used* @param[in] port        = port context struct* @return 0*/
int ecx_closenic(ecx_portt *port)
//  sys_mutex_free(port->getindex_mutex);
//  sys_mutex_free(port->tx_mutex);
//  sys_mutex_free(port->rx_mutex);uninstall_hook(port);return 0;
}/** Fill buffer with ethernet header structure.* Destination MAC is always broadcast.* Ethertype is always ETH_P_ECAT.* @param[out] p = buffer*/
void ec_setupheader(void *p)
{ec_etherheadert *bp;bp = p;bp->da0 = oshw_htons(0xffff);bp->da1 = oshw_htons(0xffff);bp->da2 = oshw_htons(0xffff);bp->sa0 = oshw_htons(priMAC[0]);bp->sa1 = oshw_htons(priMAC[1]);bp->sa2 = oshw_htons(priMAC[2]);bp->etype = oshw_htons(ETH_P_ECAT);
}/** Get new frame identifier index and allocate corresponding rx buffer.* @param[in] port        = port context struct* @return new index.*/
uint8 ecx_getindex(ecx_portt *port)
{uint8 idx;uint8 cnt;//   mtx_lock (port->getindex_mutex);
//   sys_mutex_lock(port->getindex_mutex);xSemaphoreTake(port->getindex_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);idx = port->lastidx + 1;/* index can't be larger than buffer array */if (idx >= EC_MAXBUF){idx = 0;}cnt = 0;/* try to find unused index */while ((port->rxbufstat[idx] != EC_BUF_EMPTY) && (cnt < EC_MAXBUF)){idx++;cnt++;if (idx >= EC_MAXBUF){idx = 0;}}port->rxbufstat[idx] = EC_BUF_ALLOC;if (port->redstate != ECT_RED_NONE){port->redport->rxbufstat[idx] = EC_BUF_ALLOC;}port->lastidx = idx;//   mtx_unlock (port->getindex_mutex);
//   sys_mutex_unlock(port->getindex_mutex);xSemaphoreGive(port->getindex_mutex);return idx;
}/** Set rx buffer status.* @param[in] port     = port context struct* @param[in] idx      = index in buffer array* @param[in] bufstat  = status to set*/
void ecx_setbufstat(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int bufstat)
{port->rxbufstat[idx] = bufstat;if (port->redstate != ECT_RED_NONE){port->redport->rxbufstat[idx] = bufstat;}
}/** Transmit buffer over socket (non blocking).* @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] idx         = index in tx buffer array* @param[in] stacknumber  = 0=Primary 1=Secondary stack* @return socket send result*/
int ecx_outframe(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int stacknumber)
{int lp, rval;ec_stackT *stack;if (!stacknumber){stack = &(port->stack);}else{stack = &(port->redport->stack);}lp = (*stack->txbuflength)[idx];(*stack->rxbufstat)[idx] = EC_BUF_TX;rval = net_send((*stack->txbuf)[idx], lp);return rval;
}/** Transmit buffer over socket (non blocking).* @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] idx = index in tx buffer array* @return socket send result*/
int ecx_outframe_red(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx)
{ec_comt *datagramP;ec_etherheadert *ehp;int rval;ehp = (ec_etherheadert *)&(port->txbuf[idx]);/* rewrite MAC source address 1 to primary */ehp->sa1 = oshw_htons(priMAC[1]);/* transmit over primary socket*/rval = ecx_outframe(port, idx, 0);if (port->redstate != ECT_RED_NONE){//mtx_lock (port->tx_mutex);
//     sys_mutex_lock(port->tx_mutex);xSemaphoreTake(port->tx_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);ehp = (ec_etherheadert *)&(port->txbuf2);/* use dummy frame for secondary socket transmit (BRD) */datagramP = (ec_comt*)&(port->txbuf2[ETH_HEADERSIZE]);/* write index to frame */datagramP->index = idx;/* rewrite MAC source address 1 to secondary */ehp->sa1 = oshw_htons(secMAC[1]);/* transmit over secondary socket *///send(sockhandle2, &ec_txbuf2, ec_txbuflength2 , 0);// OBS! redundant not ACTIVE for BFIN, just added to compileif(net_send(&(port->txbuf2), port->txbuflength2) == -1){port->redport->rxbufstat[idx] = EC_BUF_EMPTY;}port->redport->rxbufstat[idx] = EC_BUF_TX;//mtx_unlock (port->tx_mutex);
//      sys_mutex_unlock(port->tx_mutex);xSemaphoreGive(port->tx_mutex);}return rval;
}/** Non blocking read of socket. Put frame in temporary buffer.* @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] stacknumber = 0=primary 1=secondary stack* @return >0 if frame is available and read*/
static int ecx_recvpkt(ecx_portt *port, int stacknumber)
{int lp, bytesrx;ec_stackT *stack;if (!stacknumber){stack = &(port->stack);}else{stack = &(port->redport->stack);}lp = sizeof(port->tempinbuf);bytesrx = net_recv((*stack->tempbuf), lp);port->tempinbufs = bytesrx;return (bytesrx > 0);
}/** Non blocking receive frame function. Uses RX buffer and index to combine* read frame with transmitted frame. To compensate for received frames that* are out-of-order all frames are stored in their respective indexed buffer.* If a frame was placed in the buffer previously, the function retrieves it* from that buffer index without calling ec_recvpkt. If the requested index* is not already in the buffer it calls ec_recvpkt to fetch it. There are* three options now, 1 no frame read, so exit. 2 frame read but other* than requested index, store in buffer and exit. 3 frame read with matching* index, store in buffer, set completed flag in buffer status and exit.** @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] idx         = requested index of frame* @param[in] stacknumber = 0=primary 1=secondary stack* @return Workcounter if a frame is found with corresponding index, otherwise* EC_NOFRAME or EC_OTHERFRAME.*/
int ecx_inframe(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int stacknumber)
{uint16  l;int     rval;uint8   idxf;ec_etherheadert *ehp;ec_comt *ecp;ec_stackT *stack;ec_bufT *rxbuf;if (!stacknumber){stack = &(port->stack);}else{stack = &(port->redport->stack);}rval = EC_NOFRAME;rxbuf = &(*stack->rxbuf)[idx];/* check if requested index is already in buffer ? */if ((idx < EC_MAXBUF) && (   (*stack->rxbufstat)[idx] == EC_BUF_RCVD)){l = (*rxbuf)[0] + ((uint16)((*rxbuf)[1] & 0x0f) << 8);/* return WKC */rval = ((*rxbuf)[l] + ((uint16)(*rxbuf)[l + 1] << 8));/* mark as completed */(*stack->rxbufstat)[idx] = EC_BUF_COMPLETE;}else{//      mtx_lock (port->rx_mutex);
//     sys_mutex_lock(port->rx_mutex);xSemaphoreTake(port->rx_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);/* non blocking call to retrieve frame from socket */if (ecx_recvpkt(port, stacknumber)){rval = EC_OTHERFRAME;ehp =(ec_etherheadert*)(stack->tempbuf);/* check if it is an EtherCAT frame */if (ehp->etype == oshw_htons(ETH_P_ECAT)){ecp =(ec_comt*)(&(*stack->tempbuf)[ETH_HEADERSIZE]);l = etohs(ecp->elength) & 0x0fff;idxf = ecp->index;/* found index equals requested index ? */if (idxf == idx){/* yes, put it in the buffer array (strip ethernet header) */memcpy(rxbuf, &(*stack->tempbuf)[ETH_HEADERSIZE], (*stack->txbuflength)[idx] - ETH_HEADERSIZE);/* return WKC */rval = ((*rxbuf)[l] + ((uint16)((*rxbuf)[l + 1]) << 8));/* mark as completed */(*stack->rxbufstat)[idx] = EC_BUF_COMPLETE;/* store MAC source word 1 for redundant routing info */(*stack->rxsa)[idx] = oshw_ntohs(ehp->sa1);}else{/* check if index exist and someone is waiting for it */if (idxf < EC_MAXBUF && (*stack->rxbufstat)[idxf] == EC_BUF_TX){rxbuf = &(*stack->rxbuf)[idxf];/* put it in the buffer array (strip ethernet header) */memcpy(rxbuf, &(*stack->tempbuf)[ETH_HEADERSIZE], (*stack->txbuflength)[idxf] - ETH_HEADERSIZE);/* mark as received */(*stack->rxbufstat)[idxf] = EC_BUF_RCVD;(*stack->rxsa)[idxf] = oshw_ntohs(ehp->sa1);}else{/* strange things happened */}}}}
//      mtx_unlock (port->rx_mutex);
//      sys_mutex_unlock(port->rx_mutex);xSemaphoreGive(port->rx_mutex);}/* WKC if matching frame found */return rval;
}/** Blocking redundant receive frame function. If redundant mode is not active then* it skips the secondary stack and redundancy functions. In redundant mode it waits* for both (primary and secondary) frames to come in. The result goes in an decision* tree that decides, depending on the route of the packet and its possible missing arrival,* how to reroute the original packet to get the data in an other try.** @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] idx = requested index of frame* @param[in] timer = absolute timeout time* @return Workcounter if a frame is found with corresponding index, otherwise* EC_NOFRAME.*/
static int ecx_waitinframe_red(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, osal_timert timer)
{int wkc  = EC_NOFRAME;int wkc2 = EC_NOFRAME;int primrx, secrx;/* if not in redundant mode then always assume secondary is OK */if (port->redstate == ECT_RED_NONE){wkc2 = 0;}do{/* only read frame if not already in */if (wkc <= EC_NOFRAME){wkc  = ecx_inframe(port, idx, 0);}/* only try secondary if in redundant mode */if (port->redstate != ECT_RED_NONE){/* only read frame if not already in */if (wkc2 <= EC_NOFRAME)wkc2 = ecx_inframe(port, idx, 1);}/* wait for both frames to arrive or timeout */} while (((wkc <= EC_NOFRAME) || (wkc2 <= EC_NOFRAME)) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE));/* only do redundant functions when in redundant mode */if (port->redstate != ECT_RED_NONE){/* primrx if the received MAC source on primary socket */primrx = 0;if (wkc > EC_NOFRAME){primrx = port->rxsa[idx];}/* secrx if the received MAC source on psecondary socket */secrx = 0;if (wkc2 > EC_NOFRAME){secrx = port->redport->rxsa[idx];}/* primary socket got secondary frame and secondary socket got primary frame *//* normal situation in redundant mode */if ( ((primrx == RX_SEC) && (secrx == RX_PRIM)) ){/* copy secondary buffer to primary */memcpy(&(port->rxbuf[idx]), &(port->redport->rxbuf[idx]), port->txbuflength[idx] - ETH_HEADERSIZE);wkc = wkc2;}/* primary socket got nothing or primary frame, and secondary socket got secondary frame *//* we need to resend TX packet */if ( ((primrx == 0) && (secrx == RX_SEC)) ||((primrx == RX_PRIM) && (secrx == RX_SEC)) ){osal_timert read_timer;/* If both primary and secondary have partial connection retransmit the primary received* frame over the secondary socket. The result from the secondary received frame is a combined* frame that traversed all slaves in standard order. */if ( (primrx == RX_PRIM) && (secrx == RX_SEC) ){/* copy primary rx to tx buffer */memcpy(&(port->txbuf[idx][ETH_HEADERSIZE]), &(port->rxbuf[idx]), port->txbuflength[idx] - ETH_HEADERSIZE);}osal_timer_start(&read_timer, EC_TIMEOUTRET);/* resend secondary tx */ecx_outframe(port, idx, 1);do{/* retrieve frame */wkc2 = ecx_inframe(port, idx, 1);} while ((wkc2 <= EC_NOFRAME) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&read_timer) == FALSE));if (wkc2 > EC_NOFRAME){/* copy secondary result to primary rx buffer */memcpy(&(port->rxbuf[idx]), &(port->redport->rxbuf[idx]), port->txbuflength[idx] - ETH_HEADERSIZE);wkc = wkc2;}}}/* return WKC or EC_NOFRAME */return wkc;
}/** Blocking receive frame function. Calls ec_waitinframe_red().* @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] idx       = requested index of frame* @param[in] timeout   = timeout in us* @return Workcounter if a frame is found with corresponding index, otherwise* EC_NOFRAME.*/
int ecx_waitinframe(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int timeout)
{int wkc;osal_timert timer;osal_timer_start (&timer, timeout);wkc = ecx_waitinframe_red(port, idx, timer);return wkc;
}/** Blocking send and receive frame function. Used for non processdata frames.* A datagram is build into a frame and transmitted via this function. It waits* for an answer and returns the workcounter. The function retries if time is* left and the result is WKC=0 or no frame received.** The function calls ec_outframe_red() and ec_waitinframe_red().** @param[in] port        = port context struct* @param[in] idx      = index of frame* @param[in] timeout  = timeout in us* @return Workcounter or EC_NOFRAME*/
int ecx_srconfirm(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int timeout)
{int wkc = EC_NOFRAME;osal_timert timer;osal_timer_start(&timer, timeout);do{osal_timert read_timer;/* tx frame on primary and if in redundant mode a dummy on secondary */ecx_outframe_red(port, idx);osal_timer_start(&read_timer, MIN(timeout, EC_TIMEOUTRET));/* get frame from primary or if in redundant mode possibly from secondary */wkc = ecx_waitinframe_red(port, idx, read_timer);/* wait for answer with WKC>0 or otherwise retry until timeout */} while ((wkc <= EC_NOFRAME) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE));return wkc;
}#ifdef EC_VER1
int ec_setupnic(const char *ifname, int secondary)
{return ecx_setupnic(&ecx_port, ifname, secondary);
}int ec_closenic(void)
{return ecx_closenic(&ecx_port);
}uint8 ec_getindex(void)
{return ecx_getindex(&ecx_port);
}void ec_setbufstat(uint8 idx, int bufstat)
{ecx_setbufstat(&ecx_port, idx, bufstat);
}int ec_outframe(uint8 idx, int stacknumber)
{return ecx_outframe(&ecx_port, idx, stacknumber);
}int ec_outframe_red(uint8 idx)
{return ecx_outframe_red(&ecx_port, idx);
}int ec_inframe(uint8 idx, int stacknumber)
{return ecx_inframe(&ecx_port, idx, stacknumber);
}int ec_waitinframe(uint8 idx, int timeout)
{return ecx_waitinframe(&ecx_port, idx, timeout);
}int ec_srconfirm(uint8 idx, int timeout)
{return ecx_srconfirm(&ecx_port, idx, timeout);
/** Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with exceptions. See* LICENSE file in the project root for full license information*//** \file* \brief* Headerfile for nicdrv.c*/#ifndef _nicdrvh_
#define _nicdrvh_#include "ethercattype.h"/** pointer structure to Tx and Rx stacks */
typedef struct
{/** socket connection used */int         *sock;/** tx buffer */ec_bufT     (*txbuf)[EC_MAXBUF];/** tx buffer lengths */int         (*txbuflength)[EC_MAXBUF];/** temporary receive buffer */ec_bufT     *tempbuf;/** rx buffers */ec_bufT     (*rxbuf)[EC_MAXBUF];/** rx buffer status fields */int         (*rxbufstat)[EC_MAXBUF];/** received MAC source address (middle word) */int         (*rxsa)[EC_MAXBUF];
} ec_stackT;/** pointer structure to buffers for redundant port */
typedef struct
{ec_stackT   stack;int         sockhandle;/** rx buffers */ec_bufT rxbuf[EC_MAXBUF];/** rx buffer status */int rxbufstat[EC_MAXBUF];/** rx MAC source address */int rxsa[EC_MAXBUF];/** temporary rx buffer */ec_bufT tempinbuf;
} ecx_redportt;/** pointer structure to buffers, vars and mutexes for port instantiation */
#include "sys.h"
#include "sys_arch.h"
typedef struct
{ec_stackT   stack;int         sockhandle;/** rx buffers */ec_bufT rxbuf[EC_MAXBUF];/** rx buffer status */int rxbufstat[EC_MAXBUF];/** rx MAC source address */int rxsa[EC_MAXBUF];/** temporary rx buffer */ec_bufT tempinbuf;/** temporary rx buffer status */int tempinbufs;/** transmit buffers */ec_bufT txbuf[EC_MAXBUF];/** transmit buffer lengths */int txbuflength[EC_MAXBUF];/** temporary tx buffer */ec_bufT txbuf2;/** temporary tx buffer length */int txbuflength2;/** last used frame index */uint8 lastidx;/** current redundancy state */int redstate;/** pointer to redundancy port and buffers */ecx_redportt *redport;
//   mtx_t * getindex_mutex;
//   mtx_t * tx_mutex;
//   mtx_t * rx_mutex;
//   sys_mutex_t * getindex_mutex;
//   sys_mutex_t * tx_mutex;
//   sys_mutex_t * rx_mutex;SemaphoreHandle_t getindex_mutex;SemaphoreHandle_t tx_mutex;SemaphoreHandle_t rx_mutex;
//   uart3DMATxCpltMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex()
//   xSemaphoreTake(TCP_TxCpltMutex, portMAX_DELAY);
//   xSemaphoreGive(TCP_TxCpltMutex);} ecx_portt;extern const uint16 priMAC[3];
extern const uint16 secMAC[3];#ifdef EC_VER1
extern ecx_portt     ecx_port;
extern ecx_redportt  ecx_redport;int ec_setupnic(const char * ifname, int secondary);
int ec_closenic(void);
void ec_setbufstat(uint8 idx, int bufstat);
uint8 ec_getindex(void);
int ec_outframe(uint8 idx, int stacknumber);
int ec_outframe_red(uint8 idx);
int ec_waitinframe(uint8 idx, int timeout);
int ec_srconfirm(uint8 idx,int timeout);
#endifvoid ec_setupheader(void *p);
int ecx_setupnic(ecx_portt *port, const char * ifname, int secondary);
int ecx_closenic(ecx_portt *port);
void ecx_setbufstat(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int bufstat);
uint8 ecx_getindex(ecx_portt *port);
int ecx_outframe(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int stacknumber);
int ecx_outframe_red(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx);
int ecx_waitinframe(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx, int timeout);
int ecx_srconfirm(ecx_portt *port, uint8 idx,int timeout);#endif


#include "netif.h"
#include "nicdrv.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "string.h"
* receive fifo buf
#define HOOK_RX_BUFSIZE 10static uint8_t netfrmbuf[HOOK_RX_BUFSIZE][1540];
static int netfrmbuf_cnt[HOOK_RX_BUFSIZE];
static int netfrm_head = 0;
static int netfrm_tail = 0;
static int netfrm_full = 0;int hook_rx_dump = 0;
int hook_tx_dump = 0;/******************************************************************************
* store netif and old function addr
static struct netif *netif = NULL;
static netif_linkoutput_fn link_output;
static netif_input_fn input;/******************************************************************************
* hex dump
#define __is_print(ch) ((unsigned int)((ch) - ' ') < 127u - ' ')
static void hex_dump(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t buflen)
{unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)ptr;int i, j;configASSERT(ptr != NULL);for (i = 0; i < buflen; i += 16){printf("%08X: ", i);for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)if (i + j < buflen)printf("%02X ", buf[i + j]);elseprintf("   ");printf(" ");for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)if (i + j < buflen)printf("%c", __is_print(buf[i + j]) ? buf[i + j] : '.');printf("\n");}
* rx/tx hook function
/* get tx data */
static err_t _netif_linkoutput(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p)
{return link_output(netif, p);
}/* get rx data */
static err_t _netif_input(struct pbuf *p, struct netif *inp)
{if(p->tot_len>=14){char *data = p->payload;if(data[12]=='\x88' && data[13]=='\xa4') //filter for ethercat frame{if(netfrm_full == 0){pbuf_copy_partial(p, netfrmbuf[netfrm_tail], p->tot_len, 0);netfrmbuf_cnt[netfrm_tail] = p->tot_len;netfrm_tail = (netfrm_tail+1) % HOOK_RX_BUFSIZE;if(netfrm_tail==netfrm_head)netfrm_full = 1;}//rt_kprintf("tail = %d, full = %d\n", netfrm_tail, netfrm_full);}}return input(p, inp);
* hook install
int install_hook(ecx_portt *port, const char *ifname)
{struct netif *now_netif;netfrm_head = 0;netfrm_tail = 0;netfrm_full = 0;if(netif == NULL){now_netif = netif_find(ifname);if (now_netif == NULL){printf("hook install error 'device == NULL'\n");return 0;}if ((now_netif == NULL) || (now_netif->linkoutput == NULL)){printf("hook install error '(netif == NULL) || (netif->linkoutput == NULL)'\n");return 0;}}else{printf("device %s hook already installed, must be uninstall it before intall new on\n", ifname);}netif = now_netif;//install netdev hooktaskENTER_CRITICAL(); //进入临界段link_output = netif->linkoutput;netif->linkoutput = _netif_linkoutput;input = netif->input;netif->input = _netif_input;taskEXIT_CRITICAL();  //退出临界段printf("hook installed on %s\n", ifname);return 1;
* hook uninstall
int uninstall_hook(ecx_portt *port)
{//uninstall netdev hookif(netif != NULL){taskENTER_CRITICAL();    //进入临界段netif->input = input;netif->linkoutput = link_output;taskEXIT_CRITICAL();    //退出临界段netif = NULL;}printf("hook uninstalled\n");return 1;
* netdev send/recv api
int net_send(unsigned char *data, int len)
{int ret = -1;struct pbuf *p;p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, len, PBUF_POOL);if (p != NULL){pbuf_take(p, data, len);if(hook_tx_dump){printf("send --- len=%d>>>\n",len);hex_dump(p->payload, p->tot_len);}_netif_linkoutput(netif,p);pbuf_free(p);ret = len;}else{printf("net_send alloc buffer error\n");}return ret;
}int net_recv(unsigned char *data, int len)
{if(netfrm_full == 0 && netfrm_tail==netfrm_head){return 0;}int total = netfrmbuf_cnt[netfrm_head];if(total > len) total = len;memcpy(data, netfrmbuf[netfrm_head], total);netfrm_head = (netfrm_head+1) % HOOK_RX_BUFSIZE;if(netfrm_tail==netfrm_head)netfrm_full = 0;if(hook_rx_dump){printf("recv <<<---\n");hex_dump(data, total);printf("head = %d, tail = %d, full = %d\n", netfrm_head, netfrm_tail, netfrm_full);}return total;
}//extern osSemaphoreId s_xSemaphore;
extern ETH_HandleTypeDef heth;void net_hook_test(void)
{unsigned char frame[] = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x88\xa4\x0d\x10\
\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";//   unsigned char frame[] = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfc\x34\x97\x4a\xa6\xd2\x88\xa4\x0d\x10\
//\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";if(install_hook(NULL, "st0")==1){uint32_t data = heth.Instance->MACFFR;heth.Instance->MACFFR = data | 0x80000000;net_send(frame,60);osal_usleep(500);
//      osSemaphoreRelease(s_xSemaphore);vTaskDelay(1000);
//      net_recv();
//      etharp_outputuninstall_hook(NULL);}


#ifndef _netdev_hook_h_
#define _netdev_hook_h_#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
{#endif#include "osal.h"
#include "oshw.h"int install_hook(ecx_portt *port, const char *ifname);int uninstall_hook(ecx_portt *port);int net_send(unsigned char *data, int len);int net_recv(unsigned char *data, int len);void net_hook_test(void);#ifdef __cplusplus

2.2.4 soem的剪切



2.2.5 确保lwip开启mac混杂模式


macinit.ReceiveAll = ETH_RECEIVEALL_ENABLE;
macinit.PromiscuousMode = ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_ENABLE;

3. 测试代码


 /* 创建伺服电机控制任务 */xReturn = xTaskCreate((TaskFunction_t)soem_motor_Task,     //伺服电机(const char*   )"soem_motor_Task",(uint16_t      )1024*2,(void*         )NULL,(UBaseType_t   )6,(TaskHandle_t* )&soem_motor_Task_Handle);if(pdPASS == xReturn)printf("创建PHY_Link_Check任务成功!\r\n");


/** PVD.c**  Created on: 2022年9月22日*      Author: shengmidao*/#include "soem_motor.h"#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>#include "nicdrv.h"#include <lwip/pbuf.h>
#include <lwip/inet.h>#include "ethercat.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
#include "osal.h"
#include "oshw.h"
#include "netif.h"static void test_oshw_htons (void)
{uint16 network;uint16 host;host = 0x1234;network = oshw_htons (host);configASSERT(network == htons (host));
}static void test_oshw_ntohs (void)
{uint16 host;uint16 network;network = 0x1234;host = oshw_ntohs (network);configASSERT(host == ntohs (network));
}//static uint8_t frame_data[] =
//{//        /*0x50,0xFA,0x84,0x15,0x3C,0x3C,*/                            /* ??MAC */
//        //0xff,0xFf,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
//      0x00,0xE0,0x4C,0x36,0x10,0x00,
//      0x0,0x80,0xE1,0x0,0x0,0x0,                                /* ??MAC */
//        0x8,0x0,                                                  /* ip?? */
//        //0x7,0x10,                                                  /* ip?? */
//        0x45,0x0,0x0,0x26/*l*/,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xFF,0x11,0x0,0x0, /* UDP?? */
//        0xC0,0xA8,0x1f,0xef,                                       /* ??IP */
//        0xC0,0xA8,0x1f,0x63,                                        /* ??IP */
//        0x22,0xB0,                                                /* ???? */
//        0x22,0xB1,                                                /* ???? */
//        0x0,0x12,                                                 /* UDP??*/
//        0x0,0x0,                                                  /* UDP?? */
//        0x68,0x65,0x6C,0x6C,0x6F,0x20,0x7A,0x6F,0x72,0x62         /* ?? */
//};//static void echo_time()
//{//  struct timeval tp;
//  osal_gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
//  printf("cur time = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp.tv_sec,tp.tv_usec/1000,tp.tv_usec%1000);
//static void test_osal_timer_timeout_us (const uint32 timeout_us)
//{//   osal_timert timer;//   RT_ASSERT (timeout_us > 4000);//   osal_timer_start (&timer, timeout_us);
//   RT_ASSERT (osal_timer_is_expired (&timer) == FALSE);
//   osal_usleep (timeout_us - 2000);
//   RT_ASSERT (osal_timer_is_expired (&timer) == FALSE);
//   osal_usleep (4000);
//   RT_ASSERT (osal_timer_is_expired (&timer));
//}//static void test_osal_timer_timeout_us2 (const uint32 timeout_us)
//{//  osal_timert timer;
//  struct timeval tp,tp1;
//  RT_ASSERT (timeout_us > 4000);// osal_gettimeofday(&tp1, 0);
//  osal_timer_start (&timer, timeout_us);
//  if(osal_timer_is_expired (&timer)){//      osal_gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
//      //rt_kprintf("\ttime1 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp1.tv_sec,tp1.tv_usec/1000,tp1.tv_usec%1000);
//      rt_kprintf("\tFail-1 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp1.tv_sec,tp1.tv_usec/1000,tp1.tv_usec%1000);
//      goto fail;
//  }
//  osal_usleep (timeout_us - 2000);
//  if(osal_timer_is_expired (&timer)){//      osal_gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
//      //rt_kprintf("\ttime1 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp1.tv_sec,tp1.tv_usec/1000,tp1.tv_usec%1000);
//      rt_kprintf("\tFail-2 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp1.tv_sec,tp1.tv_usec/1000,tp1.tv_usec%1000);
//      goto fail;
//  }
//  osal_usleep (4000);
//  if(osal_timer_is_expired (&timer)==FALSE){//      osal_gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
//      //rt_kprintf("\ttime1 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp1.tv_sec,tp1.tv_usec/1000,tp1.tv_usec%1000);
//      rt_kprintf("\tFail-3 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp1.tv_sec,tp1.tv_usec/1000,tp1.tv_usec%1000);
//      goto fail;
//  }
//  osal_gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
//  rt_kprintf("\ttime1 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp1.tv_sec,tp1.tv_usec/1000,tp1.tv_usec%1000);
//  rt_kprintf("\ttime2 = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp.tv_sec,tp.tv_usec/1000,tp.tv_usec%1000);// rt_kprintf("%d us test pass\n", timeout_us);//    return;//fail:
//  rt_kprintf("%d us test fail\n", timeout_us);
//}//static void test_osal_timer (void)
//{//   test_osal_timer_timeout_us (10*1000);     /* 10ms */
//   test_osal_timer_timeout_us (100*1000);    /* 100ms */
//   test_osal_timer_timeout_us (1000*1000);   /* 1s */
//   test_osal_timer_timeout_us (2000*1000);   /* 2s */
//}#define USECS_PER_SEC   1000000
#define USECS_PER_TICK  1000
#ifndef ABS
#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
#endifstatic int32 time_difference_us (const ec_timet stop, const ec_timet start)
{int32 difference_us;configASSERT (stop.sec >= start.sec);if (stop.sec == start.sec){configASSERT (stop.usec >= start.usec);}difference_us = (stop.sec - start.sec) * USECS_PER_SEC;difference_us += ((int32)stop.usec - (int32)start.usec);configASSERT (difference_us >= 0);return difference_us;
}/*** Test osal_current_time() by using it for measuring how long an osal_usleep()* takes, in specified number of microseconds.*/
ec_timet start_test;
ec_timet stop_test;
int32 sleep_test;
static void test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (const int32 sleep_time_us)
{ec_timet start;ec_timet stop;int32 measurement_us;int32 deviation_us;const int32 usleep_accuracy_us = USECS_PER_TICK;boolean is_deviation_within_tolerance;printf("sleep_us(%ld)...\n", sleep_time_us);sleep_test=sleep_time_us;start = osal_current_time ();start_test=start;osal_usleep (sleep_time_us);stop = osal_current_time ();stop_test=stop;printf("\tstart time = %ld,%03ld,%03ld(us)\n", start.sec,start.usec/1000,start.usec%1000);printf("\tstop  time = %ld,%03ld,%03ld(us)\n", stop.sec,stop.usec/1000,stop.usec%1000);measurement_us = time_difference_us (stop, start);deviation_us = ABS (measurement_us - sleep_time_us);is_deviation_within_tolerance = deviation_us <= usleep_accuracy_us;if(is_deviation_within_tolerance){printf("\terr=%ld pass\n", measurement_us - sleep_time_us);}else{printf("\terr=%ld fail\n", measurement_us - sleep_time_us);}}static void test_osal_current_time (void)
{test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (1000);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (2000);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (3000);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (0);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (1);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (500);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (USECS_PER_TICK);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (USECS_PER_TICK-1);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (USECS_PER_TICK+1);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (2 * 1000 * 1000);  /* 2s */test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (400);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (600);test_osal_current_time_for_delay_us (800);
char IOmap[4096];
ec_ODlistt ODlist;
ec_OElistt OElist;
boolean printSDO = TRUE;
boolean printMAP = TRUE;
char usdo[128];#define OTYPE_VAR               0x0007
#define OTYPE_ARRAY             0x0008
#define OTYPE_RECORD            0x0009#define ATYPE_Rpre              0x01
#define ATYPE_Rsafe             0x02
#define ATYPE_Rop               0x04
#define ATYPE_Wpre              0x08
#define ATYPE_Wsafe             0x10
#define ATYPE_Wop               0x20char* dtype2string(uint16 dtype, uint16 bitlen)
{static char str[32] = { 0 };switch(dtype){case ECT_BOOLEAN:sprintf(str, "BOOLEAN");break;case ECT_INTEGER8:sprintf(str, "INTEGER8");break;case ECT_INTEGER16:sprintf(str, "INTEGER16");break;case ECT_INTEGER32:sprintf(str, "INTEGER32");break;case ECT_INTEGER24:sprintf(str, "INTEGER24");break;case ECT_INTEGER64:sprintf(str, "INTEGER64");break;case ECT_UNSIGNED8:sprintf(str, "UNSIGNED8");break;case ECT_UNSIGNED16:sprintf(str, "UNSIGNED16");break;case ECT_UNSIGNED32:sprintf(str, "UNSIGNED32");break;case ECT_UNSIGNED24:sprintf(str, "UNSIGNED24");break;case ECT_UNSIGNED64:sprintf(str, "UNSIGNED64");break;case ECT_REAL32:sprintf(str, "REAL32");break;case ECT_REAL64:sprintf(str, "REAL64");break;case ECT_BIT1:sprintf(str, "BIT1");break;case ECT_BIT2:sprintf(str, "BIT2");break;case ECT_BIT3:sprintf(str, "BIT3");break;case ECT_BIT4:sprintf(str, "BIT4");break;case ECT_BIT5:sprintf(str, "BIT5");break;case ECT_BIT6:sprintf(str, "BIT6");break;case ECT_BIT7:sprintf(str, "BIT7");break;case ECT_BIT8:sprintf(str, "BIT8");break;case ECT_VISIBLE_STRING:sprintf(str, "VISIBLE_STR(%d)", bitlen);break;case ECT_OCTET_STRING:sprintf(str, "OCTET_STR(%d)", bitlen);break;default:sprintf(str, "dt:0x%4.4X (%d)", dtype, bitlen);}return str;
}char* otype2string(uint16 otype)
{static char str[32] = { 0 };switch(otype){case OTYPE_VAR:sprintf(str, "VAR");break;case OTYPE_ARRAY:sprintf(str, "ARRAY");break;case OTYPE_RECORD:sprintf(str, "RECORD");break;default:sprintf(str, "ot:0x%4.4X", otype);}return str;
}char* access2string(uint16 access)
{static char str[32] = { 0 };sprintf(str, "%s%s%s%s%s%s",((access & ATYPE_Rpre) != 0 ? "R" : "_"),((access & ATYPE_Wpre) != 0 ? "W" : "_"),((access & ATYPE_Rsafe) != 0 ? "R" : "_"),((access & ATYPE_Wsafe) != 0 ? "W" : "_"),((access & ATYPE_Rop) != 0 ? "R" : "_"),((access & ATYPE_Wop) != 0 ? "W" : "_"));return str;
}char* SDO2string(uint16 slave, uint16 index, uint8 subidx, uint16 dtype)
{int l = sizeof(usdo) - 1, i;uint8 *u8;int8 *i8;uint16 *u16;int16 *i16;uint32 *u32;int32 *i32;uint64 *u64;int64 *i64;float *sr;double *dr;char es[32];memset(&usdo, 0, 128);ec_SDOread(slave, index, subidx, FALSE, &l, &usdo, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);if (EcatError){return ec_elist2string();}else{static char str[64] = { 0 };switch(dtype){case ECT_BOOLEAN:u8 = (uint8*) &usdo[0];if (*u8) sprintf(str, "TRUE");else sprintf(str, "FALSE");break;case ECT_INTEGER8:i8 = (int8*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%2.2x / %d", *i8, *i8);break;case ECT_INTEGER16:i16 = (int16*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%4.4x / %d", *i16, *i16);break;case ECT_INTEGER32:case ECT_INTEGER24:i32 = (int32*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%8.8lx / %ld", *i32, *i32);break;case ECT_INTEGER64:i64 = (int64*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%16.16"PRIx64" / %"PRId64, *i64, *i64);break;case ECT_UNSIGNED8:u8 = (uint8*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%2.2x / %u", *u8, *u8);break;case ECT_UNSIGNED16:u16 = (uint16*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%4.4x / %u", *u16, *u16);break;case ECT_UNSIGNED32:case ECT_UNSIGNED24:u32 = (uint32*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%8.8lx / %lu", *u32, *u32);break;case ECT_UNSIGNED64:u64 = (uint64*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%16.16"PRIx64" / %"PRIu64, *u64, *u64);break;case ECT_REAL32:sr = (float*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "%f", *sr);sprintf(str, "%f", *sr);break;case ECT_REAL64:dr = (double*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "%f", *dr);break;case ECT_BIT1:case ECT_BIT2:case ECT_BIT3:case ECT_BIT4:case ECT_BIT5:case ECT_BIT6:case ECT_BIT7:case ECT_BIT8:u8 = (uint8*) &usdo[0];sprintf(str, "0x%x / %u", *u8, *u8);break;case ECT_VISIBLE_STRING:strcpy(str, "\"");strcat(str, usdo);strcat(str, "\"");break;case ECT_OCTET_STRING:str[0] = 0x00;for (i = 0 ; i < l ; i++){sprintf(es, "0x%2.2x ", usdo[i]);strcat( str, es);}break;default:sprintf(str, "Unknown type");}return str;}
}/** Read PDO assign structure */
int si_PDOassign(uint16 slave, uint16 PDOassign, int mapoffset, int bitoffset)
{uint16 idxloop, nidx, subidxloop, rdat, idx, subidx;uint8 subcnt;int wkc, bsize = 0, rdl;int32 rdat2;uint8 bitlen, obj_subidx;uint16 obj_idx;int abs_offset, abs_bit;rdl = sizeof(rdat); rdat = 0;/* read PDO assign subindex 0 ( = number of PDO's) */wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, PDOassign, 0x00, FALSE, &rdl, &rdat, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);rdat = etohs(rdat);/* positive result from slave ? */if ((wkc > 0) && (rdat > 0)){/* number of available sub indexes */nidx = rdat;bsize = 0;/* read all PDO's */for (idxloop = 1; idxloop <= nidx; idxloop++){rdl = sizeof(rdat); rdat = 0;/* read PDO assign */wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, PDOassign, (uint8)idxloop, FALSE, &rdl, &rdat, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);/* result is index of PDO */idx = etohs(rdat);if (idx > 0){rdl = sizeof(subcnt); subcnt = 0;/* read number of subindexes of PDO */wkc = ec_SDOread(slave,idx, 0x00, FALSE, &rdl, &subcnt, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);subidx = subcnt;/* for each subindex */for (subidxloop = 1; subidxloop <= subidx; subidxloop++){rdl = sizeof(rdat2); rdat2 = 0;/* read SDO that is mapped in PDO */wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, idx, (uint8)subidxloop, FALSE, &rdl, &rdat2, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);rdat2 = etohl(rdat2);/* extract bitlength of SDO */bitlen = LO_BYTE(rdat2);bsize += bitlen;obj_idx = (uint16)(rdat2 >> 16);obj_subidx = (uint8)((rdat2 >> 8) & 0x000000ff);abs_offset = mapoffset + (bitoffset / 8);abs_bit = bitoffset % 8;ODlist.Slave = slave;ODlist.Index[0] = obj_idx;OElist.Entries = 0;wkc = 0;/* read object entry from dictionary if not a filler (0x0000:0x00) */if(obj_idx || obj_subidx)wkc = ec_readOEsingle(0, obj_subidx, &ODlist, &OElist);printf("  [0x%4.4X.%1d] 0x%4.4X:0x%2.2X 0x%2.2X", abs_offset, abs_bit, obj_idx, obj_subidx, bitlen);if((wkc > 0) && OElist.Entries){printf(" %-12s %s\n", dtype2string(OElist.DataType[obj_subidx], bitlen), OElist.Name[obj_subidx]);}elseprintf("\n");bitoffset += bitlen;};};};};/* return total found bitlength (PDO) */return bsize;
}int si_map_sdo(int slave)
{int wkc, rdl;int retVal = 0;uint8 nSM, iSM, tSM;int Tsize, outputs_bo, inputs_bo;uint8 SMt_bug_add;printf("PDO mapping according to CoE :\n");SMt_bug_add = 0;outputs_bo = 0;inputs_bo = 0;rdl = sizeof(nSM); nSM = 0;/* read SyncManager Communication Type object count */wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, ECT_SDO_SMCOMMTYPE, 0x00, FALSE, &rdl, &nSM, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);/* positive result from slave ? */if ((wkc > 0) && (nSM > 2)){/* make nSM equal to number of defined SM */nSM--;/* limit to maximum number of SM defined, if true the slave can't be configured */if (nSM > EC_MAXSM)nSM = EC_MAXSM;/* iterate for every SM type defined */for (iSM = 2 ; iSM <= nSM ; iSM++){rdl = sizeof(tSM); tSM = 0;/* read SyncManager Communication Type */wkc = ec_SDOread(slave, ECT_SDO_SMCOMMTYPE, iSM + 1, FALSE, &rdl, &tSM, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);if (wkc > 0){if((iSM == 2) && (tSM == 2)) // SM2 has type 2 == mailbox out, this is a bug in the slave!{SMt_bug_add = 1; // try to correct, this works if the types are 0 1 2 3 and should be 1 2 3 4printf("Activated SM type workaround, possible incorrect mapping.\n");}if(tSM)tSM += SMt_bug_add; // only add if SMt > 0if (tSM == 3) // outputs{/* read the assign RXPDO */printf("  SM%1d outputs\n     addr b   index: sub bitl data_type    name\n", iSM);Tsize = si_PDOassign(slave, ECT_SDO_PDOASSIGN + iSM, (int)(ec_slave[slave].outputs - (uint8 *)&IOmap[0]), outputs_bo );outputs_bo += Tsize;}if (tSM == 4) // inputs{/* read the assign TXPDO */printf("  SM%1d inputs\n     addr b   index: sub bitl data_type    name\n", iSM);Tsize = si_PDOassign(slave, ECT_SDO_PDOASSIGN + iSM, (int)(ec_slave[slave].inputs - (uint8 *)&IOmap[0]), inputs_bo );inputs_bo += Tsize;}}}}/* found some I/O bits ? */if ((outputs_bo > 0) || (inputs_bo > 0))retVal = 1;return retVal;
}int si_siiPDO(uint16 slave, uint8 t, int mapoffset, int bitoffset)
{uint16 a , w, c, e, er, Size;uint8 eectl;uint16 obj_idx;uint8 obj_subidx;uint8 obj_name;uint8 obj_datatype;uint8 bitlen;int totalsize;ec_eepromPDOt eepPDO;ec_eepromPDOt *PDO;int abs_offset, abs_bit;char str_name[EC_MAXNAME + 1];eectl = ec_slave[slave].eep_pdi;Size = 0;totalsize = 0;PDO = &eepPDO;PDO->nPDO = 0;PDO->Length = 0;PDO->Index[1] = 0;for (c = 0 ; c < EC_MAXSM ; c++) PDO->SMbitsize[c] = 0;if (t > 1)t = 1;PDO->Startpos = ec_siifind(slave, ECT_SII_PDO + t);if (PDO->Startpos > 0){a = PDO->Startpos;w = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);w += (ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++) << 8);PDO->Length = w;c = 1;/* traverse through all PDOs */do{PDO->nPDO++;PDO->Index[PDO->nPDO] = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);PDO->Index[PDO->nPDO] += (ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++) << 8);PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO] = 0;c++;/* number of entries in PDO */e = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO] = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);a++;obj_name = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);a += 2;c += 2;if (PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO] < EC_MAXSM) /* active and in range SM? */{str_name[0] = 0;if(obj_name)ec_siistring(str_name, slave, obj_name);if (t)printf("  SM%1d RXPDO 0x%4.4X %s\n", PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO], PDO->Index[PDO->nPDO], str_name);elseprintf("  SM%1d TXPDO 0x%4.4X %s\n", PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO], PDO->Index[PDO->nPDO], str_name);printf("     addr b   index: sub bitl data_type    name\n");/* read all entries defined in PDO */for (er = 1; er <= e; er++){c += 4;obj_idx = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);obj_idx += (ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++) << 8);obj_subidx = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);obj_name = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);obj_datatype = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);bitlen = ec_siigetbyte(slave, a++);abs_offset = mapoffset + (bitoffset / 8);abs_bit = bitoffset % 8;PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO] += bitlen;a += 2;/* skip entry if filler (0x0000:0x00) */if(obj_idx || obj_subidx){str_name[0] = 0;if(obj_name)ec_siistring(str_name, slave, obj_name);printf("  [0x%4.4X.%1d] 0x%4.4X:0x%2.2X 0x%2.2X", abs_offset, abs_bit, obj_idx, obj_subidx, bitlen);printf(" %-12s %s\n", dtype2string(obj_datatype, bitlen), str_name);}bitoffset += bitlen;totalsize += bitlen;}PDO->SMbitsize[ PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO] ] += PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO];Size += PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO];c++;}else /* PDO deactivated because SM is 0xff or > EC_MAXSM */{c += 4 * e;a += 8 * e;c++;}if (PDO->nPDO >= (EC_MAXEEPDO - 1)) c = PDO->Length; /* limit number of PDO entries in buffer */}while (c < PDO->Length);}if (eectl) ec_eeprom2pdi(slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */return totalsize;
}int si_map_sii(int slave)
{int retVal = 0;int Tsize, outputs_bo, inputs_bo;printf("PDO mapping according to SII :\n");outputs_bo = 0;inputs_bo = 0;/* read the assign RXPDOs */Tsize = si_siiPDO(slave, 1, (int)(ec_slave[slave].outputs - (uint8*)&IOmap), outputs_bo );outputs_bo += Tsize;/* read the assign TXPDOs */Tsize = si_siiPDO(slave, 0, (int)(ec_slave[slave].inputs - (uint8*)&IOmap), inputs_bo );inputs_bo += Tsize;/* found some I/O bits ? */if ((outputs_bo > 0) || (inputs_bo > 0))retVal = 1;return retVal;
}void si_sdo(int cnt)
{int i, j;ODlist.Entries = 0;memset(&ODlist, 0, sizeof(ODlist));if( ec_readODlist(cnt, &ODlist)){printf(" CoE Object Description found, %d entries.\n",ODlist.Entries);for( i = 0 ; i < ODlist.Entries ; i++){uint8_t max_sub;char name[128] = { 0 };ec_readODdescription(i, &ODlist);while(EcatError) printf(" - %s\n", ec_elist2string());snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "\"%s\"", ODlist.Name[i]);if (ODlist.ObjectCode[i] == OTYPE_VAR){printf("0x%04x      %-40s      [%s]\n", ODlist.Index[i], name,otype2string(ODlist.ObjectCode[i]));}else{printf("0x%04x      %-40s      [%s  maxsub(0x%02x / %d)]\n",ODlist.Index[i], name, otype2string(ODlist.ObjectCode[i]),ODlist.MaxSub[i], ODlist.MaxSub[i]);}memset(&OElist, 0, sizeof(OElist));ec_readOE(i, &ODlist, &OElist);while(EcatError) printf("- %s\n", ec_elist2string());if(ODlist.ObjectCode[i] != OTYPE_VAR){int l = sizeof(max_sub);ec_SDOread(cnt, ODlist.Index[i], 0, FALSE, &l, &max_sub, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);}else {max_sub = ODlist.MaxSub[i];}for( j = 0 ; j < max_sub+1 ; j++){if ((OElist.DataType[j] > 0) && (OElist.BitLength[j] > 0)){snprintf(name, sizeof(name) - 1, "\"%s\"", OElist.Name[j]);printf("    0x%02x      %-40s      [%-16s %6s]      ", j, name,dtype2string(OElist.DataType[j], OElist.BitLength[j]),access2string(OElist.ObjAccess[j]));if ((OElist.ObjAccess[j] & 0x0007)){printf("%s", SDO2string(cnt, ODlist.Index[i], j, OElist.DataType[j]));}printf("\n");}}}}else{while(EcatError) printf("%s", ec_elist2string());}
}void soem_run(const char *param)
{int cnt, i, j, nSM;uint16 ssigen;int expectedWKC;printf("Starting slaveinfo\n");if (ec_init(param)){printf("ec_init on %s succeeded.\n",param);ec_configdc();if ( ec_config(FALSE, &IOmap) > 0 ){while(EcatError) printf("%s", ec_elist2string());printf("%d slaves found and configured.\n",ec_slavecount);expectedWKC = (ec_group[0].outputsWKC * 2) + ec_group[0].inputsWKC;printf("Calculated workcounter %d\n", expectedWKC);/* wait for all slaves to reach SAFE_OP state */ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_SAFE_OP,  EC_TIMEOUTSTATE * 3);if (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_SAFE_OP ){printf("Not all slaves reached safe operational state.\n");ec_readstate();for(i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++){if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_SAFE_OP){printf("Slave %d State=%2x StatusCode=%4x : %s\n",i, ec_slave[i].state, ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode, ec_ALstatuscode2string(ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode));}}}ec_readstate();for( cnt = 1 ; cnt <= ec_slavecount ; cnt++){printf("\nSlave:%d\n Name:%s\n Output size: %dbits\n Input size: %dbits\n State: %d\n Delay: %ld[ns]\n Has DC: %d\n",cnt, ec_slave[cnt].name, ec_slave[cnt].Obits, ec_slave[cnt].Ibits,ec_slave[cnt].state, ec_slave[cnt].pdelay, ec_slave[cnt].hasdc);if (ec_slave[cnt].hasdc) printf(" DCParentport:%d\n", ec_slave[cnt].parentport);printf(" Activeports:%d.%d.%d.%d\n", (ec_slave[cnt].activeports & 0x01) > 0 ,(ec_slave[cnt].activeports & 0x02) > 0 ,(ec_slave[cnt].activeports & 0x04) > 0 ,(ec_slave[cnt].activeports & 0x08) > 0 );printf(" Configured address: %4.4x\n", ec_slave[cnt].configadr);printf(" Man: %8.8x ID: %8.8x Rev: %8.8x\n", (int)ec_slave[cnt].eep_man, (int)ec_slave[cnt].eep_id, (int)ec_slave[cnt].eep_rev);for(nSM = 0 ; nSM < EC_MAXSM ; nSM++){if(ec_slave[cnt].SM[nSM].StartAddr > 0)printf(" SM%1d A:%4.4x L:%4d F:%8.8lx Type:%d\n",nSM, etohs(ec_slave[cnt].SM[nSM].StartAddr), etohs(ec_slave[cnt].SM[nSM].SMlength),etohl(ec_slave[cnt].SM[nSM].SMflags), ec_slave[cnt].SMtype[nSM]);}for(j = 0 ; j < ec_slave[cnt].FMMUunused ; j++){printf(" FMMU%1d Ls:%8.8lx Ll:%4d Lsb:%d Leb:%d Ps:%4.4x Psb:%d Ty:%2.2x Act:%2.2x\n", j,etohl(ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].LogStart), etohs(ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].LogLength), ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].LogStartbit,ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].LogEndbit, etohs(ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].PhysStart), ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].PhysStartBit,ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].FMMUtype, ec_slave[cnt].FMMU[j].FMMUactive);}printf(" FMMUfunc 0:%d 1:%d 2:%d 3:%d\n",ec_slave[cnt].FMMU0func, ec_slave[cnt].FMMU1func, ec_slave[cnt].FMMU2func, ec_slave[cnt].FMMU3func);printf(" MBX length wr: %d rd: %d MBX protocols : %2.2x\n", ec_slave[cnt].mbx_l, ec_slave[cnt].mbx_rl, ec_slave[cnt].mbx_proto);ssigen = ec_siifind(cnt, ECT_SII_GENERAL);/* SII general section */if (ssigen){ec_slave[cnt].CoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(cnt, ssigen + 0x07);ec_slave[cnt].FoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(cnt, ssigen + 0x08);ec_slave[cnt].EoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(cnt, ssigen + 0x09);ec_slave[cnt].SoEdetails = ec_siigetbyte(cnt, ssigen + 0x0a);if((ec_siigetbyte(cnt, ssigen + 0x0d) & 0x02) > 0){ec_slave[cnt].blockLRW = 1;ec_slave[0].blockLRW++;}ec_slave[cnt].Ebuscurrent = ec_siigetbyte(cnt, ssigen + 0x0e);ec_slave[cnt].Ebuscurrent += ec_siigetbyte(cnt, ssigen + 0x0f) << 8;ec_slave[0].Ebuscurrent += ec_slave[cnt].Ebuscurrent;}printf(" CoE details: %2.2x FoE details: %2.2x EoE details: %2.2x SoE details: %2.2x\n",ec_slave[cnt].CoEdetails, ec_slave[cnt].FoEdetails, ec_slave[cnt].EoEdetails, ec_slave[cnt].SoEdetails);printf(" Ebus current: %d[mA]\n only LRD/LWR:%d\n",ec_slave[cnt].Ebuscurrent, ec_slave[cnt].blockLRW);if ((ec_slave[cnt].mbx_proto & ECT_MBXPROT_COE) && printSDO)si_sdo(cnt);if(printMAP){if (ec_slave[cnt].mbx_proto & ECT_MBXPROT_COE)si_map_sdo(cnt);elsesi_map_sii(cnt);}}}else{printf("No slaves found!\n");}printf("End slaveinfo, close socket\n");/* stop SOEM, close socket */ec_close();}else{printf("ec_init on %s failed.\n",param);}}#include "lwip.h"
extern struct netif gnetif;void soem_motor_Task(void* parameter)
{while(1){printf("SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)\n");//printf("test_oshw_htons...");test_oshw_htons ();printf("Ok\n");//printf("test_oshw_htons...");test_oshw_ntohs ();printf("Ok\n");printf("test_osal_current_time...\n");
//      test_osal_current_time ();printf("Test finished\n");
//      ReceiveAll//        ETH_MACDMAConfig
//      EthHandle.Instance->MACFFR
//      ethernetif_input
//      ethernet_input
//      HAL_ETH_GetReceivedFrame_IT
//      tcpip_input
//      HAL_ETH_RxCpltCallback
//      ETH_InitStructure
//      ETH_DeInit
//      net_hook_test();
//      HAL_ETH_Start
//      ethernetif_input
//      tcpip_thread//slaveinfo test
//      gnetif.namesoem_run("st0");
//      EC_MAXBUFvTaskDelay(5000);}


#ifndef _SOEM_MOTOR_H
#define _SOEM_MOTOR_Hvoid soem_motor_Task(void* parameter);#endif

4. 周期同步位置模式CSP控制代码


/** PVD.c**  Created on: 2022年9月22日*      Author: shengmidao*/#include "soem_motor.h"#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>#include "nicdrv.h"#include <lwip/pbuf.h>
#include <lwip/inet.h>#include "ethercat.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
#include "osal.h"
#include "oshw.h"
#include "netif.h"
#include "netdev_hook.h"//csp代码
#define __is_print(ch) ((unsigned int)((ch) - ' ') < 127u - ' ')
static void hex_dump(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t buflen)
{unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)ptr;int i, j;configASSERT(ptr != NULL);for (i = 0; i < buflen; i += 16){printf("%08X: ", i);for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)if (i + j < buflen)printf("%02X ", buf[i + j]);elseprintf("   ");printf(" ");for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)if (i + j < buflen)printf("%c", __is_print(buf[i + j]) ? buf[i + j] : '.');printf("\n");}
}static char IOmap[4096];
typedef struct  __attribute__((__packed__))
{unsigned char  mode_byte;unsigned short control_word;long  dest_pos;unsigned short error_word;unsigned short status_word;long  cur_pos;
}SERVO_DATA_T;typedef struct
{SERVO_DATA_T servo_data[3];
}SERVOS_T;SERVOS_T *servos = (SERVOS_T *)IOmap;void view_slave_data()
}static void echo_time()
{struct timeval tp;osal_gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
//  printf("****cur time = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp.tv_sec,tp.tv_usec/1000,tp.tv_usec%1000);
}int safe_SDOwrite(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, int size, void *data)
{int wkc, cnt=0;do{wkc = ec_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, FALSE, size, data, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);cnt++;}while(wkc<=0 && cnt<10);return wkc;
int safe_SDCwrite_b(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint8 b)
{return safe_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 1, &b);
int safe_SDCwrite_w(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint16 w)
{return safe_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 2, &w);
int safe_SDCwrite_dw(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint32 dw)
{return safe_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 4, &dw);
}int safe_SDOread(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, int size, void *data)
{int wkc, cnt=0;do{wkc = ec_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, FALSE, &size, data, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);}while(wkc<=0 && cnt<10);return wkc;
int safe_SDOread_b(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint8 b)
{return safe_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 1, &b);
}int safe_SDOread_w(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint16 w)
{return safe_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 2, &w);
}int safe_SDOread_dw(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint32 dw)
{return safe_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 4, &dw);
}void viewSDO(uint16_t slave, uint16_t index, uint16_t subindex, int bytes)
{uint32_t dw = 0;int wkc;safe_SDOread(slave, index, subindex, bytes, &dw);printf("SDO read=%s, SDO[0x%04x.%02x] = 0x%08x\n", wkc?"success":"fail",index, subindex, dw);
}void process_data_config()
{u8_t     ind;for(int slave = 1; slave <= *ecx_context.slavecount; slave++){//rpdo------------//1c12.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c12, 0, 0);safe_SDCwrite_w(slave, 0x1c12, 1, htoes(0x1600));//1600ind = 0;safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1600, 0, 0);safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x60600008));//6060h(控制模式)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x60400010));//6040h(控制字)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x607a0020));//607Ah(目标位置)safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1600, 0, ind);//1c12.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c12, 0, 1);//tpdo-------------//1c13.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c13, 0x00, 0);safe_SDCwrite_w(slave, 0x1c13, 0x01, htoes(0x1a00));//1a00ind = 0;safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1a00, 0, 0);safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x603F0010));//603Fh(错误码)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x60410010));//6041h(状态字)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x60640020));//6064h(位置反馈)safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1a00, 0, ind);//1c13.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c13, 0, 1);safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x6060, 0, 1);      //pp模式}
}void servo_switch_op()
{int sta;for(int slave = 1; slave <= *ecx_context.slavecount; slave++){int idx = slave - 1;sta = servos->servo_data[idx].status_word & 0x3ff;           //5687->0x1637:      5744->0x1670:0x270//printf("servo_switch_op: slave %d [6041]=%04x\n",slave,servos->servo_data[idx].status_word );if(servos->servo_data[idx].status_word & 0x8) //故障处理{  //0x21f  //0x218if(sta==0x0218){servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x80;//            printf("***slave %d control=%04x\n",slave,servos->servo_data[idx].control_word );}continue;}//printf("servo_switch_op: slave %d sta=%04x\n", slave, sta );//base on cia402                     control_word                status_word bit0~9/* 上电初始化                                                      0x0000* 初*-伺服无故障                                                    0x0250* 伺*-伺服准备好                        0x0006                      0x0231* 伺*-等待使能伺服                       0x0007                      0x0233* 等*-伺服运行                         0x000F                      0x0237** 伺*-等待打开伺服使能                    0x0007                      0x0233* 等*-伺服准备好                        0x0006                      0x0231* 伺*-伺服无故障                        0x0000                      0x0250** 伺服运行-伺服准备好                 0x0006                      0x0231* 伺服运行-伺服无故障                  0x0000                      0x0250* 等待打开伺服使能-伺服无故障          0x0000                      0x0250* 伺服运行-快速停机                       0x0002                      0x0217** 快速停机-伺服无故障                                             0x0250* -故障停机                                                           0x021F* 故障停机-故障                                                     0x0218* 故障-伺服无故障                        0x80                        0x0250* 快速停机-伺服运行                       0x0F                        0x0237**/switch(sta){case 0x250:case 0x270:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x6;break;case 0x231:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x7;break;case 0x233:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0xf;break;case 0x217:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0xf;break;default://servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x6;break;}//printf("slave %d control=%04x\n",slave,servos->servo_data[idx].control_word );}}
void servo_switch_idle()
{int sta;for(int slave = 1; slave <= *ecx_context.slavecount; slave++){servos->servo_data[slave-1].control_word = 0x0;}
}#define EC_TIMEOUTMON 500
int expectedWKC;
boolean needlf;
volatile int wkc;
boolean inOP;
uint8 currentgroup = 0;
long test_poit;
uint16 test_error;
void sv660n_config(char *ifname)
{needlf = FALSE;inOP = FALSE;ecx_context.manualstatechange = 1;//    printf("========================\n");
//  printf("sv660 config\n");echo_time();if (ec_init(ifname)){//      printf("ec_init on %s succeeded.\n",ifname);//init status
//      printf("\nRequest init state for all slaves\n");ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_INIT;//request INIT state for all slavesec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();//显示1状态/* wait for all slaves to reach SAFE_OP state */ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_INIT,  EC_TIMEOUTSTATE * 3);if (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_INIT ){//          printf("Not all slaves reached init state.\n");ec_readstate();for(int i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++){if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_INIT){//                  printf("Slave %d State=0x%2x StatusCode=0x%04x : %s\n", i, ec_slave[i].state, ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode, ec_ALstatuscode2string(ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode));}}}echo_time();//if ( ec_config(FALSE, &IOmap) > 0 )wkc = ec_config_init(0/*usetable*/);if (wkc > 0){ec_configdc();
//          ec_dcsync0(1, TRUE, 2000000, 50); // SYNC0 on slave 1while(EcatError) printf("%s", ec_elist2string());
//          printf("%d slaves found and configured.\n",ec_slavecount);/* request pre_op for slave */
//          printf("\nRequest pre_op state for all slaves\n");ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_PRE_OP | EC_STATE_ACK;ec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();//          //故障复位
//          safe_SDOread(1,0x603f,0,2,&test_error);     //30081
//          if(test_error==30081)
//          {//              safe_SDCwrite_w(1,0x6040, 0, 0x80);
//          }
//          ec_readstate();//现在应该在pre_op状态//显示2状态process_data_config(); //config tpdo/rpdo//config fmmuec_config_map(IOmap);/* request safe_op for slave */ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_SAFE_OP;ec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();//safe-opexpectedWKC = (ec_group[0].outputsWKC * 2) + ec_group[0].inputsWKC;
//          printf("Calculated workcounter %d\n", expectedWKC);/* wait for all slaves to reach SAFE_OP state */ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_SAFE_OP,  EC_TIMEOUTSTATE * 3);if (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_SAFE_OP ){//              printf("Not all slaves reached safe operational state.\n");ec_readstate();for(int i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++){if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_SAFE_OP){//                      printf("Slave %d State=0x%2x StatusCode=0x%04x : %s\n", i, ec_slave[i].state, ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode, ec_ALstatuscode2string(ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode));}}}else{//显示4状态//启动伺服servos->servo_data[0].mode_byte = 8; //csp mode//op status
//              printf("Request operational state for all slaves\n");expectedWKC = (ec_group[0].outputsWKC * 2) + ec_group[0].inputsWKC;
//              printf("Calculated workcounter %d\n", expectedWKC);// send one valid process data to make outputs in slaves happyec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL;ec_send_processdata();ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET*3);ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL;ec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();int chk = 200;// wait for all slaves to reach OP statedo{ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL;ec_send_processdata();ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);
//                  printf("--->workcounter %d\n", wkc);ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL, 50000);}while (chk-- && (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL));if (ec_slave[0].state == EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL ){//                  printf("<<<Operational>>> state reached for all slaves.\n");inOP = TRUE;osal_timert t;osal_timer_start(&t, 1000);// cyclic loopfor(int i = 1; i <= 20000; i++){servo_switch_op();if(servos->servo_data[0].control_word==7){servos->servo_data[0].dest_pos = servos->servo_data[0].cur_pos;test_poit=servos->servo_data[0].dest_pos;//printf("cur pos = %ld\n", servos->servo_data[0].cur_pos);}if(servos->servo_data[0].control_word==0xf){if(i<=300){servos->servo_data[0].dest_pos += (i*10);}else{servos->servo_data[0].dest_pos += 3000;}}while(osal_timer_is_expired(&t)==FALSE);osal_timer_start(&t, 1000);ec_send_processdata();wkc = ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);if(wkc >= expectedWKC){//printf("~~~~WKC %d \n", wkc);}if(wkc <=0 ){//                         printf("Error.\n");break;}}osal_timer_start(&t, 1000);while(osal_timer_is_expired(&t)==FALSE);servos->servo_data[0].control_word = 0x0002;ec_send_processdata();ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);//                        servos->servo_data[0].control_word = 0x0;
//                      ec_send_processdata();
//                      ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);
//                      servos->servo_data[0].control_word = 0x0;
//                      ec_send_processdata();
//                      ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);inOP = FALSE;}else{//                  printf("Not all slaves reached operational state.\n");ec_readstate();for(int i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++){if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL){//                          printf("Slave %d State=0x%2.2x StatusCode=0x%4.4x : %s\n",i, ec_slave[i].state, ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode, ec_ALstatuscode2string(ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode));}}}//init status
//              printf("\nRequest init state for all slaves\n");ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_INIT;//request INIT state for all slavesec_writestate(0);}} else {//          printf("No slaves found!\n");}echo_time();
//      printf("End soem, close socket\n");// stop SOEM, close socketec_close();}else{//      printf("ec_init on %s failed.\n",ifname);}
//  printf("IOMAP addr = 0x%08x\n", (uint32_t)IOmap);//  printf("========================\n");view_slave_data();
#include "lwip.h"
extern struct netif gnetif;void soem_motor_Task(void* parameter)
//      printf("SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)\n");
//      //
//      printf("test_oshw_htons...");
//      test_oshw_htons ();
//      printf("Ok\n");
//      //
//      printf("test_oshw_htons...");
//      test_oshw_ntohs ();
//      printf("Ok\n");
//      printf("test_osal_current_time...\n");
//      test_osal_current_time ();
//      printf("Test finished\n");

5. 周期同步扭矩模式CST控制代码


/** PVD.c**  Created on: 2022年9月22日*      Author: shengmidao*/#include "soem_motor.h"#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>#include "nicdrv.h"#include <lwip/pbuf.h>
#include <lwip/inet.h>#include "ethercat.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
#include "osal.h"
#include "oshw.h"
#include "netif.h"
#include "netdev_hook.h"//csp代码
#define __is_print(ch) ((unsigned int)((ch) - ' ') < 127u - ' ')
static void hex_dump(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t buflen)
{unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)ptr;int i, j;configASSERT(ptr != NULL);for (i = 0; i < buflen; i += 16){printf("%08X: ", i);for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)if (i + j < buflen)printf("%02X ", buf[i + j]);elseprintf("   ");printf(" ");for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)if (i + j < buflen)printf("%c", __is_print(buf[i + j]) ? buf[i + j] : '.');printf("\n");}
}static char IOmap[4096];
typedef struct  __attribute__((__packed__))
{unsigned char  mode_byte;unsigned short control_word;long  dest_pos;long  dest_V;unsigned short dest_T;unsigned short error_word;unsigned short status_word;long  cur_pos;long  cur_V;unsigned short cur_T;
}SERVO_DATA_T;typedef struct
{SERVO_DATA_T servo_data[3];
}SERVOS_T;SERVOS_T *servos = (SERVOS_T *)IOmap;void view_slave_data()
}static void echo_time()
{struct timeval tp;osal_gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
//  printf("****cur time = %d,%03d,%03d(us)\n", tp.tv_sec,tp.tv_usec/1000,tp.tv_usec%1000);
}int safe_SDOwrite(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, int size, void *data)
{int wkc, cnt=0;do{wkc = ec_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, FALSE, size, data, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);cnt++;}while(wkc<=0 && cnt<10);return wkc;
int safe_SDCwrite_b(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint8 b)
{return safe_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 1, &b);
int safe_SDCwrite_w(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint16 w)
{return safe_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 2, &w);
int safe_SDCwrite_dw(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint32 dw)
{return safe_SDOwrite(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 4, &dw);
}int safe_SDOread(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, int size, void *data)
{int wkc, cnt=0;do{wkc = ec_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, FALSE, &size, data, EC_TIMEOUTRXM);}while(wkc<=0 && cnt<10);return wkc;
int safe_SDOread_b(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint8 b)
{return safe_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 1, &b);
}int safe_SDOread_w(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint16 w)
{return safe_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 2, &w);
}int safe_SDOread_dw(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIndex, uint32 dw)
{return safe_SDOread(Slave, Index, SubIndex, 4, &dw);
}void viewSDO(uint16_t slave, uint16_t index, uint16_t subindex, int bytes)
{uint32_t dw = 0;int wkc;safe_SDOread(slave, index, subindex, bytes, &dw);printf("SDO read=%s, SDO[0x%04x.%02x] = 0x%08x\n", wkc?"success":"fail",index, subindex, dw);
}void process_data_config()
{u8_t     ind;for(int slave = 1; slave <= *ecx_context.slavecount; slave++){//rpdo------------//1c12.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c12, 0, 0);safe_SDCwrite_w(slave, 0x1c12, 1, htoes(0x1600));//1600ind = 0;safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1600, 0, 0);safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x60600008));//6060h(控制模式)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x60400010));//6040h(控制字)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x607a0020));//607Ah(目标位置)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x60ff0020));//60ffh(目标速度)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1600, ++ind, htoel(0x60710010));//6071h(目标扭矩)safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1600, 0, ind);//1c12.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c12, 0, 1);//tpdo-------------//1c13.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c13, 0x00, 0);safe_SDCwrite_w(slave, 0x1c13, 0x01, htoes(0x1a00));//1a00ind = 0;safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1a00, 0, 0);safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x603F0010));//603Fh(错误码)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x60410010));//6041h(状态字)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x60640020));//6064h(位置反馈)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x606c0020));//6064h(速度反馈)safe_SDCwrite_dw(slave, 0x1a00, ++ind, htoel(0x60770010));//6064h(扭矩反馈)safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1a00, 0, ind);//1c13.0safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x1c13, 0, 1);safe_SDCwrite_b(slave, 0x6060, 0, 1);      //pp模式}
}void servo_switch_op()
{int sta;for(int slave = 1; slave <= *ecx_context.slavecount; slave++){int idx = slave - 1;sta = servos->servo_data[idx].status_word & 0x3ff;           //5687->0x1637:      5744->0x1670:0x270//printf("servo_switch_op: slave %d [6041]=%04x\n",slave,servos->servo_data[idx].status_word );if(servos->servo_data[idx].status_word & 0x8) //故障处理{  //0x21f  //0x218if(sta==0x0218){servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x80;//            printf("***slave %d control=%04x\n",slave,servos->servo_data[idx].control_word );}continue;}//printf("servo_switch_op: slave %d sta=%04x\n", slave, sta );//base on cia402                     control_word                status_word bit0~9/* 上电初始化                                                      0x0000* 初*-伺服无故障                                                    0x0250* 伺*-伺服准备好                        0x0006                      0x0231* 伺*-等待使能伺服                       0x0007                      0x0233* 等*-伺服运行                     0x000F                      0x0237** 伺*-等待打开伺服使能                    0x0007                      0x0233* 等*-伺服准备好                        0x0006                      0x0231* 伺*-伺服无故障                        0x0000                      0x0250** 伺服运行-伺服准备好                 0x0006                      0x0231* 伺服运行-伺服无故障                  0x0000                      0x0250* 等待打开伺服使能-伺服无故障              0x0000                      0x0250* 伺服运行-快速停机                       0x0002                      0x0217** 快速停机-伺服无故障                                             0x0250* -故障停机                                                       0x021F* 故障停机-故障                                                 0x0218* 故障-伺服无故障                        0x80                        0x0250* 快速停机-伺服运行                       0x0F                        0x0237**/switch(sta){case 0x250:case 0x270:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x6;break;case 0x231:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x7;break;case 0x233:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0xf;break;case 0x217:servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0xf;break;default://servos->servo_data[idx].control_word = 0x6;break;}//printf("slave %d control=%04x\n",slave,servos->servo_data[idx].control_word );}}
void servo_switch_idle()
{int sta;for(int slave = 1; slave <= *ecx_context.slavecount; slave++){servos->servo_data[slave-1].control_word = 0x0;}
}#define EC_TIMEOUTMON 500
int expectedWKC;
boolean needlf;
volatile int wkc;
boolean inOP;
uint8 currentgroup = 0;
uint16 test_error;
void sv660n_config(char *ifname,char *mode)
{needlf = FALSE;inOP = FALSE;ecx_context.manualstatechange = 1;//    printf("========================\n");
//  printf("sv660 config\n");echo_time();if (ec_init(ifname)){//      printf("ec_init on %s succeeded.\n",ifname);//init status
//      printf("\nRequest init state for all slaves\n");ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_INIT;//request INIT state for all slavesec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();//显示1状态/* wait for all slaves to reach SAFE_OP state */ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_INIT,  EC_TIMEOUTSTATE * 3);if (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_INIT ){//          printf("Not all slaves reached init state.\n");ec_readstate();for(int i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++){if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_INIT){//                  printf("Slave %d State=0x%2x StatusCode=0x%04x : %s\n", i, ec_slave[i].state, ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode, ec_ALstatuscode2string(ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode));}}}echo_time();//if ( ec_config(FALSE, &IOmap) > 0 )wkc = ec_config_init(0/*usetable*/);if (wkc > 0){ec_configdc();
//          ec_dcsync0(1, TRUE, 2000000, 50); // SYNC0 on slave 1while(EcatError) printf("%s", ec_elist2string());
//          printf("%d slaves found and configured.\n",ec_slavecount);/* request pre_op for slave */
//          printf("\nRequest pre_op state for all slaves\n");ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_PRE_OP | EC_STATE_ACK;ec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();//          //故障复位
//          safe_SDOread(1,0x603f,0,2,&test_error);     //30081
//          if(test_error==30081)
//          {//              safe_SDCwrite_w(1,0x6040, 0, 0x80);
//          }
//          ec_readstate();//现在应该在pre_op状态//显示2状态process_data_config(); //config tpdo/rpdo//config fmmuec_config_map(IOmap);/* request safe_op for slave */ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_SAFE_OP;ec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();//safe-opexpectedWKC = (ec_group[0].outputsWKC * 2) + ec_group[0].inputsWKC;
//          printf("Calculated workcounter %d\n", expectedWKC);/* wait for all slaves to reach SAFE_OP state */ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_SAFE_OP,  EC_TIMEOUTSTATE * 3);if (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_SAFE_OP ){//              printf("Not all slaves reached safe operational state.\n");ec_readstate();for(int i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++){if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_SAFE_OP){//                      printf("Slave %d State=0x%2x StatusCode=0x%04x : %s\n", i, ec_slave[i].state, ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode, ec_ALstatuscode2string(ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode));}}}else{//显示4状态//启动伺服servos->servo_data[0].mode_byte = 10; //cst mode//op status
//              printf("Request operational state for all slaves\n");expectedWKC = (ec_group[0].outputsWKC * 2) + ec_group[0].inputsWKC;
//              printf("Calculated workcounter %d\n", expectedWKC);// send one valid process data to make outputs in slaves happyec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL;ec_send_processdata();ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET*3);ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL;ec_writestate(0);ec_readstate();int chk = 200;// wait for all slaves to reach OP statedo{ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL;ec_send_processdata();ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);
//                  printf("--->workcounter %d\n", wkc);ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL, 50000);}while (chk-- && (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL));if (ec_slave[0].state == EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL ){//                  printf("<<<Operational>>> state reached for all slaves.\n");inOP = TRUE;osal_timert t;osal_timer_start(&t, 1000);// cyclic loopfor(int i = 1; i <= 20000; i++){servo_switch_op();if(servos->servo_data[0].control_word==7){servos->servo_data[0].dest_T = 0;//printf("cur pos = %ld\n", servos->servo_data[0].cur_pos);}if(servos->servo_data[0].control_word==0xf){if(i<=100){servos->servo_data[0].dest_T = (i);}else{servos->servo_data[0].dest_T = 100;}}while(osal_timer_is_expired(&t)==FALSE);osal_timer_start(&t, 400);ec_send_processdata();wkc = ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);if(wkc >= expectedWKC){//printf("~~~~WKC %d \n", wkc);}if(wkc <=0 ){//                            printf("Error.\n");break;}}osal_timer_start(&t, 1000);while(osal_timer_is_expired(&t)==FALSE);servos->servo_data[0].control_word = 0x0002;ec_send_processdata();ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET);inOP = FALSE;}else{ec_readstate();for(int i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++){if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL){}}}ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_INIT;ec_writestate(0);}} else {}echo_time();ec_close();}else{}view_slave_data();
#include "lwip.h"
extern struct netif gnetif;void soem_motor_Task(void* parameter)
//      printf("SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)\n");
//      //
//      printf("test_oshw_htons...");
//      test_oshw_htons ();
//      printf("Ok\n");
//      //
//      printf("test_oshw_htons...");
//      test_oshw_ntohs ();
//      printf("Ok\n");
//      printf("test_osal_current_time...\n");
//      test_osal_current_time ();
//      printf("Test finished\n");
//      soem_run("st0");sv660n_config("st0","CSP");   //CSP CSV CSTvTaskDelay(10000);}

6. 相关资料

ethercat协议+ CIA402协议+FreeRTOS例子:资料: link



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