

import time

import numpy as np

import vrep

import config

import math

# V-REP data transmission modes:

WAIT = vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait

ONESHOT = vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot

STREAMING = vrep.simx_opmode_streaming

BUFFER = vrep.simx_opmode_buffer

BLOCKING = vrep.simx_opmode_blocking

if config.wait_response:






robotID = -1

ultraID = [-1] * config.n_ultra

rewardRefID = -1

goalID = -1

left_motorID = -1

right_motorID = -1

clientID = -1

left_collisionID = -1

right_collisionID = -1

distance = np.full(config.n_ultra, -1, dtype = np.float64) # distance from ultrasonic sensors

pos = np.full(3, -1, dtype = np.float64) # Pose 2d base: x(m), y(m), theta(rad)

reward_ref = np.full(1, -1, dtype = np.float64) # reward reference: distance between goal and robot

def show_msg(message):

""" send a message for printing in V-REP """

vrep.simxAddStatusbarMessage(clientID, message, WAIT)


def connect():

""" Connect to the simulator"""

ip = ''

port = 19997

vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections

global clientID

clientID = vrep.simxStart(ip, port, True, True, 3000, 5)

# Connect to V-REP

if clientID == -1:

import sys

sys.exit('\nV-REP remote API server connection failed (' + ip + ':' +

str(port) + '). Is V-REP running?')

print('Connected to Remote API Server') # show in the terminal

show_msg('Python: Hello') # show in the VREP



def disconnect():

""" Disconnect from the simulator"""

# Make sure that the last command sent has arrived


show_msg('ROBOT: Bye')

# Now close the connection to V-REP:




def start():

""" Start the simulation (force stop and setup)"""



vrep.simxStartSimulation(clientID, ONESHOT)


# Solve a rare bug in the simulator by repeating:


vrep.simxStartSimulation(clientID, ONESHOT)



def stop():

""" Stop the simulation """

vrep.simxStopSimulation(clientID, ONESHOT)



要控制vrep中的机器人以及各个关节,就要知道各个关节及机器人的ID,获取所操作的对象的ID可通过vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'vrep中该对象的名称+#', WAIT)函数进行获取。

同时vrep中还有自己的函数,因此可以添加函数对象,比如distance对象,可以通过vrep.simxGetDistanceHandle(clientID, 'Distance对象命名+#', WAIT)

还可以通过simxSetJointTargetVelocity函数, Sets the intrinsic target velocity of a non-spherical joint. 设置非球形关节的固有速度


def setup_devices():

""" Assign the devices from the simulator to specific IDs """

global robotID, left_motorID, right_motorID, ultraID, rewardRefID, goalID, left_collisionID, right_collisionID

# res: result (1(OK), -1(error), 0(not called))

# robot


res, robotID = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'robot#', WAIT)

# motors

res, left_motorID = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'leftMotor#', WAIT)

res, right_motorID = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'rightMotor#', WAIT)

# ultrasonic sensors

for idx, item in enumerate(config.ultra_distribution):

res, ultraID[idx] = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, item, WAIT)

# reward reference distance object

res, rewardRefID = vrep.simxGetDistanceHandle(clientID, 'Distance#', WAIT)

# if res == vrep.simx_return_ok: # [debug]

# print("vrep.simxGetDistanceHandle executed fine")

# goal reference object

res, goalID = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'Dummy#', WAIT)

# collision object

res, left_collisionID = vrep.simxGetCollisionHandle(clientID, "leftCollision#", BLOCKING)

res, right_collisionID = vrep.simxGetCollisionHandle(clientID, "rightCollision#", BLOCKING)


#operationMode: a remote API function operation mode. Recommended operation modes for this function are simx_opmode_streaming (the first call) and simx_opmode_buffer (the following calls)

vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientID, left_motorID, 0, STREAMING)

vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientID, right_motorID, 0, STREAMING)

# pose

vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, robotID, -1, MODE_INI)

vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(clientID, robotID, -1, MODE_INI)


# # reading-related function initialization according to the recommended operationMode

for i in ultraID:

vrep.simxReadProximitySensor(clientID, i, STREAMING)

vrep.simxReadDistance(clientID, rewardRefID, STREAMING)

vrep.simxReadCollision(clientID, left_collisionID, STREAMING)

vrep.simxReadCollision(clientID, right_collisionID, STREAMING)




def get_robot_pose2d():

""" return the pose of the robot: [ x(m), y(m), Theta(rad) ] """

global pos

res, pos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, robotID, goalID, MODE)

res, ori = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(clientID, robotID, goalID, MODE)

pos = np.array([pos[0], pos[1], ori[2]])

return pos

def set_robot_pose2d(pose):

""" set the pose of the robot: [ x(m), y(m), Theta(rad) ] """

vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(clientID, robotID, goalID, [pose[0], pose[1], 0], MODE)

vrep.simxSetObjectOrientation(clientID, robotID, goalID, [0, 0, pose[2]], MODE)

def get_ultra_distance():

""" return distances measured by ultrasonic sensors(m) """

global distance

state = [False, False]

global flag

flag = 0

for i, item in enumerate(ultraID):

_, state[i], detectedPoint, _, _ = vrep.simxReadProximitySensor(clientID, item, BUFFER)

if state[i] == True:

distance[i] = math.sqrt(detectedPoint[0]**2 + detectedPoint[1]**2 + detectedPoint[2]**2)

# discretization

distance[i] = np.floor((np.floor(distance[i] / (config.grid_width / 2)) + 1) / 2) * config.grid_width

distance[i] = round(distance[i], 3) # avoid some strange numbers, eg: 0.35000000000000003

# print("ultra distance is ", distance[i]) # [debug]


distance[i] = -1

flag = 1

return distance, flag

def move_wheels(v_left, v_right):

""" move the wheels. Input: Angular velocities in rad/s """

vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientID, left_motorID, v_left, STREAMING)

vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientID, right_motorID, v_right,


# time.sleep(config.time_step)


def get_reward_distance():

""" return the reference distance for reward """

global reward_ref

res, reward_ref = vrep.simxReadDistance(clientID, rewardRefID, BUFFER)

# print(res) # [debug]

# if res == vrep.simx_return_ok: # [debug]

# print("vrep.simxReadDistance executed fine")

# print("reward distance is ",reward_ref)

return reward_ref

def stop_motion():

""" stop the base wheels """

vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientID, left_motorID, 0, STREAMING)

vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientID, right_motorID, 0, STREAMING)


def if_collision():

""" judge if collision happens"""

res, csl = vrep.simxReadCollision(clientID, left_collisionID, BUFFER)

res, csr = vrep.simxReadCollision(clientID, right_collisionID, BUFFER)

collision = 0

if csl == 1:

print("Collision with left wall!")

collision = 1

if csr == 1:

print("Collision with right wall!")

collision = 1

return collision

def reset():

""" reset the position of the robot"""

x = np.random.uniform(-1.5, -0.5)

y = np.random.uniform(-1.0, +1.0)

theta = np.random.uniform(-np.pi/6, +np.pi/6)

pose = [x, y, theta]


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