
自定义Excel条件格式图标 (Customize Excel Conditional Formatting Icons)

In Excel 2007 and Excel 2010, you can use icon sets in conditional formatting. There are built-in icon sets, and in Excel 2010 you can Customize Excel Conditional Formatting Icons, to some extent. Here's how to do that, and a workaround to create icons on the worksheet instead.

在Excel 2007和Excel 2010中,可以在条件格式中使用图标集。 有内置的图标集,在Excel 2010中,您可以在某种程度上自定义Excel条件格式的图标。 这样做的方法以及在工作表上创建图标的替代方法。

内置条件格式图标 (Built-in Conditional Formatting Icons)

There is a good selection of built-in Excel Conditional Formatting Icon sets. For example, use Red, Yellow and Green stoplight icons, to highlight the good, average, and poor results in your sales data.

有许多内置的Excel条件格式图标集可供选择。 例如,使用红色,黄色和绿色交通信号灯图标突出显示销售数据中的良好,平均和不良结果。

限制颜色 (Limit the Colours)

Rob emailed me recently, to ask how to limit the conditional formatting icons to 2 colours only, instead of the 3 or 4 default icon colours.


I am only interested in using 1 or 2 icons (a red X for "Off" and a Green light for "On" – not interested in the Yellow light). I want these icons to be triggered by a boolean (TRUE/FALSE) in another cell.

我只对使用1或2个图标感兴趣(红色的X表示“关闭”,绿色的指示灯表示“开” –对黄灯不感兴趣)。 我希望这些图标由另一个单元格中的布尔值(TRUE / FALSE)触发。

在Excel 2010中创建自己的图标集 (Create Your Own Icon Set in Excel 2010)

Fortunately, if you're using Excel 2010, you aren't limited to the default icon sets – you can create your own icon sets , by mixing and matching from the available icons. (You can't create your own icons, unfortunately, or change the look of the built-in icons.)

幸运的是,如果您使用的是Excel 2010,则不仅限于默认图标集,还可以通过混合和匹配可用图标来创建自己的图标集。 (不幸的是,您不能创建自己的图标,也不能更改内置图标的外观。)

To create the icon set that Rob wants, I selected cells B2:B5, and set the following Formatting Rule.


  • The Show Icon Only option is checked选中仅显示图标选项
  • Green Circle icon when the value is greater than or equal to 1 (Number)值大于或等于1(数字)时显示绿色圆圈图标
  • Red X icon when the value is less than 1 and greater than or equal to 0 (Number)值小于1且大于或等于0时的红色X图标(数字)
  • No Cell Icon when the value is less than 0值小于0时无单元格图标

这个怎么运作 (How It Works)

In cell B2 there is a formula to multiply the value in cell A2 by 1:


=A2*1 That formula is copied down to cell B5.

= A2 * 1该公式向下复制到单元格B5。

  1. If the result in column A is TRUE, the formula result in column B is 1, and a green circle shows.如果A列中的结果为TRUE,则B列中的公式结果为1,并显示绿色圆圈。
  2. If the result in column A is FALSE, the formula result in column B is 0, and a red X shows.如果A列中的结果为FALSE,则B列中的公式结果为0,并显示红色X。

在Excel 2007及更早版本中创建自己的图标集 (Create Your Own Icon Set in Excel 2007 and Earlier)

For earlier versions of Excel, where you can't customize the icon sets, or in Excel version where icon sets don't exist, there is a workaround. You can use the WingDing font, combined with conditional formatting, to show coloured symbols in the cell.

对于无法自定义图标集的早期版本的Excel,或者在不存在图标集的Excel版本中,有一种解决方法。 您可以将WingDing字体与条件格式一起使用,以在单元格中显示彩色符号。

There are detailed instructions in this article: Conditional Formatting Icons in Excel 2003

本文中有详细的说明: Excel 2003中的条件格式图标

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/05/16/customize-excel-conditional-formatting-icons/




  • Microsoft Excel 教程:如何在 Excel 中创建自定义数字格式?
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  • Excel自定义格式千分符
  • Excel自定义格式详解
  • Excel单元格自定义格式的知识和技巧
  • Excel自定义格式技巧,案例解读(Excel入门Excel教程Excel函数)
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