
sentence="""Travel policies for this year's Spring Festival, which will fall in early February, should be devised based on COVID-19 risk appraisals of different regions and groups, health officials and experts said on Saturday."Whether or not it is necessary to stay put for the Spring Festival should be based on risk evaluations and should not be uniform across the country," said Liang Wannian, a national-level disease control expert, during a news briefing.He said increased movement during the Spring Festival travel rush, coupled with diminished immunity against respiratory diseases during winter, will indeed lead to heightened risk of the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses.However, China has also gained several advantages, such as its high COVID-19 vaccination coverage, and its prompt control of local outbreaks."Most recent outbreaks are linked to imported cases," he said. "As long as we can strictly implement policies to control imported cases, and the public can practice personal protective measures, we are capable of stemming the virus' spread."He said key regions and populations should abide by strict virus control measures."High risk groups, such as the elderly, people with chronic diseases and pregnant women should cut unnecessary trips and avoid gatherings, while the remaining population should adhere to protection measures," he said."""

dic={char:sentence.count(char) for char in set(sentence.split()) if char.isalpha()}  #生成字典,并且去除了标点符号。如果是根据字母来排序的话把sentence.split()改为sentence即可。
print(sorted(dic.items(),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True))  #根据键值进行排序。

[('a', 94), ('in', 22), ('on', 18), ('he', 18), ('as', 15), ('is', 12), ('the', 11), ('and', 9), ('or', 7), ('of', 6), ('should', 6), ('said', 6), ('to', 6), ('it', 6), ('control', 4), ('risk', 4), ('Festival', 3), ('be', 3), ('disease', 3), ('during', 3), ('we', 3), ('for', 3), ('Spring', 3), ('strict', 2), ('He', 2), ('diseases', 2), ('imported', 2), ('based', 2), ('spread', 2), ('regions', 2), ('policies', 2), ('its', 2), ('outbreaks', 2), ('necessary', 2), ('can', 2), ('such', 2), ('virus', 2), ('with', 2), ('not', 2), ('will', 2), ('population', 2), ('are', 2), ('practice', 1), ('strictly', 1), ('travel', 1), ('movement', 1), ('uniform', 1), ('protection', 1), ('public', 1), ('chronic', 1), ('immunity', 1), ('against', 1), ('trips', 1), ('cut', 1), ('Travel', 1), ('adhere', 1), ('health', 1), ('recent', 1), ('respiratory', 1), ('also', 1), ('while', 1), ('this', 1), ('linked', 1), ('devised', 1), ('personal', 1), ('other', 1), ('populations', 1), ('capable', 1), ('diminished', 1), ('increased', 1), ('stay', 1), ('long', 1), ('different', 1), ('Liang', 1), ('China', 1), ('several', 1), ('heightened', 1), ('put', 1), ('news', 1), ('indeed', 1), ('vaccination', 1), ('unnecessary', 1), ('appraisals', 1), ('gained', 1), ('prompt', 1), ('people', 1), ('protective', 1), ('pregnant', 1), ('by', 1), ('officials', 1), ('stemming', 1), ('women', 1), ('evaluations', 1), ('infectious', 1), ('avoid', 1), ('early', 1), ('key', 1), ('experts', 1), ('local', 1), ('implement', 1), ('across', 1), ('coupled', 1), ('lead', 1), ('fall', 1), ('which', 1), ('remaining', 1), ('high', 1), ('has', 1), ('abide', 1)]

2.  利用字典和列表表达式统计汉字个数

8.算法复杂度:算法时间复杂度和算法空间复杂度。 两个之间没有联系的。
d={char:sentence.count(char) for char in set(sentence) if "u4e00"<=char<="\u9fff"}
print(sorted(d.items(),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True))


[('算', 19), ('法', 15), ('、', 10), ('的', 9), ('。', 9), ('间', 6), ('运', 5), ('构', 5), ('度', 5), ('结', 5), ('杂', 5), ('复', 5), ('系', 4), ('是', 4), ('指', 4), ('要', 3), ('执', 3), ('计', 3), ('本', 3), ('基', 3), ('所', 3), ('个', 3), ('空', 3), ('行', 3), ('递', 3), ('和', 2), ('归', 2), ('统', 2), ('制', 2), ('控', 2), ('作', 2), ('推', 2), ('需', 2), ('有', 2), ('令', 2), ('术', 2), ('对', 2), ('一', 2), ('据', 2), ('数', 2), ('时', 2), ('回', 1), ('存', 1), ('传', 1), ('环', 1), ('斗', 1), ('方', 1), ('素', 1), ('量', 1), ('集', 1), ('内', 1), ('之', 1), ('这', 1), ('辑', 1), ('没', 1), ('象', 1), ('操', 1), ('技', 1), ('减', 1), ('二', 1), ('举', 1), ('设', 1), ('包', 1), ('两', 1), ('输', 1), ('顺', 1), ('联', 1), ('序', 1), ('工', 1), ('择', 1), ('列', 1), ('括', 1), ('选', 1), ('循', 1), ('合', 1), ('逻', 1), ('能', 1), ('机', 1), ('关', 1), ('纳', 1), ('溯', 1)]

3. 运用字典的Get命令和循环来统计汉字个数。

sentence="""人民 社会 国家 科学 人民 社会 好 好 好 好"""
for i in lst:
    dic[i]=dic.get(i,0)+1 #用dict的get方法,找到键名为i的就返回其对应的值,否则就返回0
print(sorted(dic.items(),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True))


[('好', 4), ('人民', 2), ('社会', 2), ('国家', 1), ('科学', 1)]

4.  用NLTK中的FreqDist函数

import nltk
from nltk import FreqDist
s="life is short and I like python."
freq = FreqDist(list(s))
for key in freq:
    if key.isalpha():


i 3
l 2
e 2
s 2
h 2
o 2
t 2
n 2
f 1
r 1
a 1
d 1
I 1
k 1
p 1
y 1

5. 通过交换键值对的位置进行排序


for i in lst:
    dic[i]=dic.get(i,0)+1 #用dict的get方法,找到键名为i的就返回其对应的值,否则就返回0

ls=sorted([(p[1],p[0]) for p in dic.items()],reverse=True)

print([(p[1],p[0]) for p in ls])

[('好', 4), ('人民', 2), ('社会', 2), ('国家', 1), ('科学', 1)]


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