RANSAC,全称为Random Sample Consensus,即随机抽样一致。 它采用迭代的方式从一组包含离群的被观测数据中估算出数学模型的参数。 RANSAC是一个非确定性算法,在某种意义上说,它会产生一个在一定概率下合理的结果,而更多次的迭代会使这一概率增加。此RANSAC算法在1981年由Fischler和Bolles首次提出。



(1) 在数据中随机选择几个点设定为内群

The generic RANSAC algorithm works as follows:Given:data – a set of observed data pointsmodel – a model that can be fitted to data pointsn – the minimum number of data values required to fit the modelk – the maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithmt – a threshold value for determining when a data point fits a modeld – the number of close data values required to assert that a model fits well to dataReturn:bestfit – model parameters which best fit the data (or nul if no good model is found)iterations = 0
bestfit = nul
besterr = something really large
while iterations < k {maybeinliers = n randomly selected values from datamaybemodel = model parameters fitted to maybeinliersalsoinliers = empty setfor every point in data not in maybeinliers {if point fits maybemodel with an error smaller than tadd point to alsoinliers}if the number of elements in alsoinliers is > d {% this implies that we may have found a good model% now test how good it isbettermodel = model parameters fitted to all points in maybeinliers and alsoinliersthiserr = a measure of how well model fits these pointsif thiserr < besterr {bestfit = bettermodelbesterr = thiserr}}increment iterations
return bestfit

RANSAC常被用在计算机视觉,例如,对应点问题和 估算立体摄影机双眼相对点的基本矩阵。


function [bestParameter1,bestParameter2] = ransac_demo(data,num,iter,threshDist,inlierRatio)% data: a 2xn dataset with #n data points% num: the minimum number of points. For line fitting problem, num=2% iter: the number of iterations% threshDist: the threshold of the distances between points and the fitting line% inlierRatio: the threshold of the number of inliers %% Plot the data pointsfigure;plot(data(1,:),data(2,:),'o');hold on;number = size(data,2); % Total number of pointsbestInNum = 0; % Best fitting line with largest number of inliersbestParameter1=0;bestParameter2=0; % parameters for best fitting linefor i=1:iter%% Randomly select 2 pointsidx = randperm(number,num); sample = data(:,idx);   %% Compute the distances between all points with the fitting line kLine = sample(:,2)-sample(:,1);% two points relative distancekLineNorm = kLine/norm(kLine);normVector = [-kLineNorm(2),kLineNorm(1)];%Ax+By+C=0 A=-kLineNorm(2),B=kLineNorm(1)distance = normVector*(data - repmat(sample(:,1),1,number));%% Compute the inliers with distances smaller than the thresholdinlierIdx = find(abs(distance)<=threshDist);inlierNum = length(inlierIdx);%% Update the number of inliers and fitting model if better model is found     if inlierNum>=round(inlierRatio*number) && inlierNum>bestInNumbestInNum = inlierNum;parameter1 = (sample(2,2)-sample(2,1))/(sample(1,2)-sample(1,1));parameter2 = sample(2,1)-parameter1*sample(1,1);bestParameter1=parameter1; bestParameter2=parameter2;endend%% Plot the best fitting linexAxis = -number/2:number/2; yAxis = bestParameter1*xAxis + bestParameter2;plot(xAxis,yAxis,'r-','LineWidth',2);


#include <math.h>
#include "LineParamEstimator.h"  LineParamEstimator::LineParamEstimator(double delta) : m_deltaSquared(delta*delta) {}
/* 1. Compute the line parameters  [n_x,n_y,a_x,a_y] 2. 通过输入的两点来确定所在直线,采用法线向量的方式来表示,以兼容平行或垂直的情况 3. 其中n_x,n_y为归一化后,与原点构成的法线向量,a_x,a_y为直线上任意一点 */
void LineParamEstimator::estimate(std::vector<Point2D *> &data,   std::vector<double> &parameters)
{  parameters.clear();  if(data.size()<2)  return;  double nx = data[1]->y - data[0]->y;  double ny = data[0]->x - data[1]->x;// 原始直线的斜率为K,则法线的斜率为-1/k  double norm = sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny);  parameters.push_back(nx/norm);  parameters.push_back(ny/norm);  parameters.push_back(data[0]->x);  parameters.push_back(data[0]->y);
/* 4. Compute the line parameters  [n_x,n_y,a_x,a_y] 5. 使用最小二乘法,从输入点中拟合出确定直线模型的所需参量 */
void LineParamEstimator::leastSquaresEstimate(std::vector<Point2D *> &data,   std::vector<double> &parameters)
{  double meanX, meanY, nx, ny, norm;  double covMat11, covMat12, covMat21, covMat22; // The entries of the symmetric covarinace matrix  int i, dataSize = data.size();  parameters.clear();  if(data.size()<2)  return;  meanX = meanY = 0.0;  covMat11 = covMat12 = covMat21 = covMat22 = 0;  for(i=0; i<dataSize; i++) {  meanX +=data[i]->x;  meanY +=data[i]->y;  covMat11    +=data[i]->x * data[i]->x;  covMat12    +=data[i]->x * data[i]->y;  covMat22    +=data[i]->y * data[i]->y;  }  meanX/=dataSize;  meanY/=dataSize;  covMat11 -= dataSize*meanX*meanX;  covMat12 -= dataSize*meanX*meanY;  covMat22 -= dataSize*meanY*meanY;  covMat21 = covMat12;  if(covMat11<1e-12) {  nx = 1.0;  ny = 0.0;  }  else {      //lamda1 is the largest eigen-value of the covariance matrix   //and is used to compute the eigne-vector corresponding to the smallest  //eigenvalue, which isn't computed explicitly.  double lamda1 = (covMat11 + covMat22 + sqrt((covMat11-covMat22)*(covMat11-covMat22) + 4*covMat12*covMat12)) / 2.0;  nx = -covMat12;  ny = lamda1 - covMat22;  norm = sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny);  nx/=norm;  ny/=norm;  }  parameters.push_back(nx);  parameters.push_back(ny);  parameters.push_back(meanX);  parameters.push_back(meanY);
/* 6. Given the line parameters  [n_x,n_y,a_x,a_y] check if 7. [n_x, n_y] dot [data.x-a_x, data.y-a_y] < m_delta 8. 通过与已知法线的点乘结果,确定待测点与已知直线的匹配程度;结果越小则越符合,为 9. 零则表明点在直线上 */
bool LineParamEstimator::agree(std::vector<double> &parameters, Point2D &data)
{  double signedDistance = parameters[0]*(data.x-parameters[2]) + parameters[1]*(data.y-parameters[3]);   return ((signedDistance*signedDistance) < m_deltaSquared);


(i). 它能鲁棒的估计模型参数。例如,它能从包含大量局外点的数据集中估计出高精度的参数。

(i). 它计算参数的迭代次数没有上限;如果设置迭代次数的上限,得到的结果可能不是最优的结果,甚至可能得到错误的结果。RANSAC只有一定的概率得到可信的模型,概率与迭代次数成正比。


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  4. RANSAC算法原理与实现

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  6. openCV中的findHomography函数分析以及RANSAC算法的详解(源代码分析)

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  8. 利用RANSAC算法筛选SIFT特征匹配

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  10. RANSAC算法注记

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