Beginning Android Games





《Beginning Android Games》是2011年Apress出版的图书,作者是Mario Zechner。

书    名

Beginning Android Games

作    者

Mario Zechner出版社


页    数

688 页




Android is the new kid on the mobile devices block. Since its introduction in 2008, Android has gained a lot of ground in the market and continues its growth at an incredible pace. Part of the success of Android is the vast number of applications and games available through the Android market, making Android a worthy competitor to other mobile platforms.

The potential user base and the wide array of available high-performance devices makes Android an attractive target for aspiring game developers. Do you have an awesome idea for the next break-through mobile gaming title? Beginning Android Games will help you kick-start your project!

The book will guide you through the process of making several example games for the Android platform, and involves a wide range of topics: The fundamentals of game development The Android platform basics to apply those fundamentals in the context of making a game The design of 2D and 3D games and their successful implementation on the Android platform What you’ll learn How to set up and use the development tools for developing your first Android application The fundamentals of game programming in the context of the Android platform How to use the Android's APIs for graphics (Canvas, OpenGL ES 1.0/1.1), audio, and user input to reflect those fundamentals How to develop two 2D games from scratch, based on the Canvas and OpenGL ES. How to create a full-featured 3D game How to publish your games, get crash reports and support your users How to complete your own playable 2D OpenGL games Who this book is for This book is for people with basic knowledge of Java who want to write games on the Android platform. It also offers information for experienced game developers about the pitfalls and peculiarities of the platform.[1]



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