

A: Spot Dictation

You might enjoy a cup of coffee at your local coffee shop. But coffee is part of 1 . Research shows that as many as one-third of the people in the world drink coffee. Some people drink coffee for its 2 . Others like the awakening effect of caffeine, a 3 in coffee. But not everyone may know the story of coffee and how it is produced.

One popular story about 4 coffee long ago is about Kaldi, a keeper of goats. Kaldi was taking care of his goats in the highlands of Ethiopia where coffee trees 5 . He noticed that his goats became very excited and active 6 small fruits from a tree. Kaldi reported this discovery to a group of 7 . When they made a drink out of the fruit, the religious workers realized they could 8 for long hours of prayer. This knowledge about coffee 9 all over the world.

Coffee trees are 10 eastern Africa and areas of the Arabian Peninsula. Coffee was first grown and traded 11 . Most coffee came from what is now Yemen. Soon, coffee was 12 all over the Middle East. By the seventeenth century coffee had been 13 to Europe. European traders started bringing coffee plants to other parts of the world. The Dutch brought coffee to the 14 . And by the twentieth century, most of the world's production came from Central and South America. Today, Brazil is the 15 of coffee in the world.

Most people know what a coffee bean looks like, but what about the plant? Coffee trees can grow up to 16 , but they are cut short for production. These trees have shiny dark green leaves that grow on 17 of each other on a stem. The plant produces a fruit that is called 18 . When the coffee cherries are ripe and ready to pick, they are 19 . Inside the fruits are the green coffee beans. After these beans are roasted 20 they are ready to be made into a drink.

B: Listening Comprehension


21、A. We still have 40 minutes left before departure. B. We still have 20 minutes left before departure.

C. We still have 50 minutes


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