

Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart)




Web Services Required Jars Download Instructions 

1) 下载javamail和jaf,解压出mail.jar和activation.jar
或者我提供了一个rar包:包含mail.jar action.jar
download:mail.jar and activation.jar
2) 把mail.jar和activation.jar放到%AXIS_HOME%/WEB-INF/lib目录下

3) 将.jar文件添加到%CLASSPATH%

这个是可以忽略的。不过以后构建web services都要用到的,还是添加上的好。
This is a warning message that can safely be ignored. It is displayed when Axis has been deployed without an optional JAR. An optional JAR is one that allows Axis to support a particular piece of functionalty but is not required for general use. Please refer to the Axis documentation for more details.

一篇很好的jars下载指南:Web Services Required Jars Download Instructions
Axis指南:Guide to building Axis

Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart)相关推荐

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