


$rows = [];

$rows[] = array(0,1);

$rows[] = array(1,2);

$rows[] = array(1,3);

$rows[] = array(1,4);

$rows[] = array(2,5);

$rows[] = array(3,6);

$rows[] = array(6,7);

// Build the required tree

$tree = makeTree($rows);


function makeTree(array $rows){


// Step 1. Make a list of nodes

// -----------------------

// make the parent node

$nodeList =[];

$nodeList[0]['name'] = "parent:";

$nodeList[0]['Children'] = [];

// make the child nodes

foreach ($rows as $cells)


$nodeList[$cells[1]]['name'] = "child:".$cells[1];

$nodeList[$cells[1]]['Children'] = [];



// Step 2. link each child node to its parent node

// -----------------------

for ($n = count($rows)-1; $n>=0; $n--)

{ // do this from the bottom up

$nodeParent = &$nodeList[$rows[$n][0]];

$nodeChild = &$nodeList[$rows[$n][1]];

$nodeParent['Children'][$rows[$n][1]]= $nodeChild;


// pick out the parent node (which by now should have all links in place)

$tree[0] = $nodeList[0];






[0] => Array


[name] => parent:

[Children] => Array


[1] => Array


[name] => child:1

[Children] => Array


[4] => Array


[name] => child:4

[Children] => Array




[3] => Array


[name] => child:3

[Children] => Array


[6] => Array


[name] => child:6

[Children] => Array


[7] => Array


[name] => child:7

[Children] => Array








[2] => Array


[name] => child:2

[Children] => Array


[5] => Array


[name] => child:5

[Children] => Array











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