


1 基本数据类型转换

1)解决有符号和无符号的问题。 对于字符类型和整型来说, Assuming the size of type is k, if one unsigned data type a  is converted to the signed one b ,when a is larger than 2^(k-1), b is equal to a-2^(k)+1; otherwise, b is equal to a. If one signed data type b is converted to the unsigned one a,  when b is less than 0, a is equal to b+2^k. We have to understand that the changing of "signed" aims to  change the range of number presented by the k bits, but also maintain the same meaning as much as possible. Generally, the highest bit is the signal, if this highest bit is explained  as unsignal, so the range of number can be expanded. Noted that when the changing of "signed" happened, the explaination of meaning is changed , but the real bits do not change.

2) 类型转换。if there are converation between two different data types having different size, we have to handle the transfomation. First, if we converted a long data type to a short data type, we truncate the long data bits based on the size of short data type. Assuming we have to truncate1 Bytes from the 4 Bytes(0xff fe  fd  f7), which Bytes do we obtain? the left ,the most right? or the other.  This is decided by the big-endain storage or the little-endain storage. If it is the former, we get ff; If it is the latter, we get f7. Second, if we convert a short data type to a long data type, it is not as easy as filling enough 0 to the vacancy bits. For instance,  convertation from char to int, the most improtant thing is keeping the value unchanged. For any positive value of char type, we fill 24 0. For any negtive value of char type, we filee 24 1. For instance , 1111 1100=-4, the int is 0xff ff ff fc(1111 1100)  . If we convert one int to ont float , There is some complex operation to finish.

All the above conversions are kind of standard conversion, there is still another conversion:forced conversion. there is no complement, no add 1. Baed on the changing of  point, the machine just explain the real bits in the memary, and do not change bits.

2  About the parameters of functions. const parameter

3 For a point a ,a++ is rather different with a=a+1

4 sizeof(long long) is 8. I do not even know this kind of spelling!  but in the function of "printf", the format is %d, so for every parameter, it only read 4 Bytes every time, then we can find the real resluts .Note that it is little-endian storage.

5 operation system   : kernel mode and user mode: the kernel mode has the highest priority, and does some operation such as resource allocation, computing adn so on. the user mode mainly lies on the cache. Some approaches from the suer mode to the kernel mode: 1)system calling (like applying a new process);2)interruption of peripherals(finishing the reading disks);3) some specific conversion operation(search information following the describer, keep the current information, keep them in regesters) open function belonging to system calling can open device files, fopen belonging to the standard C library can open general files.

6 some algorithms about memary management. Lru least recently used

7 DMA 在实现DMA传输时,是由DMA控制器直接掌管总线,因此,存在着一个总线控制权转移问题。即DMA传输前,CPU要把总线控制权交给DMA控制器,而在结束DMA传输后,DMA控制器应立即把总线控制权再交回给CPU。

8 I am not familar about the concepts of trees,  what a pity.

keep studying ,

Thanks my friend XinXin Zhang, who helps me fighure out most of the above mentioned thing patiently.

Sometimes I feel discussion contributes to keep things in mind and long time. After discussion , we conclude it and check them in the book c++ primer.


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