在这篇帮助文档里提到了SAP Commerce Server的概念:


SAP Commerce comes prebundled with a Apache Tomcat web container plus configuration settings. The Apache Tomcat can be used out-of-the-box for development and production use. This concept of a prebundled Apache Tomcat and configuration settings is called the SAP Commerce Server.

  • embeddedserver extension provides an API to run an embedded servlet container;

  • tomcatembeddedserver extension provides a Tomcat-based implementation of this API.

To deploy new versions of SAP Commerce, you can replace the entire SAP Commerce Server with a newer version.


什么是SAP Commerce Server相关推荐

  1. 本地安装 SAP Commerce 实例

    这些基本步骤描述了如何使用提供的 SAP Commerce Server 安装和初始化 SAP Commerce. 服务器是一个基于Apache Tomcat的预配置应用服务器. HSQLDB 和 T ...

  2. SAP Commerce Cloud SmartEdit 的安装

    执行手动安装时要包含的扩展,必须在 localextensions.xml文件中包含以下扩展: cmsbackoffice cmssmartedit cmssmarteditwebservices c ...

  3. SAP Commerce Cloud OAuth 实现介绍

    Oauth2 oauth2 core extension 已经取代了 webservicescommons/oauthauthorizationserver 扩展. 它将 HTTP 端点公开为 Aut ...

  4. SAP Commerce Cloud 架构概述

    SAP Commerce Cloud Architecture 尽管我们在"SAP Commerce Cloud 入门"一文中介绍了 SAP Commerce Cloud 的一些高 ...

  5. 将您的基于 Accelerator 的 SAP Commerce Cloud Storefront 迁移到 Spartacus Storefront

    原文:Migrate Your Accelerator-based Storefront to Project Spartacus 如果您已阅读过"迁移到 Spartacus javascr ...

  6. SAP Commerce Cloud Build Manifest Components

    官方帮助文档: https://help.sap.com/viewer/1be46286b36a4aa48205be5a96240672/v2011/en-US/2be55790d99e4a1dad4 ...

  7. SAP Commerce Cloud 概述

    原文标题:Getting Started with SAP Commerce Cloud 英文版地址:https://www.sap.com/cxworks/article/433893880/get ...

  8. SAP Commerce Cloud启动时遇到的9001端口被占用的问题

    按照这个SAP帮助文档Start SAP Commerce里提到的步骤,执行platform文件夹下的hybrisserver.bat文件,启动Hybris服务器: 遇到如下错误消息: SEVERE: ...

  9. 关于SAP Commerce Cloud CORS policy的设置问题

    问题描述 We are configuring our Spartacus application with SSR in SAP Commerce Cloud. Also we used the I ...


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