java 方法 示例

集合类lastIndexOfSubList()方法 (Collections Class lastIndexOfSubList() method)

  • lastIndexOfSubList() method is available in java.util package.


  • lastIndexOfSubList() method is used to return the starting index of the last occurrence of the given (dest) list within the given source list (src).

    lastIndexOfSubList()方法用于返回给定源列表( src )中给定( dest )列表最后一次出现的起始索引。

  • lastIndexOfSubList() method is a static method, so it is accessible with the class name and if we try to access the method with the class object then we will not get an error.


  • lastIndexOfSubList() method does not throw an exception at the time of returning the index of the last occurrence of the given List (dest).

    在返回给定List( dest )的最后一次出现的索引时, lastIndexOfSubList()方法不会引发异常。



    public static int lastIndexOfSubList(List src, List dest);



  • List src – represents the source list in which to filter the last occurrence of the given list(dest).

    List src –表示源列表,在其中过滤给定列表( dest )的最后一次出现。

  • List dest – represents the targeted list(dest) to filter sublist of the given source list(src).

    列表目标 –表示要过滤给定源列表( src )的子列表的目标列表( dest )。

Return value:


The return type of this method is int, it returns starting index of the last occurrence of the given sublist (dest) within the given source list(src) otherwise it returns -1 when no search found or list empty.

此方法的返回类型为int ,它返回给定源列表( src )中给定子列表( dest )的最后一次出现的起始索引,否则,当找不到搜索或列表为空时返回-1。



// Java program is to demonstrate the example
// of int lastIndexOfSubList() of Collections
import java.util.*;
public class LastIndexOfSubList {public static void main(String args[]) {// Instantiate a LinkedList
List src_l = new LinkedList();
List dest_l = new LinkedList();
// By using add() method is to
// add elements in linked list src_l
// By using add() method is to
// add elements in linked list dest_l
// Display LinkedList
System.out.println("link_l: " + src_l);
System.out.println("dest_l: " + dest_l);
// By using lastIndexOfSubList() method is to
// return the starting index of last occurrence
// of dest_l in src_l
int index = Collections.lastIndexOfSubList(src_l, dest_l);
//Display index
System.out.println("Collections.lastIndexOfSubList(src_l,dest_l): " + index);



link_l: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
dest_l: [40, 50]Collections.lastIndexOfSubList(src_l,dest_l): 3


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