vector cbegin

C ++ vector :: cbegin()函数 (C++ vector::cbegin() function)

vector::cbegin() is a library function of "vector" header, it is used to get the const iterator pointing to the first element of the vector.

vector :: cbegin()“ vector”头文件的库函数,用于获取指向向量第一个元素的const迭代器。

It returns a const_iterator which is an iterator point to the constant content(vector), the const_itertator can be increased or decreased just like an iterator but it cannot be used to update/modify the vector content it points to.

它返回一个const_iterator ,它是指向常量content(vector)的迭代器, const_itertator可以像迭代器一样增加或减少,但不能用于更新/修改其指向的向量内容。

Note: To use vector, include <vector> header.


Syntax of vector::cbegin() function

vector :: cbegin()函数的语法


Parameter(s): none – It accepts nothing.

参数: 无 –不接受任何内容。

Return value: const_iterator – It returns a constant iterator pointing to the first element of the vector.

返回值: const_iterator –它返回一个常量迭代器,指向向量的第一个元素。



vector<int> vector1{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Function call:
vector<int>::const_iterator cit;
cit = vector1.cbegin();

C++ program to demonstrate example of vector::cbegin() function

first element is: 10
Reference: C++ vector::cbegin()

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vector cbegin

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