集合类singletonMap()方法 (Collections Class singletonMap() method)

  • singletonMap() method is available in java.util package.


  • singletonMap() method is used to return an immutable map (i.e. immutable map is a map that contains the given key & value only & mapping would be based on the given key to the given value.


  • singletonMap() method is a static method, so it is accessible with the class name and if we try to access the method with the class object then we will not get an error.


  • singletonMap() method does not throw an exception at the time of returning an immutable map.

    在返回不可变地图时, singletonMap()方法不会引发异常。



    public static Map singletonMap(Type key_ele, Type val_ele);



  • Type key_ele – represents the key to be saved in the returned map.

    key_ele类型 –表示要保存在返回的映射中的密钥。

  • Type val_ele – represents the value(val) associated with the key_ele.

    类型val_ele –表示与key_ele关联的value( val )。

Return value:


The return type of this method is Map, it returns an immutable map that contains the given key-value pairs only of the map.

此方法的返回类型为Map ,它返回一个不可变的映射,其中仅包含该映射的给定键值对。



// Java program is to demonstrate the example of
// singletonMap(Type key_ele, Type val_ele)
// method of Collections
import java.util.*;
public class SingletonMapOfCollections {public static void main(String args[]) {// Instatiates a hash map object
Map < Integer, String > map = new HashMap < Integer, String > ();
// By using put() method is to add
// objects in a hash map
map.put(10, "C");
map.put(20, "C++");
map.put(30, "JAVA");
map.put(40, "C");
map.put(50, "C++");
// Display Map
System.out.println("Map: " + map);
// By using singletonMap() method is to
// list the given key-value pair only
map = Collections.singletonMap(30, "JAVA");
// Display SingletonMap
System.out.println("Collections.singletonMap(30,JAVA): " + map);



Map: {50=C++, 20=C++, 40=C, 10=C, 30=JAVA}
Collections.singletonMap(30,JAVA): {30=JAVA}

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/collections-singletonmap-method-with-example.aspx

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