


void ret_block(int x);


void mve(int x, int idx);


void pile(int x, int idx);





  • 不用判断整个字符串再确定是什么命令,判断一下首字母就可以了
  • 可以使用erase函数整块删除。自己就是因为不知道这个函数写的比较复杂,还是要对STL更加熟悉才行


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <array>using namespace std;namespace {const string QUIT = "quit";const string MOVE = "move";const string ONTO = "onto";const string OVER = "over";const string PILE = "pile";constexpr int MAXN = 25 + 5;array<vector<int>, MAXN> blocks;array<pair<int, int>, MAXN> pos;int n;
}void init() {cin >> n;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {blocks[i].push_back(i);pos[i] = {i, 0};}
}void mve(int x, int idx) {blocks[idx].push_back(x);blocks[pos[x].first].pop_back();pos[x].first = idx;pos[x].second = blocks[idx].size() - 1;
}void pile(int x, int idx) {auto &block_x = blocks[pos[x].first];auto &block_dst = blocks[idx];int origin_pos = pos[x].second;int y;for (int i = origin_pos; i < block_x.size(); ++i) {y = block_x[i];block_dst.push_back(y);pos[y].first = idx;pos[y].second = block_dst.size() - 1;}for (int i = block_x.size() - 1; i >= origin_pos; --i) block_x.pop_back();
}void ret_block(int x) {//return blocks that are stacked on top of xauto &block_x = blocks[pos[x].first];int y;for (int i = block_x.size() - 1; i > pos[x].second; --i) {y = block_x.back();mve(y, y);}
}void work() {int x, y;string action, prep;while (cin >> action) {if (action == QUIT) break;cin >> x >> prep >> y;if (pos[x].first == pos[y].first) continue;if (action == MOVE) {if (prep == ONTO) {//move x onto yret_block(x);ret_block(y);mve(x, pos[y].first);} else {ret_block(x);mve(x, pos[y].first);}} else {if (prep == ONTO) {ret_block(y);pile(x, pos[y].first);} else {pile(x, pos[y].first);}}}
}class Newline {bool first;
public:Newline(bool _fisrt = true):first(_fisrt) {}inline void operator ()();
};inline void Newline::operator()() {if (first) {first = false;} else {cout << "\n";}
}void print() {Newline newline;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {//newline();cout << i << ":";for (auto x : blocks[i]) {cout << " " << x;}cout << "\n";}
}int main() {ios::sync_with_stdio(false);init();work();print();

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