
Part I Vocabulary (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each)

Directions:Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement,and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

1.you can bring yourself to stop hating her, it sounds like an arrangement that could work out rather nicely.

A.So far as B.So long as C.As well as D.As often as not

2.The ocean bottom even today is largely unexplored: until about a century ago, the deep-ocean floor was completely , hidden beneath water averaging over 3,600 meters deep.

A.inevitable B.indefinite C.incomparable D.inaccessible

3.He was a molecular biologist with good hands, impressive ingenuity, and capacities.

A.intuitive B.accidental C.fragile D.diligent

4.There is nothing secret about what we’re doing; it’s all perfectly.

A.out of sight B.on the air C.on the horizon D.above board

5.Under the umbrella of the independent spirit, millions of immigrants came to this country seeking shelter from intolerance, prejudice, and .

A.persistence B.permanence C.perspective D.persecution

6.The junior was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man’s shoes.

A.executive B.explosive C.captive D.addictive

7.Since the 1980s, increasingly tools have made it possible to produce, market, and distribute motion pictures digitally.

A.predictable B.disguised C.ornamental D.sophisticated

8.People who large amounts of animal fats are more likely to get cancer and heart disease.

A.congest B.irrigate C.consume D.purchase

9.After the year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline.

A.summit B.peak C.climax D.top

10.She has helped thousands of men and women with things that bother them and that they could not talk about with others.

A.come to the point B.come to terms C.come into force D.come into contact

11.In this age of globalization, we need to abandon our historical idea of as a single religious or national alliance.

A.identity B.registration C.dignity D.qualification

12.It is finally realized how foolish it is to develop our economy the environment.

A.for the sake of B.on behalf of C.at the cost of D.in terms of

13.For the most part, black sportsmen accept that they have advantages,in an unspecified way,over their white .

A.supervisors B.subordinates C.counterparts D.correspondents

14.The first thing we did was look for errors in our experimental design and for every conceivable that could have led us astray.

A.exposition B.scenario C.illustration D.scheme

15.The discovery of the sunken ship ancient shipbuilding techniques and trading routes.

A.made sense of B.took charge of C.got around to D.shed light on

16.Politicians lie, and people with a political agenda the facts to serve them.

A.slant B.imitate C.transfer D.converse

17.Her strength was her ability to and inspire confidence rather than fear in the people she befriended.

A.uncover B.obtain C.elicit D.produce

18.As far as the rank and position is concerned, an associate professor is a professor,though they are almost equally knowledgeable.

A.ranked below B.adjacent to C.inherent to D.subject to

19.Other skeptics point out that such a peaceful rise has no in human history.

A.reference B.allusion C.inference D.precedent

20.Economists said that their smooth growth this year was suspicious because they were so other economic indicators.

A.in line withB.in excess of C.at odds with D.in proportion to

Part II Cloze test (15 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given below.Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

Plagiarism is widely recognized as a high crime against the project of science, but the explanations for why it’s harmful generally 21 it look like a different kind of crime than fabrication and falsification.22 , Kenneth D.Pimple claims that plagiarism is not an 23 that undermines the knowledge-building project of science.Rather, the crime is in depriving other scientists of the reward they are 24 for participating in this knowledge-building project.25 ,Pimple says that plagiarism is problematic not because it is dishonest, but rather because it is unfair.

While I think Pimple is right to identify an additional component of responsible conduct of science 26 honesty, namely, a certain kind of fairness to one’s 27 scientists.I also think this analysis of plagiarism misses an important 28 in which misrepresenting the source of words, ideas, methods, or results can 29 the knowledge-building project of science.

On the surface, plagiarism, while 30 nasty to the person whose report is being stolen, might seem not to undermine the scientific community’s 31 of the phenomena.We are still, after all,bringing together and 32 a number of different observation reports to determine the stable features of our experience of the phenomenon.33 this comparison often involves a dialogue as well.As part of the knowledge -building project, from the earliest planning of their experiments to well after results are published, scientists are 34 in asking and answering questions about the details of the experience and of the conditions 35 which the phenomenon was observed.Misrepresenting someone else’s honest observation report as one’s own strips the report of accurate information for such a dialogue.

21.A.make B.get C.have D.help

22.A.Therefore B.So far C.However D.For example

23.A.excuse B.ideology C.object D.offense

24.A.competing B.attracted C.due D.craving

25.A.On the other hand B.In other words C.By and by D.In the meanwhile

26.A.besides B.towards C.except D.for

27.A.fellow B.rival C.team D.peer

28.A.chance B.way C.reason D.base

29.A.stimulate B.construct C.undermine D.assess

30.A.surprisingly B.accordingly C.potentially D.necessarily

31.A.knowledge B.discovery C.creation D.evaluation

32.A.presenting B.comparing C.submitting D.producing

33.A.So B.While C.But D.And

34.A.devoted B.scheduled C.committed D.engaged

35.A.with B.under C.for D.around


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