What Is “cnblogs.com”?

Due to many foreign friends’ curiosity about the website “cnblogs.com”, I will give a rough introduction below. It is a website for IT programmers to communicate their opinions and working experiences mainly via blogs. It is specially designed to Chinese programmers’ taste which has many user-friendly characteristics. Its’father dudu who is a man somewhat crazy about .NET Framework and other Microsoft  technology  gave birth to it at 2004 January 1st.From then on it has developed more like a website community. Till now,it has 62,2792 enrolled members, and is still attracting more IT programmers.It

Is estimated that “cnblogs.com” has commercial potential of ¥655,936 according to a web service analysis company.

Although, there are plenty of such on –line websites here in China,”cnblogs.com ” distinguish itself in that it is abundant in user-friendly features, which we mentioned above. Firstly ,You can change your blogs’ skin ,since there’re so many extraordinary beautiful skins there,that there must be one to your taste. Secondly,it is quite flexible and personalized by allowing users to decide what the layout is of your blog, what components  your blog is willing to have.There are various such selections available. Most significantly, it has integrated many Microsoft office word features, and other Microsoft IDE features, which are quite familiar to most Chinese programmers.

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