1.Selecting Elements

方法 描述
d3.selection() select the root document element. 选择
d3.selectAll(selector) 选择 后代选择
selection.selectAll(selector) 后代选择
selection.filter(filter) 过滤选择
selection.merge(other) 合并选择
d3.matcher(selector) 判断是否匹配,一般不考虑,filter自带
d3.selector(selector) 一般不考虑,select自带
d3.selectorAll select elements.
d3.window(node) get a node’s owner window., name) get a node’s current style value.

2.Modifying Elements

方法 描述
selection.attr(name[, value]) 获得或设置属性
selection.classed(names[, value]) get, add or remove CSS classes.[, value[, priority]]) get or set a style property.[, value]) get or set a (raw) property.
selection.text([value]) get or set the text content.
selection.html([value]) get or set the inner HTML.
selection.append(type) create, append and select new elements.
selection.insert(type[, before]) create, insert and select new elements.
selection.remove() remove elements from the document.
selection.clone([deep]) insert clones of selected elements.
selection.sort(compare) sort elements in the document based on data.
selection.order() reorders elements in the document to match the selection.
selection.raise() reorders each element as the last child of its parent.
selection.lower() reorders each element as the first child of its parent.
d3.create(name) 不常用,append自动使用
d3.creator(name) create an element by name.

3.Joining Data

方法 描述 bind elements to data.
selection.join 整合enter exit和update
selection.enter get the enter selection (data missing elements).
selection.exit get the exit selection (elements missing data).
selection.datum get or set element data (without joining).

4.Handling Events

方法 描述
selection.on add or remove event listeners.
selection.dispatch dispatch a custom event.
d3.event the current user event, during interaction.
d3.customEvent temporarily define a custom event.
d3.mouse get the mouse position relative to a given container.
d3.touch get a touch position relative to a given container.
d3.touches get the touch positions relative to a given container.
d3.clientPoint get a position relative to a given container.

5.Control Flow

方法 描述

selection.each - call a function for each element. - call a function with this selection.
selection.empty - returns true if this selection is empty.
selection.nodes - returns an array of all selected elements.
selection.node - returns the first (non-null) element.
selection.size - returns the count of elements.

6.Local Variables

方法 描述

d3.local - declares a new local variable.
local.set - set a local variable’s value.
local.get - get a local variable’s value.
local.remove - delete a local variable.
local.toString - get the property identifier of a local variable.


方法 描述

d3.namespace - qualify a prefixed XML name, such as “xlink:href”.
d3.namespaces - the built-in XML namespaces.

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