





Using Design Patterns in the Gourmet Coffee System

Prerequisites, Goals, and Outcomes

Prerequisites: Before you begin this exercise, you need mastery of the following:

  • Object-oriented Programming

    • How to define interfaces
    • How to implement interfaces
  • Design Patterns:
    • Knowledge of the singleton pattern
    • Knowledge of the strategy pattern

Goals: Reinforce your ability to use the singleton and strategy patterns

Outcomes: You will demonstrate mastery in the following:

  • Producing applications that use the singleton pattern
  • Producing applications that use the strategy pattern

In this assignment, you will create another version of the Gourmet Coffee System. This version will present the user with four choices:

[0] Quit
[1] Display sales (Plain Text)
[2] Display sales (HTML)
[3] Display sales (XML)

The user will be able to display the sales information in three formats: plain text, HTML, or XML. Part of the work has been done for you and is provided in the student archive. You will implement the code that formats the sales information. This code will use the singleton and strategy patterns.

The following class diagram shows how the singleton and strategy pattern will be used in your implementation:

Figure 1 Portion of Gourmet Coffee System class diagram

  • Interface SalesFormatter declares a method called formatSales that produces a string representation of the sales information.
  • Class PlainTextSalesFormatter implements formatSales. Its version returns the sales information in a plain-text format.
  • Class HTMLSalesFormatter implements formatSales. Its version returns the sales information in an HTML format.
  • Class XMLSalesFormatter implements formatSales. Its version returns the sales information in an XML format.
  • Class GourmetCoffee is the context class. It also contains client code. The client code calls:
    • Method GourmetCoffee.setSalesFormatter to change the current formatter
    • Method GourmetCoffee.displaySales to display the sales information using the current formatter

In this assignment, you should implement the following interface and classes:

  • SalesFormatter
  • PlainTextSalesFormatter
  • HTMLSalesFormatter
  • XMLSalesFormatter
  • GourmetCoffee (a partial implementation is provided in the student archive)

Complete implementations of the following classes are provided in the student archive:

  • Coffee
  • CoffeeBrewer
  • Product
  • Catalog
  • OrderItem
  • Order
  • Sales

Interface SalesFormatter

Interface SalesFormatter declares the method that every “Formatter” class will implement.


  • public String formatSales(Sales sales): Produces a string representation of the sales information.

Class PlainTextSalesFormatter

Class PlainTextSalesFormatter implements the interface SalesFormatter. This class is implemented as a singleton so a new object will not be created every time the plain-text format is used.

Static variable:

  • singletonInstance: The single instance of class PlainTextSalesFormatter.

Constructor and methods:

  • static public PlainTextSalesFormatter getSingletonInstance(): Static method that obtains the single instance of class PlainTextsalesFormatter.
  • private PlainTextSalesFormatter(): Constructor that is declared private so it is inaccessible to other classes. A private constructor makes it impossible for any other class to create an instance of class PlainTextSalesFormatter.
  • public String formatSales(Sales sales): Produces a string that contains the specified sales information in a plain-text format. Each order in the sales information has the following format:
Order numberquantity1code1price1
quantityNcodeNpriceNTotal = totalCost


  • number is the order number.
  • quantityX is the quantity of the product.
  • codeX is the code of the product.
  • priceX is the price of the product.
  • totalCost is the total cost of the order.

Each order should begin with a dashed line. The first order in the sales information should be given an order number of 1, the second should be given an order number of 2, and so on.

Class HTMLSalesFormatter

Class HTMLSalesFormatter implements the interface SalesFormatter. This class is implemented as a singleton so a new object will not be created every time the HTML format is used.

Static variable:

  • singletonInstance: The single instance of class HTMLSalesFormatter.

Constructor and methods:

  • static public HTMLSalesFormatter getSingletonInstance(): Static method that obtains the single instance of class HTMLSalesFormatter.
  • private HTMLSalesFormatter(): Constructor that is declared private so it is inaccessible to other classes. A private constructor makes it impossible for any other class to create an instance of class HTMLSalesFormatter.
  • public String formatSales(Sales sales): Produces a string that contains the specified sales information in an HTML format.

The string should begin with the following HTML:


Each order in the sales information should begin with horizontal line, that is, an <hr> tag.

Each order in the sales information should have the following format:

<h4>Total = totalCost</h4>


  • quantityX is the quantity of the product.
  • codeX is the code of the product.
  • priceX is the price of the product.
  • totalCost is the total cost of the order.

The string should end with the following HTML:


Class XMLSalesFormatter

Class XMLSalesFormatter implements the interface SalesFormatter. This class is implemented as a singleton so a new object will not be created every time the XML format is used.

Static variable:

  • singletonInstance: The single instance of class XMLSalesFormatter.

Constructor and methods:

  • static public XMLSalesFormatter getSingletonInstance(): Static method that obtains the single instance of class XMLSalesFormatter.
  • private XMLSalesFormatter(): Constructor that is declared private so it is inaccessible to other classes. A private constructor makes it impossible for any other class to create an instance of class XMLSalesFormatter.
  • public String formatSales(Sales sales): Produces a string that contains the specified sales information in an XML format.

The string should begin with the following XML:


Each order in the sales information should have the following format:

<Order total="totalCost">
<OrderItem quantity="quantity1" price="price1">code1</OrderItem>...
<OrderItem quantity="quantityN" price="priceN">codeN</OrderItem>


  • quantityX is the quantity of the product.
  • codeX is the code of the product.
  • priceX is the price of the product.
  • totalCost is the total cost of the order.

The string should end with the following XML:


Class GourmetCoffee

Class GourmetCoffee lets the user display the sales information in one of three formats: plain text, HTML, or XML. A partial implementation of this class is provided in the student archive.

Instance variables:

  • private Sales sales: A list of the orders that have been paid for.
  • private SalesFormatter salesFormatter: A reference variable that refers to the current formatter: a PlainTextSalesFormatter, HTMLSalesFormatter, or XMLSalesFormatter object.

Constructor and methods:
The following methods and constructor are complete and require no modification:

  • public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException: Starts the application.
  • private GourmetCoffee(): Initialize instance variables sales and salesFormatter.
  • private Catalog loadCatalog(): Populates the product catalog.
  • private void loadSales(Catalog catalog): Populates the sales object.
  • private int getChoice() throws IOException: Displays a menu of options and verifies the user’s choice.

The following methods should be completed:

  • private void setSalesFormatter(SalesFormatter newFormatter): Changes the current formatter by updating the instance variable salesFormatter with the object specified in the parameter newFormatter.
  • private void displaySales(): Displays the sales information in the standard output using the method salesFormatter.formatSales to obtain the sales information in the current format.
  • private void run() throws IOException: Presents the user with a menu of options and executes the selected task
    • If the user chooses option 1, run calls method setSalesFormatter with the singleton instance of class PlainTextSalesFormatter, and calls method displaySales to display the sales information in the standard output.
    • If the user chooses option 2, run calls method setSalesFormatter with the singleton instance of class HTMLSalesFormatter, and calls method displaySales to display the sales information in the standard output.
    • If the user chooses option 3, run calls method setSalesFormatter with the singleton instance of class XMLTextSalesFormatter, and calls method displaySales to display the sales information in the standard output.

The following files are needed to complete this assignment:

  • student-files.zip — Download this file. This archive contains the following:
  • Class files
    • Coffee.class
    • CoffeeBrewer.class
    • Product.class
    • Catalog.class
    • OrderItem.class
    • Order.class
    • Sales.class
  • Documentation
    • Coffee.html
    • CoffeeBrewer.html
    • Product.html
    • Catalog.html
    • OrderItem.html
    • Order.html
    • Sales.html
  • GourmetCoffee.java. A partial implementation of the class GourmetCoffee.

Implement the interface SalesFormatter and the classes PlainTextSalesFormatter, HTMLSalesFormatter, XMLSalesFormatter. Finish the implementation of class GourmetCoffee. Document using Javadoc and follow Sun’s code conventions. The following steps will guide you through this assignment. Work incrementally and test each increment. Save often.

  1. Extract the files by issuing the following command at the command prompt:
    C:>unzip student-files.zip
  2. Then, implement interface SalesFormatter from scratch.
  3. Next, implement class PlainTextSalesFormatter from scratch.
  4. Then, implement class HTMLSalesFormatter from scratch.
  5. Next, implement class XMLSalesFormatter from scratch.
  6. Then, complete the method GourmetCoffee.setSalesFormatter.
  7. Next, complete the method GourmetCoffee.displaySales.
  8. Then, complete the method GourmetCoffee.run.
  9. Finally, compile and execute the class GourmetCoffee. Sales information has been hard-coded in the GourmetCoffee template provided by iCarnegie.
  • If the user chooses to display the sales information in plain text, the output should be:
Order 15 C001 17.99Total = 89.94999999999999
Order 22 C002 18.75
2 A001 9.0Total = 55.5
Order 31 B002 200.0Total = 200.0
  • If the user chooses to display the sales information in HTML, the output should be:
<h4>Total = 89.94999999999999</h4>
<b>code:</b> C001<br>
<b>quantity:</b> 5<br>
<b>price:</b> 17.99
<h4>Total = 55.5</h4>
<b>code:</b> C002<br>
<b>quantity:</b> 2<br>
<b>price:</b> 18.75
<b>code:</b> A001<br>
<b>quantity:</b> 2<br>
<b>price:</b> 9.0
<h4>Total = 200.0</h4>
<b>code:</b> B002<br>
<b>quantity:</b> 1<br>
<b>price:</b> 200.0
  • If the user chooses to display the sales information in XML, the output should be:
<Order total="89.94999999999999">
<OrderItem quantity="5" price="17.99">C001</OrderItem>
<Order total="55.5">
<OrderItem quantity="2" price="18.75">C002</OrderItem>
<OrderItem quantity="2" price="9.0">A001</OrderItem>
<Order total="200.0">
<OrderItem quantity="1" price="200.0">B002</OrderItem>

Upon completion, submit only the following:

  1. SalesFormatter.java
  2. PlainTextSalesFormatter.java
  3. HTMLSalesFormatter.java
  4. XMLSalesFormatter.java
  5. GourmetCoffee.java




public class Product {private String code;private String description;private double price;public Product(String var1, String var2, double var3) {this.code = var1;this.description = var2;this.price = var3;}public String getCode() {return this.code;}public String getDescription() {return this.description;}public double getPrice() {return this.price;}public boolean equals(Object var1) {return var1 instanceof Product && this.getCode().equals(((Product)var1).getCode());}public String toString() {return this.getCode() + "_" + this.getDescription() + "_" + this.getPrice();}


public class Coffee extends Product {private String origin;private String roast;private String flavor;private String aroma;private String acidity;private String body;public Coffee(String var1, String var2, double var3, String var5, String var6, String var7, String var8, String var9, String var10) {super(var1, var2, var3);this.origin = var5;this.roast = var6;this.flavor = var7;this.aroma = var8;this.acidity = var9;this.body = var10;}public String getOrigin() {return this.origin;}public String getRoast() {return this.roast;}public String getFlavor() {return this.flavor;}public String getAroma() {return this.aroma;}public String getAcidity() {return this.acidity;}public String getBody() {return this.body;}public String toString() {return super.toString() + "_" + this.getOrigin() + "_" + this.getRoast() + "_" + this.getFlavor() + "_" + this.getAroma() + "_" + this.getAcidity() + "_" + this.getBody();}


public class CoffeeBrewer extends Product {private String model;private String waterSupply;private int numberOfCups;public CoffeeBrewer(String var1, String var2, double var3, String var5, String var6, int var7) {super(var1, var2, var3);this.model = var5;this.waterSupply = var6;this.numberOfCups = var7;}public String getModel() {return this.model;}public String getWaterSupply() {return this.waterSupply;}public int getNumberOfCups() {return this.numberOfCups;}public String toString() {return super.toString() + "_" + this.getModel() + "_" + this.getWaterSupply() + "_" + this.getNumberOfCups();}


public class OrderItem {private Product product;private int quantity;public OrderItem(Product var1, int var2) {this.product = var1;this.quantity = var2;}public Product getProduct() {return this.product;}public int getQuantity() {return this.quantity;}public void setQuantity(int var1) {this.quantity = var1;}public double getValue() {return this.getProduct().getPrice() * (double)this.getQuantity();}public String toString() {return this.getQuantity() + " " + this.getProduct().getCode() + " " + this.getProduct().getPrice();}


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;public class Order implements Iterable<OrderItem> {private ArrayList<OrderItem> items = new ArrayList<>();public Order() {}public void addItem(OrderItem var1) {this.items.add(var1);}public void removeItem(OrderItem var1) {this.items.remove(var1);}public Iterator<OrderItem> iterator() {return this.items.iterator();}public OrderItem getItem(Product var1) {Iterator var2 = this.items.iterator();OrderItem var3;do {if (!var2.hasNext()) {return null;}var3 = (OrderItem)var2.next();} while(!var3.getProduct().equals(var1));return var3;}public int getNumberOfItems() {return this.items.size();}public double getTotalCost() {double var1 = 0.0D;OrderItem var4;for(Iterator var3 = this.items.iterator(); var3.hasNext(); var1 += var4.getValue()) {var4 = (OrderItem)var3.next();}return var1;}


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;public class Catalog implements Iterable<Product> {private ArrayList<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();public Catalog() {}public void addProduct(Product var1) {this.products.add(var1);}public Iterator<Product> iterator() {return this.products.iterator();}public Product getProduct(String var1) {Iterator var2 = this.products.iterator();Product var3;do {if (!var2.hasNext()) {return null;}var3 = (Product)var2.next();} while(!var3.getCode().equals(var1));return var3;}public int getNumberOfProducts() {return this.products.size();}


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;public class Sales implements Iterable<Order> {private ArrayList<Order> orders = new ArrayList<>();public Sales() {}public void addOrder(Order var1) {this.orders.add(var1);}public Iterator<Order> iterator() {return this.orders.iterator();}public int getNumberOfOrders() {return this.orders.size();}



public interface SalesFormatter {//Produces a string representation of the sales information.public abstract String formatSales(Sales sales);}


import java.util.Iterator;public class PlainTextSalesFormatter implements SalesFormatter {private static PlainTextSalesFormatter singletonInstance;   private PlainTextSalesFormatter() {   }   public static synchronized PlainTextSalesFormatter getSingletonInstance() {   if (singletonInstance == null)   singletonInstance = new PlainTextSalesFormatter();   return singletonInstance;   }   public String formatSales(Sales sales) {   String string = "";   int i = 1;Iterator<Order> iterator1 = sales.iterator();while(iterator1.hasNext()) {Order order = iterator1.next();string +="---------------------\r\n";   string += "Order " + i + "\r\n\r\n"; Iterator<OrderItem> iterator2 = order.iterator();while(iterator2.hasNext()) {OrderItem orderItem = iterator2.next();string += orderItem.getQuantity() + " " + orderItem.getProduct().getCode() + " " +orderItem.getProduct().getPrice() + "\r\n";}i++;   string += "\r\n" + "Total = " + order.getTotalCost() + "\r\n"; }  return string;   }   }


import java.util.Iterator;public class HTMLSalesFormatter implements SalesFormatter {private static HTMLSalesFormatter singletonInstance;   private HTMLSalesFormatter() {   }   public static synchronized HTMLSalesFormatter getSingletonInstance() {   if (singletonInstance == null)   singletonInstance = new HTMLSalesFormatter();   return singletonInstance;   }   public String formatSales(Sales sales) {   String string = "";   string +="<html>\r\n  <body>\r\n    <center><h2>Orders</h2></center>\r\n";Iterator<Order> iterator1 = sales.iterator();while(iterator1.hasNext()) {Order order = iterator1.next();string += "    <hr>\r\n    <h4>Total = " + order.getTotalCost() + "</h4>\r\n      <p>\r\n";  Iterator<OrderItem> iterator2 = order.iterator();while(iterator2.hasNext()) {OrderItem orderItem = iterator2.next();string += "        <b>code:</b> "+orderItem.getProduct().getCode()+"<br>\r\n" + "        <b>quantity:</b> "+orderItem.getQuantity()+"<br>\r\n"+"        <b>price:</b> "+orderItem.getProduct().getPrice()+"\r\n";}  string += "      </p>\r\n";}  string += "  </body>\r\n</html>\r\n";return string;  }}


import java.util.Iterator;public class XMLSalesFormatter implements SalesFormatter {private static XMLSalesFormatter singletonInstance;   private XMLSalesFormatter() {   }   public static synchronized XMLSalesFormatter getSingletonInstance() {   if (singletonInstance == null)   singletonInstance = new XMLSalesFormatter();   return singletonInstance;   }   public String formatSales(Sales sales) {   String string = "";   string +="<Sales>\r\n"; Iterator<Order> iterator1 = sales.iterator();while(iterator1.hasNext()) {Order order = iterator1.next();string += "  <Order total=\""+order.getTotalCost()+"\">\r\n";  Iterator<OrderItem> iterator2 = order.iterator();while(iterator2.hasNext()) {OrderItem orderItem = iterator2.next();string += "    <OrderItem quantity=\""+orderItem.getQuantity()+"\" price=\""+orderItem.getProduct().getPrice()+"\">"+orderItem.getProduct().getCode()+"</OrderItem>\r\n";}  string += "  </Order>\r\n";}  string += "</Sales>\r\n";return string;     }   }


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;/*** This class implements a gourmet coffee system.** @author BlankSpace* @version 1.1.0* @see Product* @see Coffee* @see CoffeeBrewer* @see Catalog* @see OrderItem* @see Order* @see SalesFormatter* @see PlainTextSalesFormatter* @see HTMLSalesFormatter* @see XMLSalesFormatter*/
public class GourmetCoffee  {private static BufferedReader  stdIn =new  BufferedReader(new  InputStreamReader(System.in));private static PrintWriter  stdOut = new  PrintWriter(System.out, true);private static PrintWriter  stdErr = new  PrintWriter(System.err, true);private Sales  sales;private SalesFormatter  salesFormatter;/*** Loads data into the catalog and starts the application.** @param args  String arguments.  Not used.* @throws IOException if there are errors in the input.*/public static void  main(String[]  args) throws IOException  {GourmetCoffee  application = new  GourmetCoffee();application.run();}/*** Constructs a <code>GourmetCoffee</code> object and* initializes the catalog and sales data.** @param initialCatalog a product catalog*/private GourmetCoffee() {this.sales = new Sales();this.salesFormatter = PlainTextSalesFormatter.getSingletonInstance();loadSales(loadCatalog());}/*** Creates an empty catalog and then add products to it.** @return a product catalog*/private Catalog loadCatalog() {Catalog catalog = new Catalog();catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C001", "Colombia, Whole, 1 lb", 17.99,"Colombia", "Medium", "Rich and Hearty", "Rich","Medium", "Full"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C002", "Colombia, Ground, 1 lb", 18.75,"Colombia", "Medium", "Rich and Hearty", "Rich","Medium","Full"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C003", "Italian Roasts, Whole, 1 lb",16.80, "Latin American Blend", "Italian Roast","Dark and heavy", "Intense", "Low", "Medium"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C004", "Italian Roasts, Ground, 1 lb",17.55, "Latin American Blend", "Italian Roast","Dark and heavy", "Intense", "Low", "Medium"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C005", "French Roasts, Whole, 1 lb",16.80, "Latin American Blend", "French Roast","Bittersweet, full intense", "Intense, full", "None", "Medium"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C006", "French Roasts, Ground, 1 lb",17.55, "Latin American Blend", "French Roast","Bittersweet, full intense", "Intense, full", "None", "Medium"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C007", "Guatemala, Ground, 1 lb", 17.99,"Guatemala", "Medium", "Rich and complex", "Spicy","Medium to high", "Medium to full"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C008", "Guatemala, Ground, 1 lb", 18.75,"Guatemala", "Medium", "Rich and complex", "Spicy","Medium to high", "Medium to full"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C009", "Guatemala, Whole, 1 lb", 19.99,"Sumatra", "Medium", "Vibrant and powdery","Like dark chocolate", "Gentle", "Rich and full"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C010", "Guatemala, Ground, 1 lb", 20.50,"Sumatra", "Medium", "Vibrant and powdery","Like dark chocolate", "Gentle", "Rich and full"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C011", "Special Blend, Whole, 1 lb",16.80, "Latin American Blend", "Dark roast","Full, roasted flavor", "Hearty", "Bold and rich", "Full"));catalog.addProduct(new Coffee("C012", "Special Blend, Ground, 1 lb",17.55, "Latin American Blend", "Dark roast","Full, roasted flavor", "Hearty", "Bold and rich", "Full"));catalog.addProduct(new CoffeeBrewer("B001", "Home Coffee Brewer",150.00, "Brewer 100", "Pourover", 6));catalog.addProduct(new CoffeeBrewer("B002", "Coffee Brewer, 2 Warmers",200.00, "Brewer 200", "Pourover", 12));catalog.addProduct(new CoffeeBrewer("B003", "Coffee Brewer, 3 Warmers",280.00, "Brewer 210", "Pourover", 12));catalog.addProduct(new CoffeeBrewer("B004", "Commercial Brewer, 20 cups",380.00, "Quick Coffee 100", "Automatic", 20));catalog.addProduct(new CoffeeBrewer("B005", "Commercial Brewer, 40 cups",480.00, "Quick Coffee 200", "Automatic", 40));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A001", "Almond Flavored Syrup", 9.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A002", "Irish Creme Flavored Syrup", 9.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A003", "Mint Flavored syrup", 9.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A004", "Caramel Flavored Syrup", 9.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A005", "Gourmet Coffee Cookies", 12.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A006", "Gourmet Coffee Travel Thermo", 18.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A007", "Gourmet Coffee Ceramic Mug", 8.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A008", "Gourmet Coffee 12 Filters", 15.00));catalog.addProduct(new Product("A009", "Gourmet Coffee 36 Filters", 45.00));return catalog;}/*** Initializes the sales object.*/private void loadSales(Catalog catalog) {Order orderOne = new Order();orderOne.addItem(new OrderItem(catalog.getProduct("C001"), 5));this.sales.addOrder(orderOne);Order orderTwo = new Order();orderTwo.addItem(new OrderItem(catalog.getProduct("C002"), 2));orderTwo.addItem(new OrderItem(catalog.getProduct("A001"), 2));this.sales.addOrder(orderTwo);Order orderThree = new Order();orderThree.addItem(new OrderItem(catalog.getProduct("B002"), 1));this.sales.addOrder(orderThree);}/*** Displays a menu of options and verifies the user's choice.** @return an integer in the range [0,3]*/private int  getChoice() throws IOException  {int  input;do  {try  {stdErr.println();stdErr.print("[0]  Quit\n"+ "[1]  Display sales (Plain Text)\n"+ "[2]  Display sales (HTML)\n"+ "[3]  Display sales (XML)\n"+ "choice> ");stdErr.flush();input = Integer.parseInt(stdIn.readLine());stdErr.println();if (0 <= input && 3 >= input)  {break;} else {stdErr.println("Invalid choice:  " + input);}} catch (NumberFormatException  nfe)  {stdErr.println(nfe);}}  while (true);return  input;}/*** Changes the sales .** @param newFormatter a sales formatter*/private void setSalesFormatter(SalesFormatter newFormatter){if (newFormatter instanceof PlainTextSalesFormatter) {this.salesFormatter = newFormatter;} else if (newFormatter instanceof HTMLSalesFormatter) {this.salesFormatter = newFormatter;} else if (newFormatter instanceof XMLSalesFormatter) {this.salesFormatter = newFormatter;}/* PLACE YOUR CODE HERE */}/*** Displays the sales information in the current format.*/private void displaySales() {int size = this.sales.getNumberOfOrders();   if (size == 0) {   stdErr.println("The catalog is empty");   } else {   stdOut.println(salesFormatter.formatSales(sales));   }   /* PLACE YOUR CODE HERE */}/*** Presents the user with a menu of options and executes the* selected task.*/private void run() throws IOException  {int  choice = getChoice();while (choice != 0)  {if (choice == 1)  {setSalesFormatter(PlainTextSalesFormatter.getSingletonInstance());displaySales();/* PLACE YOUR CODE HERE */} else if (choice == 2)  {setSalesFormatter(HTMLSalesFormatter.getSingletonInstance());displaySales();/* PLACE YOUR CODE HERE */} else if (choice == 3)  {setSalesFormatter(XMLSalesFormatter.getSingletonInstance());displaySales();/* PLACE YOUR CODE HERE */}choice = getChoice();}}


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    linux ps命令介绍 来源 ps:将某个时间点的程序运作情况撷取下来 [root@linux ~]# ps aux [root@linux ~]# ps -lA [root@linux ... p ...

  9. java udp 同一个端口_java – 系统中的两个不同的UDP套接字可以绑定相同的端口吗?...

    它与TCP和UDP之间的区别有关.当您创建TCP套接字时,您正在创建与另一台计算机上的端口的同步客户端连接,并且当您连接到地址时,您实际上也会在套接字上获得本地端口.因此,在您的示例代码中,创建的两个 ...


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