
by Leonardo Lima

莱昂纳多·利马(Leonardo Lima)

如何将DangerJS集成到GoCD管道中 (How to integrate DangerJS into GoCD pipelines)

At my current company, we have recently migrated our CI infra from CircleCI to GoCD. After a few months using the new CI platform, I was comfortable enough to juice it up. One of the things that I was planning was integrating DangerJS — an amazing tool to expedite pull request reviews by performing configurable auto-checks on new code. What does it mean? No more time spent on writing PR comments like: “Oh, I believe you forgot X… Y… Z…”.

在我目前的公司中,我们最近将CI从CircleCI迁移到GoCD 。 在使用新的CI平台几个月后,我很舒服地将其榨干。 我正在计划的其中一项工作是集成DangerJS ,这是一个了不起的工具,可通过对新代码执行可配置的自动检查来加快请求请求的审查。 这是什么意思? 不再花时间写PR评论,例如:“哦,我相信您忘记了X…Y…Z…”。

My goal with this article is to help the next person pursuing this mission to improve their team’s Code Quality and PR review processes.


语境 (Context)

I have used Danger’s powers before (though integrated with Ruby) and I already knew that the initial setup would be quite straightforward…if only we were still using CircleCI!


On my first attempt to integrate, I tried googling “Integrating DangerJS with GoCD” with no luck. Also, after reading DangerJS’ documentation, I’ve found that there was no such thing as a native-straightforward integration with GoCD that I could use.

在第一次尝试进行集成时,我尝试了一下“将DangerJS与GoCD集成”,但没有成功。 另外,在阅读DangerJS的文档后,我发现没有可以与GoCD进行本机直接集成的东西。

That meant that I wouldn’t be able to easily integrate Danger’s checks into my CI flow. So I was left with a few options:

这意味着我将无法轻松将Danger的支票集成到我的CI流程中。 所以我有几个选择:

  1. Trying to make developers incorporate local manual runs of DangerJS commands;试图使开发人员并入DangerJS命令的本地手动运行;
  2. Build a specific pipeline in (CircleCI/CodeShip/FooBar) to run just DangerJS;在(CircleCI / CodeShip / FooBar)中构建特定的管道以仅运行DangerJS;
  3. Give up.放弃。

I didn’t like either of my options, and I was really frustrated after a few hours spent in Danger and GoCD settings. Then I stumbled upon the “Using danger and fake being on a CI” section in the DangerJS docs. That’s it! If I can fake being on a CI in my local machine, what’s the difference from faking a CI in a GoCD machine?

我不喜欢任何一种选择,在Danger和GoCD设置中花了几个小时后,我感到非常沮丧。 然后我偶然发现了DangerJS文档中的“在CI上使用危险和伪造 ”部分。 而已! 如果我可以在本地机器上伪造一个CI,那么与在GoCD机器上伪造一个CI有什么区别?

Afterwards, it was just a matter of figuring out how to emulate the same local behaviour inside GoCD’s infra.


第一步 (First steps)

Before anything, you have to go through the official documentation in order to set up and start using DangerJS.


Basically, what you need is to:


  • Create your dangerfile.js file. There are a few examples here.

    创建您的angerousfile.js文件。 这里有一些例子 。

  • Create a bot account on GitHub/BitBucket for Danger to use

    在GitHub / BitBucket上创建一个机器人帐户以供危险使用

  • Open a PR with changed files to check your changes打开包含已更改文件的PR以检查您的更改
  • Run DangerJS locally against a PR link (the one you’ve just opened)针对PR链接(刚打开的那个)在本地运行DangerJS
  • Try to fake a CI environment in your local machine


In the next section, I’ll go deeper in this last step since it is the critical part to make DangerJS work with GoCD.


在GoCD的环境中配置伪造的CI (Configuring a fake CI in GoCD’s environment)

First, if you still don’t have a detached GoCD pipeline to run only Pull Requests builds, I strongly recommend you to do so. Here is a guide if you need some help setting that up.

首先,如果您仍然没有分离的GoCD管道来仅运行Pull Requests构建,则强烈建议您这样做。 如果您需要一些帮助进行设置,请参考以下指南 。

Secondly, after creating your PR pipeline, create a new Job just for Danger:

其次,在创建您的PR管道之后,创建一个新的Job for Danger:

Now, to be able to fake a CI using Danger, you need to set a bunch of environment variables such as:


export DANGER_FAKE_CI="YEP"export DANGER_TEST_REPO="username/reponame"

In GoCD’s Pipeline Job settings, navigate to the Environment Variables tab and set those two env variables replacing the username/reponame placeholders with your own settings.


After this first batch of configurations, in order to actually run Danger’s tests in GoCD, you can use a shell script that executes the same commands used to fake a CI in a local environment. Let’s call this file danger-build.sh.

在完成第一批配置后,为了在GoCD中实际运行Danger的测试,您可以使用Shell脚本,该脚本执行与在本地环境中伪造CI相同的命令。 我们将此文件称为危险文件build.sh。

# danger-build.sh
echo Testing against commits on PR: ${GO_SCM_PIPELINE_PR_URL}
DANGER_TEST_PR=${GO_SCM_PIPELINE_PR_ID} npx yarn danger ci

Please note that you’ll need node, npm/yarn previously installed in the GoCD available machine.

请注意,您将需要GoCD可用机器中先前安装的节点npm / yarn。

Did you notice those two GO_SCM variables? They are the catch that let you run your Danger verifications inside a GoCD machine.

您是否注意到了这两个GO_SCM变量 ? 它们是使您能够在GoCD机器上运行危险验证的功能。

Please pay special attention to the PR_ID variable since it’s the one that provides the PR reference to let Danger read, interpret the changes, and then write suggestions in the Pull Request.

请特别注意PR_ID变量,因为它是提供PR参考以使Danger读取,解释更改然后在Pull Request中写建议的变量。

In case you’re curious, those environment variables were generated by GoCD’s machines. They can be assessed by running the /usr/bin/printenv UNIX command in a build and inspecting the output.

如果您感到好奇,那么这些环境变量是由GoCD的机器生成的。 可以通过在构建中运行/usr/bin/printenv UNIX命令并检查输出来评估它们。

And that’s it!


After mapping the proper env variables in your Shell script, the DangerJS verifications will start running in GoCD’s pipelines next to your current test suite.


To wrap up the steps:


1. Setup the first DangerJS local files and settings


2. Create a specific Pipeline/Job in GoCD


3. Discover and then map the proper environment variables inside a shell script to let GoCD run DangerJS


I hope that you’ve found the walkthrough helpful. If you have enjoyed the article please share with your fellow developers & managers and help spread the word.

我希望您发现本演练对您有所帮助。 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请与您的开发人员和经理分享,并帮助传播信息。

For any questions please feel free to ask in the comments section!


PS: Danger also has a lot of plugins options, check them out!

PS:Danger也有很多插件选项, 请检查 !

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-integrate-dangerjs-into-gocd-pipelines-7f930932ea07/



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