Eigen是有关线性代数(矩阵、向量等)的c++模板库。支持SSE2/3/4, ARM NEON (32-bit and 64-bit), PowerPC AltiVec/VSX (32-bit and 64-bit) instruction sets, S390x SIMD (ZVector)


#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>using Eigen::MatrixXd;int main()
{MatrixXd m(2,2);m(0,0) = 3;m(1,0) = 2.5;m(0,1) = -1;m(1,1) = m(1,0) + m(0,1);std::cout << m << std::endl;


matrices and vectors


#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;int main()
{MatrixXd m = MatrixXd::Random(3,3);m = (m + MatrixXd::Constant(3,3,1.2)) * 50;cout << "m =" << endl << m << endl;VectorXd v(3);v << 1, 2, 3;cout << "m * v =" << endl << m * v << endl;
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;int main()
{Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();/*两种写法是一个意思,可以在Matrix定义的时候就确定矩阵维度,这样可以省略后面的定义MatrixXd::Random(3,3) = Matrix3d::Random()而且很明显,能先确定维度就先确定维度,这个节约了编译时间。*/m = (m + Matrix3d::Constant(1.2)) * 50;cout << "m =" << endl << m << endl;Vector3d v(1,2,3);cout << "m * v =" << endl << m * v << endl;

matrix的进阶:The Matrix class


matrix具有六个template parameters:

Matrix<typename Scalar,int RowsAtCompileTime,int ColsAtCompileTime,int Options = 0,int MaxRowsAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime,int MaxColsAtCompileTime = ColsAtCompileTime>


  • Scalar is the scalar type of the coefficients (e.g., float, double,
    bool, int, etc.).
  • RowsAtCompileTime and ColsAtCompileTime are the
    number of rows and columns of the matrix as known at compile-time or
  • Options can be ColMajor or RowMajor, default is ColMajor.
    (see class Matrix for more options)
Matrix<double, 6, Dynamic>                  // Dynamic number of columns (heap allocation)
Matrix<double, Dynamic, 2>                  // Dynamic number of rows (heap allocation)
Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor>  // Fully dynamic, row major (heap allocation)
Matrix<double, 13, 3>                       // Fully fixed (usually allocated on stack)


Matrix<float,Dynamic,Dynamic>   <=>   MatrixXf
Matrix<double,Dynamic,1>        <=>   VectorXd
Matrix<int,1,Dynamic>           <=>   RowVectorXi
Matrix<float,3,3>               <=>   Matrix3f
Matrix<float,4,1>               <=>   Vector4fArrays:
Array<float,Dynamic,Dynamic>    <=>   ArrayXXf
Array<double,Dynamic,1>         <=>   ArrayXd
Array<int,1,Dynamic>            <=>   RowArrayXi
Array<float,3,3>                <=>   Array33f
Array<float,4,1>                <=>   Array4f


int main()
{Matrix2d m;m(0, 0) = 3;m(1, 0) = 2.5;m(0, 1) = -1;m(1, 1) = m(1, 0) + m(0, 1);std::cout << "Here is the matrix m:\n"<< m << std::endl;Matrix<double, 2, 2> m1;m1(0, 0) = 3;m1(1, 0) = 2.5;m1(0, 1) = -1;m1(1, 1) = m1(1, 0) + m1(0, 1);std::cout << "Here is another matrix m1:\n"<< m1 << std::endl;

Conversion between the matrix and array worlds:

int main()
{Array22f a1, a2;Matrix2f m1, m2;m1 = a1 * a2;         // coeffwise product, implicit conversion from array to matrix.a1 = m1 * m2;         // matrix product, implicit conversion from matrix to array.a2 = a1 + m1.array(); // mixing array and matrix is forbiddenm2 = a1.matrix() + m1;std::cout << m2 << std::endl;std::cout << a2 << std::endl;


Vector4d  v4;
Vector2f  v1(x, y);
Array3i   v2(x, y, z);
Vector4d  v3(x, y, z, w);VectorXf  v5; // empty object
ArrayXf   v6(size);
Matrix4f  m1;MatrixXf  m5; // empty object
MatrixXf  m6(nb_rows, nb_columns);***Comma initializer
Vector3f  v1;     v1 << x, y, z;
ArrayXf   v2(4);  v2 << 1, 2, 3, 4;
Matrix3f  m1;   m1 << 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9;***Comma initializer (bis)
int rows=5, cols=5;
MatrixXf m(rows,cols);
m << (Matrix3f() << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).finished(),MatrixXf::Zero(3,cols-3),MatrixXf::Zero(rows-3,3),MatrixXf::Identity(rows-3,cols-3);
cout << m;


int main()
{MatrixXd m(3, 4);m(0, 0) = 3;m(1, 0) = 2.5;m(0, 1) = -1;m(1, 1) = m(1, 0) + m(0, 1);cout << "m is \n"<< m << endl;m.resize(4, 3);cout << "m1 is\n"<< m << endl;std::cout << "The matrix m is of size "<< m.rows() << "x" << m.cols() << std::endl;std::cout << "It has " << m.size() << " coefficients" << std::endl;VectorXd v(2);v.resize(5);std::cout << "The vector v is of size " << v.size() << std::endl;std::cout << "As a matrix, v is of size "<< v.rows() << "x" << v.cols() << std::endl;


storage orders

The entries of a matrix form a two-dimensional grid. However, when the matrix is stored in memory, the entries have to somehow be laid out linearly. There are two main ways to do this, by row and by column.

Matrix<int, 3, 4, ColMajor> Acolmajor;//ColMajor is not necessary here
Acolmajor << 8, 2, 2, 9,9, 1, 4, 4,3, 5, 4, 5;
cout << "The matrix A:" << endl;
cout << Acolmajor << endl << endl; cout << "In memory (column-major):" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < Acolmajor.size(); i++)cout << *(Acolmajor.data() + i) << "  ";
cout << endl << endl;Matrix<int, 3, 4, RowMajor> Arowmajor = Acolmajor;
cout << "In memory (row-major):" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < Arowmajor.size(); i++)cout << *(Arowmajor.data() + i) << "  ";//这里.data()指针指向矩阵的第一个元素
cout << endl;

output is:

The matrix A:
8 2 2 9
9 1 4 4
3 5 4 5In memory (column-major):
8  9  3  2  1  5  2  4  4  9  4  5  In memory (row-major):
8  2  2  9  9  1  4  4  3  5  4  5



int main()
{float data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};Map<Vector3f> v1(data); // uses v1 as a Vector3f objectcout << "v1 is:" << v1 << endl;cout << endl;Map<ArrayXf> v2(data, 3); // uses v2 as a ArrayXf objectcout << "v2 is:" << v2 << endl;cout << endl;Map<Array22f> m1(data); // uses m1 as a Array22f objectcout << "m1 is:" << m1 << endl;cout << endl;Map<MatrixXf> m2(data, 2, 2); // uses m2 as a MatrixXf objectcout << "n2 is:" << m2 << endl;cout << endl;// float data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};// Map<VectorXf, 0, InnerStride<2>> v1(data, 3);                     // = [1,3,5]// Map<VectorXf, 0, InnerStride<>> v2(data, 3, InnerStride<>(3));    // = [1,4,7]// Map<MatrixXf, 0, OuterStride<3>> m2(data, 2, 3);                  // both lines     |1,4,7|// Map<MatrixXf, 0, OuterStride<>> m1(data, 2, 3, OuterStride<>(3)); // are equal to:  |2,5,8


int main()
{Matrix2d m = Matrix2d::Random();cout << "Matrix2d m is: \n"<< m << endl;cout << endl;Matrix2d m2;m2 = m.transpose();cout << "transpose is: \n"<< m2 << endl;cout << endl;MatrixXd m3;m3 = m * m2;cout << "multiplication is: \n"<< m3 << endl;cout << endl;double data[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};Map<Matrix2d>v1(data);cout << "v1 is \n"<< v1 << endl;

output is:

Matrix2d m is: 0.680375  0.566198
-0.211234   0.59688transpose is: 0.680375 -0.2112340.566198   0.59688multiplication is:
0.783491 0.194234
0.194234 0.400886v1 is
1 3
2 4


int main()
{MatrixXd m(4, 4);m(0, 0) = 3;m(1, 0) = 2.5;m(0, 1) = -1;m(1, 1) = m(1, 0) + m(0, 1);int rowsize = m.rows();//查看矩阵的维度int colsize = m.cols();int SIZE = m.size();cout << "row is:\n"<< rowsize << endl;cout << "col is:\n"<< colsize << endl;cout << "size is: \n"<< SIZE << endl;std::cout << m << std::endl;MatrixXd m2 = Eigen::Matrix4d::Random();m += m2;//基本的矩阵运算std::cout << m << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;m *= 2;std::cout << m << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << -m << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;//7. 求矩阵的转置、共轭矩阵、伴随矩阵std::cout << m.transpose() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << m.conjugate() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << m.adjoint() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;m.transposeInPlace();std::cout << m << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;//8. 矩阵相乘、矩阵向量相乘std::cout << m * m << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;Eigen::Vector4d vec4d(1, 2, 3, 4);std::cout << m * vec4d << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << vec4d.transpose() * m << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;//9. 矩阵的块操作std::cout << m << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;MatrixXd block2;block2 = m.block(1, 1, 2, 2);std::cout << block2 << std::endl; matrix.block(i,j, p, q) ://表示返回从矩阵(i, j)开始,每行取p个元素,每列取q个元素所组成的临时新矩阵对象,原矩阵的元素不变;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << m.block<1, 2>(0, 0) << std::endl; //matrix.block<p,q>(i, j) :<p, q>为一个p行q列的子矩阵,//该定义表示从原矩阵中第(i, j)开始,获取一个p行q列的子矩阵,返回该子矩阵组成的临时矩阵对象,原矩阵的元素不变;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << m.col(1) << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << m.row(0) << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;

output is:

row is:
col is:
size is:
163  -1   0   0
2.5 1.5   0   00   0   0   00   0   0   03.68038  -0.176705  -0.444451  -0.2704312.28877   0.895103    0.10794  0.02680180.566198  -0.329554 -0.0452059   0.9044590.59688   0.536459   0.257742    0.832397.36075  -0.353411  -0.888901  -0.5408624.57753    1.79021    0.21588  0.05360361.1324  -0.659109 -0.0904118    1.808921.19376    1.07292   0.515484    1.66478-7.36075   0.353411   0.888901   0.540862-4.57753   -1.79021   -0.21588 -0.0536036-1.1324   0.659109  0.0904118   -1.80892-1.19376   -1.07292  -0.515484   -1.664787.36075    4.57753     1.1324    1.19376-0.353411    1.79021  -0.659109    1.07292-0.888901    0.21588 -0.0904118   0.515484-0.540862  0.0536036    1.80892    1.664787.36075  -0.353411  -0.888901  -0.5408624.57753    1.79021    0.21588  0.05360361.1324  -0.659109 -0.0904118    1.808921.19376    1.07292   0.515484    1.664787.36075    4.57753     1.1324    1.19376-0.353411    1.79021  -0.659109    1.07292-0.888901    0.21588 -0.0904118   0.515484-0.540862  0.0536036    1.80892    1.664787.36075    4.57753     1.1324    1.19376-0.353411    1.79021  -0.659109    1.07292-0.888901    0.21588 -0.0904118   0.515484-0.540862  0.0536036    1.80892    1.6647850.9107   42.1972   7.37523   16.2694-3.22846   1.50231  0.420272   2.94527-6.81771  -3.67439 -0.208235 -0.017952-6.50846   -1.9001    2.2001   3.1158124.688
11.65221.82378    9.02 6.77862 11.54527.36075    4.57753     1.1324    1.19376-0.353411    1.79021  -0.659109    1.07292-0.888901    0.21588 -0.0904118   0.515484-0.540862  0.0536036    1.80892    1.664781.79021  -0.6591090.21588 -0.09041187.36075 4.577534.577531.790210.21588
0.05360367.36075 4.57753  1.1324 1.19376



#include <Eigen/Dense>
// 基本用法
// Eigen          // Matlab           // 注释
x.size()          // length(x)        // 向量的长度
C.rows()          // size(C,1)        // 矩阵的行数
C.cols()          // size(C,2)        // 矩阵的列数
x(i)              // x(i+1)           // 访问向量元素(Matlab的下标从1开始计数)
C(i,j)            // C(i+1,j+1)       // 访问矩阵元素  A << 1, 2, 3,     // 初始化A,元素也可以是矩阵,先按列堆叠,再按行堆叠。  4, 5, 6,       7, 8, 9;
B << A, A, A;     // B 是3个A水平排列
A.fill(10);       // 将A的所有元素填充为10  // Eigen                                    // Matlab                       注释
MatrixXd::Identity(rows,cols)               // eye(rows,cols)               //单位矩阵
C.setIdentity(rows,cols)                    // C = eye(rows,cols)           //单位矩阵
MatrixXd::Zero(rows,cols)                   // zeros(rows,cols)             //全零矩阵
C.setZero(rows,cols)                        // C = zeros(rows,cols)         //全零矩阵
MatrixXd::Ones(rows,cols)                   // ones(rows,cols)              //全一矩阵
C.setOnes(rows,cols)                        // C = ones(rows,cols)          //全一矩阵
MatrixXd::Random(rows,cols)                 // rand(rows,cols)*2-1          //MatrixXd::Random 返回范围为(-1, 1)的均匀分布的随机数
C.setRandom(rows,cols)                      // C = rand(rows,cols)*2-1      //返回范围为(-1, 1)的均匀分布的随机数
VectorXd::LinSpaced(size,low,high)          // linspace(low,high,size)'     //返回size个等差数列,第一个数为low,最后一个数为high
v.setLinSpaced(size,low,high)               // v = linspace(low,high,size)' //返回size个等差数列,第一个数为low,最后一个数为high
VectorXi::LinSpaced(((hi-low)/step)+1,      // low:step:hi                  //以step为步长的等差数列。((hi-low)/step)+1为个数  low,low+step*(size-1))  //  // Matrix 切片和块。下面列出的所有表达式都是可读/写的。
// 使用模板参数更快(如第2个)。注意:Matlab是的下标是从1开始的。
// Eigen                           // Matlab                        // 注释
x.head(n)                          // x(1:n)                        //前n个元素
x.head<n>()                        // x(1:n)                        //前n个元素
x.tail(n)                          // x(end - n + 1: end)           //倒数n个元素
x.tail<n>()                        // x(end - n + 1: end)           //倒数n个元素
x.segment(i, n)                    // x(i+1 : i+n)                  //切片
x.segment<n>(i)                    // x(i+1 : i+n)                  //切片
P.block(i, j, rows, cols)          // P(i+1 : i+rows, j+1 : j+cols) //块
P.block<rows, cols>(i, j)          // P(i+1 : i+rows, j+1 : j+cols) //块
P.row(i)                           // P(i+1, :)                     //第i行
P.col(j)                           // P(:, j+1)                     //第j列
P.leftCols<cols>()                 // P(:, 1:cols)                  //前cols列
P.leftCols(cols)                   // P(:, 1:cols)                  //前cols列
P.middleCols<cols>(j)              // P(:, j+1:j+cols)              //中间cols列
P.middleCols(j, cols)              // P(:, j+1:j+cols)              //中间cols列
P.rightCols<cols>()                // P(:, end-cols+1:end)          //后cols列
P.rightCols(cols)                  // P(:, end-cols+1:end)          //后cols列
P.topRows<rows>()                  // P(1:rows, :)                  //前rows行
P.topRows(rows)                    // P(1:rows, :)                  //前rows行
P.middleRows<rows>(i)              // P(i+1:i+rows, :)              //中间rows行
P.middleRows(i, rows)              // P(i+1:i+rows, :)              //中间rows行
P.bottomRows<rows>()               // P(end-rows+1:end, :)          //最后rows行
P.bottomRows(rows)                 // P(end-rows+1:end, :)          //最后rows行
P.topLeftCorner(rows, cols)        // P(1:rows, 1:cols)             //左上角块
P.topRightCorner(rows, cols)       // P(1:rows, end-cols+1:end)     //右上角块
P.bottomLeftCorner(rows, cols)     // P(end-rows+1:end, 1:cols)     //左下角块
P.bottomRightCorner(rows, cols)    // P(end-rows+1:end, end-cols+1:end) //右下角块
P.topLeftCorner<rows,cols>()       // P(1:rows, 1:cols)                 //左上角块
P.topRightCorner<rows,cols>()      // P(1:rows, end-cols+1:end)         //右上角块
P.bottomLeftCorner<rows,cols>()    // P(end-rows+1:end, 1:cols)         //左下角块
P.bottomRightCorner<rows,cols>()   // P(end-rows+1:end, end-cols+1:end) //右下角块  // 特别说明:Eigen的交换函数进行了高度优化
// Eigen                           // Matlab
R.row(i) = P.col(j);               // R(i, :) = P(:, j)
R.col(j1).swap(mat1.col(j2));      // R(:, [j1 j2]) = R(:, [j2, j1]) //交换列  // Views, transpose, etc;
// Eigen                           // Matlab
R.adjoint()                        // R'                    // 共轭转置
R.transpose()                      // R.' or conj(R')       // 可读/写 转置
R.diagonal()                       // diag(R)               // 可读/写 对角元素
x.asDiagonal()                     // diag(x)               // 对角矩阵化
R.transpose().colwise().reverse()  // rot90(R)              // 可读/写 逆时针旋转90度
R.rowwise().reverse()              // fliplr(R)             // 水平翻转
R.colwise().reverse()              // flipud(R)             // 垂直翻转
R.replicate(i,j)                   // repmat(P,i,j)         // 复制矩阵,垂直复制i个,水平复制j个  // 四则运算,和Matlab相同。但Matlab中不能使用*=这样的赋值运算符
// 矩阵 - 向量    矩阵 - 矩阵      矩阵 - 标量
y  = M*x;          R  = P*Q;        R  = P*s;
a  = b*M;          R  = P - Q;      R  = s*P;
a *= M;            R  = P + Q;      R  = P/s;  R *= Q;          R  = s*P;  R += Q;          R *= s;  R -= Q;          R /= s;  // 逐像素操作Vectorized operations on each element independently
// Eigen                       // Matlab        //注释
R = P.cwiseProduct(Q);         // R = P .* Q    //逐元素乘法
R = P.array() * s.array();     // R = P .* s    //逐元素乘法(s为标量)
R = P.cwiseQuotient(Q);        // R = P ./ Q    //逐元素除法
R = P.array() / Q.array();     // R = P ./ Q    //逐元素除法
R = P.array() + s.array();     // R = P + s     //逐元素加法(s为标量)
R = P.array() - s.array();     // R = P - s     //逐元素减法(s为标量)
R.array() += s;                // R = R + s     //逐元素加法(s为标量)
R.array() -= s;                // R = R - s     //逐元素减法(s为标量)
R.array() < Q.array();         // R < Q         //逐元素比较运算
R.array() <= Q.array();        // R <= Q        //逐元素比较运算
R.cwiseInverse();              // 1 ./ P        //逐元素取倒数
R.array().inverse();           // 1 ./ P        //逐元素取倒数
R.array().sin()                // sin(P)        //逐元素计算正弦函数
R.array().cos()                // cos(P)        //逐元素计算余弦函数
R.array().pow(s)               // P .^ s        //逐元素计算幂函数
R.array().square()             // P .^ 2        //逐元素计算平方
R.array().cube()               // P .^ 3        //逐元素计算立方
R.cwiseSqrt()                  // sqrt(P)       //逐元素计算平方根
R.array().sqrt()               // sqrt(P)       //逐元素计算平方根
R.array().exp()                // exp(P)        //逐元素计算指数函数
R.array().log()                // log(P)        //逐元素计算对数函数
R.cwiseMax(P)                  // max(R, P)     //逐元素计算R和P的最大值
R.array().max(P.array())       // max(R, P)     //逐元素计算R和P的最大值
R.cwiseMin(P)                  // min(R, P)     //逐元素计算R和P的最小值
R.array().min(P.array())       // min(R, P)     //逐元素计算R和P的最小值
R.cwiseAbs()                   // abs(P)        //逐元素计算R和P的绝对值
R.array().abs()                // abs(P)        //逐元素计算绝对值
R.cwiseAbs2()                  // abs(P.^2)     //逐元素计算平方
R.array().abs2()               // abs(P.^2)     //逐元素计算平方
(R.array() < s).select(P,Q );  // (R < s ? P : Q)                             //根据R的元素值是否小于s,选择P和Q的对应元素
R = (Q.array()==0).select(P,A) // R(Q==0) = P(Q==0) R(Q!=0) = P(Q!=0)         //根据Q中元素等于零的位置选择P中元素
R = P.unaryExpr(ptr_fun(func)) // R = arrayfun(func, P)     // 对P中的每个元素应用func函数  // Reductions.
int r, c;
// Eigen                  // Matlab                 //注释
R.minCoeff()              // min(R(:))              //最小值
R.maxCoeff()              // max(R(:))              //最大值
s = R.minCoeff(&r, &c)    // [s, i] = min(R(:)); [r, c] = ind2sub(size(R), i); //计算最小值和它的位置
s = R.maxCoeff(&r, &c)    // [s, i] = max(R(:)); [r, c] = ind2sub(size(R), i); //计算最大值和它的位置
R.sum()                   // sum(R(:))              //求和(所有元素)
R.colwise().sum()         // sum(R)                 //按列求和
R.rowwise().sum()         // sum(R, 2) or sum(R')'  //按行求和
R.prod()                  // prod(R(:))                 //累积
R.colwise().prod()        // prod(R)                    //按列累积
R.rowwise().prod()        // prod(R, 2) or prod(R')'    //按行累积
R.trace()                 // trace(R)                   //迹
R.all()                   // all(R(:))                  //是否所有元素都非零
R.colwise().all()         // all(R)                     //按列判断,是否该列所有元素都非零
R.rowwise().all()         // all(R, 2)                  //按行判断,是否该行所有元素都非零
R.any()                   // any(R(:))                  //是否有元素非零
R.colwise().any()         // any(R)                     //按列判断,是否该列有元素都非零
R.rowwise().any()         // any(R, 2)                  //按行判断,是否该行有元素都非零  // 点积,范数等
// Eigen                  // Matlab           // 注释
x.norm()                  // norm(x).         //范数(注意:Eigen中没有norm(R))
x.squaredNorm()           // dot(x, x)        //平方和(注意:对于复数而言,不等价)
x.dot(y)                  // dot(x, y)        //点积
x.cross(y)                // cross(x, y)      //交叉积,需要头文件 #include <Eigen/Geometry>  类型转换
// Eigen                  // Matlab             // 注释
A.cast<double>();         // double(A)          //变成双精度类型
A.cast<float>();          // single(A)          //变成单精度类型
A.cast<int>();            // int32(A)           //编程整型
A.real();                 // real(A)            //实部
A.imag();                 // imag(A)            //虚部
// 如果变换前后的类型相同,不做任何事情。  // 注意:Eigen中,绝大多数的涉及多个操作数的运算都要求操作数具有相同的类型
MatrixXf F = MatrixXf::Zero(3,3);
A += F;                // 非法。Matlab中允许。(单精度+双精度)
A += F.cast<double>(); // 将F转换成double,并累加。(一般都是在使用时临时转换)  // Eigen 可以将已存储数据的缓存 映射成 Eigen矩阵
float array[3];
Vector3f::Map(array).fill(10);            // create a temporary Map over array and sets entries to 10
int data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
Matrix2i mat2x2(data);                    // 将 data 复制到 mat2x2
Matrix2i::Map(data) = 2*mat2x2;           // 使用 2*mat2x2 覆写data的元素
MatrixXi::Map(data, 2, 2) += mat2x2;      // 将 mat2x2 加到 data的元素上 (当编译时不知道大小时,可选语法)


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