我正在学习JQuery,并且遇到了一个奇怪的问题。我做了一个幻灯片演示,它可以在IE,Firefox 3.0和Firefox 3.5上运行,但最初的图像在Chrome中不起作用。





$(document).ready(function() {







function slideShow() {

//Set the opacity of all images to 0

$('#gallery a').css({ opacity: 0.0 });

//Get the first image and display it (set it to full opacity)

$('#gallery a:first').css({ opacity: 1.0 });

//Set the caption background to semi-transparent

$('#gallery .caption').css({ opacity: 0.7 });

//Resize the width of the caption according to the image width

$('#gallery a:first').find('img').css({ height: $('#gallery a:first').find('img').height() });

$('#gallery a:first').find('img').css({ width: $('#gallery a:first').find('img').width() });

var captionPosition = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').css('height')) * -1;

if ($(window).height() < $('#gallery a:first').find('img').height()) {

var imageWidth = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').width());

var imageHeight = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').height());

$('#gallery a:first').find('img').css({ height: $(window).height() - 10 });

var cssHeight = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').css('height'));

$('#gallery a:first').find('img').css({ width: parseInt((cssHeight * imageWidth)/cssHeight) });

captionPosition = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').css('height') * -1);


if ($(window).width() < $('#gallery a:first').find('img').width()) {

var imageWidth = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').width());

var imageHeight = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').height());

$('#gallery a:first').find('img').css({ width: ($(window).width() - 50) });

var cssWidth = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').css('width'));

$('#gallery a:first').find('img').css({ height: parseInt((cssWidth * imageHeight)/imageWidth) });

captionPosition = parseInt($('#gallery a:first').find('img').css('height')) * -1;


$('#gallery .caption').css({ width: $('#gallery a:first').find('img').css('width') });

$('#gallery .caption').css({ bottom: captionPosition });

//Get the caption of the first image from REL attribute and display it

$('#gallery .content').html($('#gallery a:first').find('img').attr('rel')).animate({ opacity: 0.7 }, 400);

//Call the gallery function to run the slideshow, 6000 = change to next image after 6 seconds

setInterval('gallery()', 6000);


function gallery() {

//if no IMGs have the show class, grab the first image

var current = ($('#gallery a.show') ? $('#gallery a.show') : $('#gallery a:first'));

//Get next image, if it reached the end of the slideshow, rotate it back to the first image

var next = ((current.next().length) ? ((current.next().hasClass('caption')) ? $('#gallery a:first') : current.next()) : $('#gallery a:first'));

//Get next image caption

var caption = next.find('img').attr('rel');

//Set the fade in effect for the next image, show class has higher z-index

next.css({ opacity: 0.0 }).addClass('show').animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 1000);

//Hide the current image

current.animate({ opacity: 0.0 }, 1000).removeClass('show');

next.find('img').css({ height: next.find('img').height() });

next.find('img').css({ width: next.find('img').width() });

var captionPosition = parseInt(next.find('img').css('height')) * -1;

if (next.find('img').height() > $(window).height()) {

var imageHeight = parseInt(next.find('img').height());

var imageWidth = parseInt(next.find('img').width());

next.find('img').css({ height: (parseInt($(window).height()) - 50) });

var cssHeight = parseInt(next.find('img').css('height'));

var testVal = parseInt((cssHeight * imageWidth)/imageHeight);

next.find('img').css({ width: testVal });

//alert('css width=' + next.find('img').css('width') + ', css height=' + cssHeight + ', img width = ' + imageWidth + ', img height = ' + imageHeight + ', window width = ' + $(window).width() + ', window height = ' + $(window).height());

captionPosition = parseInt(cssHeight * -1);


if (parseInt(next.find('img').css('width')) > parseInt($(window).width())) {

var imageHeight = parseInt(next.find('img').height());

var imageWidth = parseInt(next.find('img').width());

next.find('img').css({ width: (parseInt($(window).width()) - 50) });

var cssWidth = parseInt(next.find('img').css('width'));

var testVal = parseInt((cssWidth * imageHeight)/imageWidth);

next.find('img').css({ height: testVal });

//alert('imageWidth = ' + imageWidth + 'imageHeight = ' + imageHeight + 'css height = ' + next.find('img').css('height') + ', css width = ' + next.find('img').css('width'));

captionPosition = parseInt(next.find('img').css('height')) * -1;


$('#gallery .caption').css({ width: next.find('img').css('width') });

$('#gallery .caption').css({ bottom: captionPosition });

//Set the opacity to 0 and height to 1px

$('#gallery .caption').animate({ opacity: 0.0 }, { queue: false, duration: 0 }).animate({ height: '1px' }, { queue: true, duration: 300 });

//Animate the caption, opacity to 0.7 and heigth to 100px, a slide up effect

$('#gallery .caption').animate({ opacity: 0.7 }, 100).animate({ height: '100px' }, 500);

//Display the content

$('#gallery .content').html(caption);





为了详细说明ceejayoz的回答是:$(文件)则返回包装成一个jQuery对象的DOM - jQuery选择返回某些部分的DOM,包装为一个jQuery对象。正如您现在可能已经了解的那样,DOM并不是页面内容的同义词。 –

2009-08-31 20:09:24

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