
```pythondef is_arms_V_down(self, points):"""Determine if the person moves his arm flatlike:    |\/| \/ \:param points: set of body key points:return: if the person detected moves both of his arms flat"""right = Falseif points[2] and points[3] and points[4]:# calculate the shoulder angleshoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[2], points[3])if -60 < shoulder_angle < -20:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[3], points[4])# if arm is straightif abs(elbow_angle - shoulder_angle) < 25:right = Trueleft = Falseif points[5] and points[6] and points[7]:shoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[5], points[6])# correct the  dimensionif shoulder_angle < 0:shoulder_angle = shoulder_angle + 360if 200 < shoulder_angle < 240:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[6], points[7])if 90 < elbow_angle < 180:left = True# If at least one arm meets the requirements, it is considered a successful capture```pythonif left or right:return Trueelse:return False```## 标题`


import cv2
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import datetime
import os'''
Correspondence between the number of the skeleton node and
the human body:
Head - 0, Neck - 1, Right Shoulder - 2, Right Elbow - 3, Right Wrist - 4,
Left Shoulder - 5, Left Elbow - 6, Left Wrist - 7, Right Hip - 8,
Right Knee - 9, Right Ankle - 10, Left Hip - 11, Left Knee - 12,
Left Ankle - 13, Chest - 14, Background - 15Add new pose
'''class Tello_Pose:def __init__(self):# read the path of the trained model of the neural network for pose recognitionself.protoFile = "model/pose/mpi/pose_deploy_linevec_faster_4_stages.prototxt"self.weightsFile = "model/pose/mpi/pose_iter_160000.caffemodel"# total number of the skeleton nodesself.nPoints = 15# read the neural network of the pose recognitionself.net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(self.protoFile, self.weightsFile)# count the number of frames,and after every certain number of frames# is read, frame_cnt will be cleared and recounted.self.frame_cnt = 0 self.arm_down_45_cnt = 0 # count numbers of the arm_dowm_45 captured in every certain number of framesself.arm_flat_cnt = 0    # count numbers of the arm_flat captured in every certain number of framesself.arm_V_cnt = 0       # count numbers of the arm_V captured in every certain number of framesself.arm_V_down_cnt=0     #cccccccccccccccccc# the period of pose reconigtion,it depends on your computer performance self.period = 0# record how many times the period of pose reconigtion is calculated.self.period_calculate_cnt =0def getAngle(self, start, end):"""Calculate the angle between start and end:param start: start point [x, y]:param end: end point [x, y]:return: the clockwise angle from start to end"""angle = int(math.atan2((start[1] - end[1]), (start[0] - end[0])) * 180 / math.pi)return angledef is_arms_V_down(self, points):       #cccccccccccccc"""Determine if the person moves his arm flatlike:    |\/| \/ \:param points: set of body key points:return: if the person detected moves both of his arms flat"""right = Falseif points[2] and points[3] and points[4]:# calculate the shoulder angleshoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[2], points[3])if -60 < shoulder_angle < -20:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[3], points[4])# if arm is straightif abs(elbow_angle - shoulder_angle) < 25:right = Trueleft = Falseif points[5] and points[6] and points[7]:shoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[5], points[6])# correct the  dimensionif shoulder_angle < 0:shoulder_angle = shoulder_angle + 360if 200 < shoulder_angle < 240:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[6], points[7])if 90 < elbow_angle < 180:left = True# If at least one arm meets the requirements, it is considered a successful captureif left or right:return Trueelse:return Falsedef is_arms_down_45(self, points):"""Determine if the person is holding  the arms like:| / | \/ \:param points: set of body key points:return: if the person detected moves both of his arms down for about 45 degrees"""right = Falseif points[2] and points[3] and points[4]:# calculate the shoulder angleshoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[2], points[3])if -60 < shoulder_angle < -20:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[3], points[4])# if arm is straightif abs(elbow_angle - shoulder_angle) < 25:right = Trueleft = Falseif points[5] and points[6] and points[7]:shoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[5], points[6])# correct the dimensionif shoulder_angle < 0:shoulder_angle = shoulder_angle + 360if 200 < shoulder_angle < 240:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[6], points[7])if elbow_angle < 0:elbow_angle = elbow_angle + 360# if arm is straightif abs(elbow_angle - shoulder_angle) < 25:left = True# If at least one arm meets the requirements, it is considered a successful captureif left or right:return Trueelse:return Falsedef is_arms_flat(self, points):"""Determine if the person moves his arm flatlike: _ _|_ _|/ \:param points: set of body key points:return: if the person detected moves both of his arms flat"""right = Falseif points[2] and points[3] and points[4]:shoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[2], points[3])# if arm is flatif -10 < shoulder_angle < 40:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[3], points[4])# if arm is straightif abs(elbow_angle - shoulder_angle) < 30:right = Trueleft = Falseif points[5] and points[6] and points[7]:shoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[5], points[6])            # correct the  dimension            if shoulder_angle < 0:shoulder_angle = shoulder_angle + 360            # if arm is flatif 140 < shoulder_angle < 190:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[6], points[7])if elbow_angle < 0:elbow_angle = elbow_angle + 360# if arm is straightif abs(elbow_angle - shoulder_angle) < 30:left = True# If at least one arm meets the requirements, it is considered a successful captureif left or right:return Trueelse:return Falsedef is_arms_V(self, points):"""Determine if the person has his/her shoulder and elbow to a certain degreelike:   |\/|\// \:param points: set of body key pointss"""right = Falseif points[2] and points[3] and points[4]:shoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[2], points[3])if -60 < shoulder_angle < -20:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[3], points[4])if 0 < elbow_angle < 90 :right = Trueleft = Falseif points[5] and points[6] and points[7]:shoulder_angle = self.getAngle(points[5], points[6])# correct the  dimension  if shoulder_angle < 0:shoulder_angle = shoulder_angle + 360if 200 < shoulder_angle < 240:elbow_angle = self.getAngle(points[6], points[7])if  90 < elbow_angle < 180:left = True# If at least one arm meets the requirements, it is considered a successful captureif left or right:return Trueelse:return Falsedef detect(self, frame):"""Main operation to recognize body pose using a trained model:param frame: raw h264 decoded frame:return:draw_skeleton_flag: the flag that indicates if the skeletonare detected and depend if the skeleton is drawn on the piccmd: the command to be received by Tellopoints:the coordinates of the skeleton nodes"""frameWidth = frame.shape[1]frameHeight = frame.shape[0]frame_cnt_threshold = 0prob_threshold = 0.05pose_captured_threshold = 0    draw_skeleton_flag = False# input image dimensions for the network# IMPORTANT:# Greater inWidth and inHeight will result in higher accuracy but longer process time# Smaller inWidth and inHeight will result in lower accuracy but shorter process time# Play around it by yourself to get best result!inWidth = 168inHeight = 168inpBlob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1.0 / 255, (inWidth, inHeight),(0, 0, 0), swapRB=False, crop=False)self.net.setInput(inpBlob)# get the output of the neural network and calculate the period of the processperiod_starttime = time.time()output = self.net.forward()period_endtime = time.time()# calculation the period of pose reconigtion for 6 times,and get the average value if self.period_calculate_cnt <= 5 :self.period = self.period + period_endtime - period_starttimeself.period_calculate_cnt = self.period_calculate_cnt + 1if self.period_calculate_cnt == 6 :self.period = self.period / 6H = output.shape[2]W = output.shape[3]# Empty list to store the detected keypointspoints = []for i in range(self.nPoints):# confidence map of corresponding body's part.probMap = output[0, i, :, :]# Find global maxima of the probMap.minVal, prob, minLoc, point = cv2.minMaxLoc(probMap)# Scale the point to fit on the original imagex = (frameWidth * point[0]) / Wy = (frameHeight * point[1]) / Hif prob > prob_threshold:points.append((int(x), int(y)))draw_skeleton_flag = Trueelse:points.append(None) draw_skeleton_flag = False# check the captured poseif self.is_arms_down_45(points):self.arm_down_45_cnt += 1print "%d:arm down captured"%self.frame_cntif self.is_arms_flat(points):self.arm_flat_cnt += 1print "%d:arm up captured"%self.frame_cntif self.is_arms_V(points):self.arm_V_cnt += 1print '%d:arm V captured'%self.frame_cntif self.is_arms_V_down(points):     #cccccccccccccccself.arm_V_down_cnt += 1print '%d:arm V & down captured'%self.frame_cntself.frame_cnt += 1# set the frame_cnt_threshold and pose_captured_threshold according to # the period of the pose recognitioncmd = ''        if self.period < 0.3:frame_cnt_threshold = 5pose_captured_threshold = 4elif self.period >= 0.3 and self.period <0.6:frame_cnt_threshold = 4pose_captured_threshold = 3elif self.period >= 0.6:frame_cnt_threshold = 2pose_captured_threshold = 2# check whether pose control command are generated once for # certain times of pose recognition   if self.frame_cnt == frame_cnt_threshold:if self.arm_down_45_cnt >= pose_captured_threshold:print '!!!arm up,move back!!!'cmd =  'moveback'if self.arm_flat_cnt >= pose_captured_threshold:print '!!!arm down,moveforward!!!'cmd =  'moveforward'if self.arm_V_cnt == self.frame_cnt :print '!!!arm V,land!!!'cmd =  'land'self.frame_cnt = 0self.arm_down_45_cnt = 0self.arm_flat_cnt = 0self.arm_V_cnt = 0self.arm_V_down_cnt = 0 #cccccccreturn cmd,draw_skeleton_flag,points


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