
I‘m sure you’ve done it. After typing a sentence and adding a period, you slam the Return key to go to the next line. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

我确定你已经做到了。 在输入句子并添加句点后,您可以按Return键转到下一行。 别担心,您并不孤单。

We’ve all done it at least once. It’s almost relieving when we do it. But, why?

我们都至少完成了一次。 当我们这样做时,几乎可以缓解。 但为什么?

Well, it may have roots all the way back in the days of the typewriter. If you don’t know what that is, its a writing instrument that was popularized in the 19th century — when computers were like half a million pounds and had an uncanny resemblance to bagpipes.

好吧,它的根源可以追溯到打字机时代。 如果您不知道那是什么,它是一种在19世纪流行的书写工具-当时计算机只有半百万磅,并且与风笛有着千丝万缕的相似之处。

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It made documentation significantly more convenient and writing more legible compared to its handwritten counterparts.


Look down at your keyboard.


The letters are organized differently from the actual sequence of the alphabet because of a man named Christopher Latham Sholes who invented the QWERTY layout.

字母的组织方式与字母的实际顺序不同,这是因为一个名叫克里斯托弗·拉瑟姆·肖尔斯(Christopher Latham Sholes)的人发明了QWERTY布局。

Although the QWERTY layout is not the most efficient today, the design was intentionally created so that the most commonly used letters were placed as far away as possible.


为什么这很重要? (Why did this matter?)

In a typewriter, when you press a key, it moves a lever, which drives the type hammer into the ribbon containing the ink and the paper behind it.


The type hammer has the impression of the required letter engraved at the end of it which, when pressed against the dry paint on the ribbon, leaves a mark on the paper in the shape of the letter.


Since there is a typebar for each letter, there are enough typebars, but the space where they must strike the paper is limited to one hammer.


When faster typists used the machine, it would often jam up because the hammers would get stuck to each other when they come close to the paper.


The QWERTY layout solved this problem by rearranging all the letters so that the most common ones were far apart enough that they wouldn’t jam up when typing quickly.


There is no reason for this layout to be used today, but because we have used it for so long, it has become the gold standard for keyboard layouts.


A few speed typists prefer a more efficient layout such as Dvorak and argue that it’s not hard to learn and implement.


But with the current trend towards speech to text and the use of smartphones, which only require two fingers, the advantages of switching to an efficient layout might be less favorable.


猛击回车键感觉很好。 (It feels good to slam the enter key.)

The biggest reason we love to do it is that when we finally hit enter on that 10,000-word document we had been working on the entire week, we feel a sense of accomplishment.


To mark this celebration of reaching the end and completing the task, we slam the Return key with joy and satisfaction.


And like a proud artist who just finished his painting, we lean back, look at the masterpiece we just typed, and sigh in relief with a smile on our faces. This is what I feel every time I publish on Medium.

就像一个骄傲的画家刚刚完成他的画作一样,我们向后倾斜,看一眼我们刚刚打字的杰作,然后在脸上露出微笑,松了一口气。 这就是我每次在Medium上发布时的感受。

It feels good to finish stuff.


它是如何进化的? (How is it evolutionary?)

When we used typewriters for more than a century, we developed a precise understanding of how it works.


If you have used a typewriter before, you would know that there is no Enter/Return key.

如果您以前使用过打字机,您将知道没有Enter / Return键。

In fact, to go to the next line, you would have to pull the Carriage Return Lever. Thus the name Return for the Enter key.

实际上,要转到下一行,您将必须拉回车键。 因此,Enter键的名称为Return。

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash
Patrick Fore在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

To move the carriage from left to right, you push it all the way with considerable force.


While you are doing that, you cannot type since the paper is moving. You focus all your energy on moving the carriage so quickly, that you end up pushing it with great force.

执行此操作时,由于纸张在移动,因此无法键入。 您将所有精力都集中在如此快速地移动托架上,以至于最终用力将其推入。

When I typed on a typewriter a few years ago, the faster I typed, the harder I slammed the carriage when I used the Return Lever. The owner stopped me and told me to push it slowly since it was old and they didn’t want me to break it.

几年前,当我在打字机上打字时,打字的速度越快,当我使用回车杆时,我就越难用力地敲击车架。 主人阻止了我,并告诉我要慢慢推它,因为它已经很旧了,他们不想让我打破它。

I didn’t do it on purpose. It was spontaneous, sort of instinctual.

我不是故意的 这是自发的,本能的。

I guess subconsciously, we have a tendency to go to the next line as fast as possible, and in that hurry, since the rest of our fingers are waiting to start typing on the next line, we hit the Return key harder to get there faster.


But I prefer to think that it’s because of our sense of accomplishment that we love smacking that poor key with the power of a thousand synapses transmitting Dopamine.


翻译自: https://medium.com/writing-hackz/the-reason-we-slam-the-return-enter-key-might-be-evolutionary-f83fa44dfa00




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