
As I approach the main hall where Unity Hack Week XII is happening, I pass small breakout groups having intense discussions in French, Dutch, Russian, and in various accents ranging from the Queen’s English to a Texas drawl. Whatever the language or accent, though, there’s an air of determination and a common look of focus in people’s eyes. The atmosphere doesn’t feel heavy, though. There’s also a lot of laughter, a lot of yummy cake, and a lot of positive energy.

当我到达Unity Hack Week XII发生的主要大厅时,我经过一些小组讨论,他们用法语,荷兰语,俄语和各种不同的口音进行了激烈的讨论,从女王的英语到德州的玩笑。 无论使用哪种语言或口音,人们的眼中都充满决心和共同的目光。 但是,气氛并不沉重。 还有很多笑声,很多美味的蛋糕和很多积极的能量。

I don’t know if it’s the ocean view, the fact that the sun is shining on the Great-Belt bridge connecting Denmark’s two biggest islands in the distance, or just the creative energy of a Unity Hack Week, but you can definitely feel the positive creative vibe.

我不知道这是海景,还是阳光照耀着连接远处丹麦两个最大岛屿的Great-Belt大桥,还是Unity Hack Week的创造力,但您绝对可以感受到积极的创意氛围。

我没纸了。 我可以画你的胳膊吗? (I’m out of paper. Can I draw on your arm?)

Inside people are drawing on everything: Sketches on laptops, notes on napkins, diagrams on whiteboards, Some, it seems, are trying to draw their ideas in the air gesturing to the group around their table. And when you ask them what they’re working on, they bubble with excitement.

内部人员正在利用所有东西:笔记本电脑上的草图,餐巾纸上的笔记,白板上的图表,似乎有些人试图在空中向桌子周围的人群示意他们的想法。 当您问他们正在做什么时,他们会激动不已。

“Wanna see how we’re remapping Made-with-Unity games to give them an old-school arcade feel. I’ll tell you in 20 seconds,” says Joseph Scheinberg who is putting the final touches on a diagram he’s about to share with the group. (Joseph normally works on the build pipeline back home in Austin.)

“想看看我们如何重新映射“团结制造”游戏,以带给他们老式的街机游戏感觉。 我会在20秒内告诉您。”约瑟夫·舍恩贝格(Joseph Scheinberg)说,他将在与他的团队分享的图表上做最后的修改。 (约瑟夫通常在奥斯汀的家中进行构建管道工作。)

建立在一个想法上(从字面上看) (Building on an idea (literally))

The idea Joseph is working on is one Richard Fine, a sustained engineering developer from the UK, brought back from a Unite event. The goal is a video cabinet that hosts Made-with-Unity games, but gives them an old-school arcade feel, The idea being that it would make a great showcase at future events. The Hack Week group just ran with it.

约瑟夫正在研究的想法是来自英国的一名持续的工程开发人员Richard Fine,他是从Unite活动中带回来的。 我们的目标是创建一个视频柜,以承载“团结制作”游戏,但给他们一种老式的街机游戏感觉,其目的是在未来的活动中成为一个很好的展示场所。 “黑客周”小组刚刚参加了会议。

The project had a technical aspect requiring that the team build a remapper/launcher in Unity and a LED unit that transmits lights and audio with an equalizer effect. Beyond that, though, it meant they would have to quickly build an actual wooden cabinet with slots for joysticks and buttons. Luckily, they had the right woman for the job in their group: UX/UI designer from Montreal, Christine Rivard.

该项目具有技术方面的要求,要求团队在Unity中构建一个重新映射器/启动器,并构建一个LED单元,以均衡的效果传输灯光和音频。 但是,除此之外,这意味着他们将不得不快速构建一个带有操纵杆和按钮插槽的实际木制柜。 幸运的是,他们在团队中拥有合适的女性:蒙特利尔的UX / UI设计师Christine Rivard。

“Christine’s been kicking ass,” says Ryan Hylland, a software test engineer from Seattle. “I usually just use pen and paper to sketch an idea, but she did a Sketchfab drawing we could roll around to really visualize it. Then she ran to the local hardware store [where she was appalled by the Danish price of paint], borrowed the hotel’s power tools, and actually built and painted the cabinet. You should have seen her with the circular saw.”

西雅图的软件测试工程师Ryan Hylland说:“克里斯汀一直在踢屁股。” “我通常只是用笔和纸来草绘一个想法,但是她做了一张Sketchfab绘图,我们可以四处滚动以真正地对其进行可视化。 然后,她跑到当地的五金店(丹麦的油漆价格令她感到震惊),借用了酒店的电动工具,并实际建造和上漆了橱柜。 您应该已经用圆锯看到了她。”

Starting to look like a real arcade frame – a work in progress by Firtina Ozbalikci, Christine Rivard, Ryan Hylland, Ryan Caltabiano, Martin Zielinski, Andy Selby, Philip Cosgrave, Joseph Scheinberg, and Richard Fine.

开始看起来像是真正的街机框架– Firtina Ozbalikci,Christine Rivard,Ryan Hylland,Ryan Caltabiano,Martin Zielinski,Andy Selby,Philip Cosgrave,Joseph Scheinberg和Richard Fine正在进行的工作。

哈克周探险者 (Hack week explorers)

While that group is taking contemporary games and making them look old-school, another group, all donned in Oculus Rift headsets, dips into the future experimenting with Visual Scripting and VR.

当该小组研究当代游戏并使它们看起来很老派时,另一组全部戴在Oculus Rift头戴式耳机中的人则涉足了未来尝试Visual Scripting和VR的尝试。

This group is exploring the idea of creating a VR bread board where you can hook up events with functions to create game logic. It’s a visual space where you can virtually pick up two variables represented by balls, put them in a machine, and get an output on the other side without having to write code.

该小组正在探索创建VR面包板的想法,您可以在其中挂接具有功能的事件以创建游戏逻辑。 这是一个可视空间,您实际上可以拾取两个以球表示的变量,将它们放入机器中,并在另一侧获得输出,而无需编写代码。

However, the team stresses that–like all the projects at Hack Week–this is not necessarily something that will become a feature. And even if it did, it would not be applicable to non-trivial coding. In fact, they say the real value is the opportunity to discover new ways of working.

但是,团队强调,就像在Hack Week上的所有项目一样,这不一定会成为一项功能。 即使这样做,也不适用于非平凡的编码。 实际上,他们说真正的价值是发现新工作方式的机会。

“VR is wildly unexplored territory because it’s so new. No one knows know what’s good and what’s bad, so you have the option to disregard guidelines that you don’t believe are true,” says Chris Mahoney, who normally works on Unity Cloud Build in Austin. And his group teammate, Hugo Van Heuven, UX design director from the UK, adds with a twinkle in his eye: “We’re explorers. I was born too late to explore the world and too early to explore the universe, so I’m exploring VR.”

“ VR是一个尚未开发的领域,因为它太新了。 没人知道什么是好是坏,因此您可以选择忽略那些您认为不正确的准则。”通常在奥斯汀的Unity Cloud Build工作的Chris Mahoney说。 来自英国的UX设计总监Hugo Van Heuven是他的团队成员,他眨眼间说道:“我们是探险家。 我天生就太晚了,无法探索世界,而太早则无法探索宇宙,所以我正在探索VR。”

一整周只专注于一件事-哇 (A whole week to focus on just one thing–wow)

Hack Week is also a great opportunity to kick-start projects, which would otherwise just keep getting put on the back burner.

Hack Week也是启动项目的绝好机会,否则,这些项目只会不断被搁置一旁。

“We already have license to use 20 percent of our time on non-core tasks. But sometimes there are things that you know would add value, but the scope is just too big to get it started in that time. Projects that fall between the cracks,” says Søren Løvborg from the core foundation team in Copenhagen.

“我们已经获得了将20%的时间用于非核心任务的许可。 但是有时候您知道有些事情会增加价值,但是范围太大而无法在那时开始使用。 介于裂缝之间的项目。”哥本哈根核心基金会团队的SørenLøvborg说。

Søren believes his Hack Week team will complete a working prototype for internal new employee training in tools.

Søren相信他的Hack Week团队将为内部新员工内部工具培训完成工作原型。

“Having five days in a row where you can just focus on this one task made it possible to get it up and running. Now it’ll be much easier to get an  idea of what it looks like, how it works, and then we can then do the  long-term work of actually developing the training material.”

“连续五天您可以专注于一项任务,因此可以使其开始运行。 现在,更容易了解其外观,工作原理,然后我们可以进行长期的工作,实际开发培训材料。”

成长为成熟种子的婴儿种子 (Baby seeds that grow to become full-fledged features)

Some Hack Week projects, like Søren’s, will probably become valuable internal tools. Others are more about exploring new ways of working and planting the seed for future innovative thinking. Then there are those projects  that sprout to become important features (just as WebGL, the Profiler and Progressive Lightmapper were born from previous Hack Weeks). What will be the next killer features born from this Hack Week? Stay tuned to the Unity Blog, and we’ll get back to you within the next couple weeks with some likely candidates. Also, check out the official Unity Roadmap for confirmed features.

一些Hack Week项目,例如Søren的项目,可能会成为有价值的内部工具。 其他人则更多地探索为未来创新思维工作和播种种子的新方法。 然后,那些项目开始成为重要的功能(就像WebGL,Profiler和Progressive Lightmapper诞生于以前的Hack Weeks一样)。 此Hack Week带来的下一个杀手级功能是什么? 敬请关注Unity博客,我们将在接下来的几周内与您联系,并与您联系。 此外,请查看官方的Unity路线图以确认功能。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/05/26/running-with-ideas-at-hack-week-xii/


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