
We all go through several computers and other electronic devices over a lifetime and getting rid of them is not as easy as throwing them in the trash.  Today we take a look at how to dispose of your old machines in a secure and environmentally responsible manner.

我们一生都要经历数台计算机和其他电子设备,而要摆脱它们并不像把它们扔进垃圾箱那样容易。 今天,我们来看看如何以安全且对环境负责的方式处置您的旧机器。

With the new Windows operating system around the corner and an abundance of cheap computers on the market, you may find yourself asking what to do with your old PC and components.  We will take a look at how to securely destroy private data on your old hard drive, ideas for repurposing, and how to get rid of them in a way that is friendly to the environment.

随着新的Windows操作系统的临近以及市场上大量廉价计算机的出现,您可能会问自己如何处理旧PC和组件。 我们将研究如何安全地销毁旧硬盘上的私人数据,重新利用的想法,以及如何以对环境友好的方式清除它们。

Ensure Data Is Destroyed


The biggest concern when getting rid of your old computer is ensuring important and private data doesn’t get into the wrong hands.  Simply deleting your files and emptying the Recycle Bin is not enough.  Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) is the most popular free utility that will overwrite each sector on your hard drive making data unrecoverable.  It is very secure and will deter people that use hard disk forensic analysis from retrieving your data.  Burn the ISO image to disk and boot from it to get the main menu.  From here you can choose the method you want to use to wipe the disk.

摆脱旧计算机时,最大的担忧是确保重要的私人数据不会落入他人之手。 仅删除文件并清空回收站是不够的。 Darik的Boot and Nuke(DBAN)是最受欢迎的免费实用程序,它将覆盖硬盘驱动器上的每个扇区,从而使数据无法恢复。 它非常安全,可以阻止使用硬盘取证分析的人员检索您的数据。 将ISO映像刻录到磁盘并从中启动以获取主菜单。 在这里,您可以选择要用来擦除磁盘的方法。

Using the advanced methods takes a considerable amount of time and unless you have government secrets or the KFC secret recipe on the drive, you might want to choose a quicker method.  You can get a list of other methods by hitting F3 at the main menu.  The quick method will overwrite all sectors with 0’s in one pass and might be the easiest method for home users.  However, some with the right equipment could possibly still recover data from this method and is considered the least secure.

使用高级方法需要花费大量时间,并且除非驱动器上有政府机密或肯德基机密配方,否则您可能希望选择一种更快的方法。 您可以通过在主菜单中按F3来获得其他方法的列表。 快速方法将一次性覆盖所有带有0的扇区,这对于家庭用户而言可能是最简单的方法。 但是,某些拥有正确设备的人可能仍然可以从这种方法中恢复数据,并且被认为是最不安全的。

Using a degausser to wipe a hard drive clean is aimed at businesses and corporations that need to wipe out several at a time.  A degausser magnetically erases all of the information on the disk platters.  Buying a degausser is not very practical for home users as they cost around $2,000 and higher.  You can pay for services from companies like Garner and SEM  that will degauss and destroy your hard drive completely.

使用消磁器擦拭硬盘驱动器的目的是针对需要一次擦拭几次的企业和公司。 消磁器以磁性方式擦除磁盘盘上的所有信息。 对于家庭用户而言,购买消磁器并不实用,因为它们的价格在2,000美元左右或更高。 您可以向Garner和SEM等公司支付服务费用,这些服务会完全消磁并破坏硬盘驱动器。

Another cheap and effective (and much more fun) method is taking an axe or hammer to the hard drive and smashing it into bits. Of course make sure you wear protective goggles and other protective clothing when smashing it up.

另一种便宜且有效(且更有趣)的方法是将斧头或锤子敲入硬盘驱动器并将其粉碎成碎片。 当然,粉碎时请务必戴好防护眼镜和其他防护服。

What Happens to E-Waste?


Even with best intentions and bringing your old computers and other electronic devices to recycling centers, it’s shocking how much is dumped in developing nations.  Computers and monitors contain toxic levels of mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, and beryllium which are very unfriendly substances to the environment. PBS and 60 Minutes have done stories where they track items from US recycling centers to dumping areas in China and Ghana.

即使出于最佳目的,并且将旧计算机和其他电子设备带到回收中心,这也震惊了发展中国家的倾倒量。 计算机和监视器包含的汞,铅,镉,砷和铍的毒性水平对环境非常不友好。 PBS和《 60分钟》做了故事,他们追踪从美国回收中心到中国和加纳垃圾场的物品。

A digital dumping ground in Ghana.


From a 60 minutes story, a dumping ground in China where workers are using a vat of acid to extract gold components.


It is not all gloom and doom when it comes to disposing of old computers and other electronics though.  Get to know your local recycling centers and find out how they dispose of toxic e-waste.  A great site is from the Basel Network (mentioned in the videos) that have created a list of rigorously tested recycling centers certified as e-stewards.

但是,在处理旧计算机和其他电子产品时,这并非一帆风顺。 了解您当地的回收中心,并了解它们如何处理有毒的电子废物。 来自巴塞尔网络的一个很棒的网站(在视频中提到)创建了一系列经过严格测试并被认证为电子管家的回收中心。

Alternatives to Recycling


Just because a computer is too obsolete for your needs doesn’t mean it it cannot help someone else.  There are several donation programs that will take your legacy computer , get it in working order, and give them to others who need a starter machine to get into the information age.  One thing I do is destroy all my data with DBAN and put on a fresh version of Linux or Windows and bring it to a thrift store.

仅仅因为计算机对于您的需求而言已经过时了,并不意味着它无法帮助其他人。 有几种捐赠程序可以使用您的旧计算机,使其正常工作,然后将其分发给需要启动机才能进入信息时代的其他人。 我要做的一件事是使用DBAN销毁我的所有数据,并安装新版本的Linux或Windows,并将其带到旧货店。

Other Options


  • Sell it.  If your old computer has some value left you might be able to sell it on ebay or craigslist for a bit of spending money. 卖掉 如果您的旧计算机还剩一些价值,您可以花一些钱在ebay或craigslist上出售它。
  • Repurpose it.  Figure out a new way to use the old machine.  Install a light version of Linux like Damn Small Linux or Puppy Linux to breathe new life into it, turn it into a firewall, give it to your child or grandparents for web browsing, simple word processing and games.

    重新调整用途。   找出使用旧机器的新方法。 安装诸如Damn Small Linux或Puppy Linux之类的轻量级Linux,使其焕然一新,将其转变为防火墙,将其提供给您的孩子或祖父母以进行Web浏览,简单的文字处理和游戏。

  • Keep it around for parts.  I do some computer repair on the side from my home and it has been awesome having extra memory, NIC cards, and hard drives laying around.  Even having an extra CRT monitor is nice to use in case one of the LCD screens goes bad. 保留零件。 我在家中一侧进行一些计算机维修,这真是太好了,周围有多余的内存,NIC卡和硬盘驱动器。 即使有一个额外的CRT监视器,如果LCD屏幕之一坏了,也很好用。
  • Keep it.  If your current machine goes down for some reason you will have a spare to hook up while getting it fixed or getting a new one.  You can also use it to do geeky things like trying Linux or creating a network.  收下。 如果您当前的计算机由于某种原因而停机,那么在修复或更换新计算机时,您将有多余的时间来挂机。 您也可以使用它来完成令人讨厌的事情,例如尝试Linux或创建网络。



If you have private data like credit card numbers, security number, heck even your favorite pictures on the hard drive it is extremely important to make sure it is wiped out.  If you need to recycle it, make sure it’s with a trustworthy company.  Even if you donate or repurpose a computer, ultimately it will need to be disposed of but hopefully with more awareness we can help do it responsibly.  Leave us a comment about how you get rid of your old machines.

如果您有诸如信用卡号,安全号之类的私人数据,甚至在硬盘驱动器上喜欢的图片,请确保将其擦除是非常重要的。 如果您需要回收它,请确保它属于一家值得信赖的公司。 即使您捐赠或重新使用计算机,最终也需要将其丢弃,但是希望我们能以更多的意识帮助您负责任地进行操作。 让我们评论一下如何摆脱旧机器。



Download DBAN


Certified E-steward Recycling program


Full PBS Frontline Video About Digital Dumping In Ghana


60 Minutes Video about Toxic E-Waste


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/3555/how-to-dispose-of-old-computers-responsibly/



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