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Make an impact on your audience with PowerPoint 2007

To deliver a compelling presentation to your audience, you need to get the most out of PowerPoint's powerful features. In this comprehensive guide to PowerPoint 2007, experienced author and trainer Faithe Wempen shows you how to do both. You'll get up to speed on PowerPoint's new interface and the Ribbonwhile you also find out what contributes to a good presentation, such as choosing the right amount and style of information for your audience.

*Format with Layouts, Themes, and Master slides
*Integrate drawings, charts, or data from a variety of sources
*Get beyond bullet points and reading slides full of text and learn to engage your audience during your presentation
*Add sound effects, music, animation, and video
*Present from multiple monitors and separate computers
*Design interactive or self-running kiosk shows
*Use SmartArt to quickly turn plain text into graphics
*Create professional-looking charts with a few mouse clicks
*Use any shape as a photo frame, and use WordArt for text effects


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