
by Harrison Jansma

哈里森·詹斯玛(Harrison Jansma)

我如何分析一百万篇中型文章,以了解获得多少拍手好故事 (How I analyzed a million Medium articles to learn how many claps great stories get)

This article is for the writers of Medium. If you have ever been frustrated with the response your stories get, this article can help you.

本文适用于中型作家。 如果您对故事得到的回应感到沮丧,那么本文可以为您提供帮助。

My name is Harrison Jansma, and I write about data. Over the last few weeks, I collected and analyzed the claps of a million Medium stories. So I could answer the question that bothers me most as a writer on Medium. Namely,

我叫Harrison Jansma,我写有关数据的文章。 在过去的几周中,我收集并分析了100万个中级故事的拍手。 因此,我可以回答这个问题,使我作为“中型”作家最困扰我。 即

How do my stories compare to those of similar writers on Medium?


Though I am a writer, I am not a particularly creative one. To cope, I have to motivate my writing through competition. Making goals for myself based on either the performance of my past stories, or the performance of stories in my news-feed.

尽管我是一名作家,但我并不是一个特别有创造力的人。 为了应对,我必须通过竞争激励我的写作。 根据我过去的故事表现或新闻源中故事的表现为自己制定目标。

Unfortunately, this comparison is slowly killing my ability to write.


The problem is that I’m setting goals for my writing without knowing if these goals are reasonable.


Stories in my home-feed range from 40 claps to 30K claps. The first three stories I wrote on Medium ranged from 80 claps to 9K claps. So do I make my goal to get thirty thousand claps? Ten thousand claps? Just how many stories actually reach that level of reader-engagement?

我的家庭供稿故事从40拍到3万拍不等。 我在Medium上撰写的前三个故事的范围从80拍到9K拍。 那么,我是否设定了赢得三万拍手的目标? 一万个掌声? 实际上有多少故事达到了读者参与的水平?

As long as claps appear to vary wildly from story to story, writers can never use this metric to make goals for their writing.


So I made it my goal to understand Medium’s claps better. I collected data from hundreds of thousands of Medium stories, ranging in topic from poetry, to tech, to politics. With this data I found exactly what I was looking for.

因此,我的目标是更好地了解Medium的拍手。 我收集了数十万个中型故事的数据,涉及的主题从诗歌,技术到政治。 有了这些数据,我找到了我想要的东西。

I found a way for authors to compare the performance of their writing to other, similar stories on Medium.


刮掉100万个中等故事。 (Scraping a million Medium stories.)

The first step was collecting information. Specifically, I had to get the claps received from A LOT of Medium articles.

第一步是收集信息。 具体来说,我不得不从很多中型文章中获得掌声。

So I strolled around the Medium archives for a few days. Then I created a web-scraper in Python (found on GitHub). The web-scraper pulled data from thousands of story-cards.

因此,我在中型档案馆中闲逛了几天。 然后,我使用Python创建了一个网络爬虫(位于GitHub上 )。 网络抓取者从数千个故事卡中提取了数据。

Once data collection was completed, I had data on 993K Medium articles. They covered 36 of the most popular Medium tags, all published in the last year (Aug, 2017-Aug, 2018).

数据收集完成后, 我就获得了993K个中型文章的数据。 它们涵盖了36种最受欢迎​​的Medium标签,这些标签都是在去年(2017年8月至2018年8月)发布的。

分析(近)一百万个中等故事 (Analyzing (nearly) a million Medium stories)

After removing duplicate-stories and comments from the data, I was left with 720K unique stories from 230K authors and 30K publications. The number of claps received for an article ranged from zero claps to 215K claps.

从数据中删除重复的故事和评论后,我剩下了来自23万作者和3万出版物的72万个独特故事。 收到的拍手数量从零拍到215K拍不等。

To better understand Medium’s clap metric, I needed to answer two questions.


  1. How many claps does the average story get?平均每个故事能拍几声?
  2. How many claps does an above average story get?一个高于平均水平的故事会得到多少掌声?

Let’s start with the first question.


平均每个故事能拍几声? (How many claps does the average story get?)

On Medium, most writers receive mediocre engagement from their readers. This might be because Medium is a free platform for writers. Or maybe because not every writer’s goal is to receive huge numbers of claps from their audience.

在Medium上,大多数作家的读者参与度都中等。 这可能是因为Medium是作家的免费平台。 也许是因为并非每个作家的目标都是获得听众的鼓掌。

Whatever the reason, most articles receive almost no applause. Of the 720K articles I analyzed, 61.3% received less than 10 claps.

不管是什么原因,大多数文章几乎都没有鼓掌 。 在我分析的720K文章中,有61.3%收到的鼓掌次数少于10。

If you are a writer, you should not let this discourage you.


Whether it be the time of day, or the mysteries of Medium’s recommendation engine, the engagement your stories receive is not really up to you.


However, the most successful authors on Medium didn’t get where they are by chance. They posted high-quality content (consistently) for a long time, and gradually built a following.

但是,Medium上最成功的作者并非偶然。 他们长期(始终)发布高质量的内容,并逐渐建立了关注者。

You can do the same.


一个高于平均水平的故事会得到多少掌声? (How many claps does an above average story get?)

Now that you know how many claps most stories receive, we will look at the other end of the spectrum: the stories that received more claps than average.


Unfortunately, there isn’t a distinct number of claps an article needs to be above average. What we need is to rephrase the question a bit. Instead we ask:

不幸的是,文章的拍手数量并没有高于平均水平。 我们需要稍微改一下这个问题。 相反,我们问:

How many claps do the top 1% of stories get?


Of the 720K stories analyzed, the top 1% most-clapped stories received more than two thousand claps.


This cutoff falls at exactly 2000.0 claps, rather than a number like 2112 because of the way the data was collected. Once you pass one thousand claps, Medium abbreviates your claps-received (ex. 2.2K). So the strict cutoff is somewhere between 2K and 2.1K. But two thousand is much cooler sounding… Sooo…

由于收集数据的方式,该临界值恰好落在2000.0个拍点处,而不是2112这样的数字。 一旦您通过一千次鼓掌,Medium将缩写为您收到的鼓掌(例如2.2K)。 因此,严格的临界值介于2K和2.1K之间。 但是两千个听起来更酷……太棒了……

So two thousand claps is the cutoff for a story being in the top 1% of Medium stories. From now on, when you write a story, you can use this as your goal for reader engagement. You can also use this as a benchmark to measure the performance of your past articles.

因此,在中级故事中排名前1%的故事中,有两千个拍手是临界点。 从现在开始,编写故事时,可以以此为目标来吸引读者。 您也可以以此为基准来衡量您过去文章的效果。

Two thousand claps is also a pretty good metric for your performance as an author.


Writing a story in the top 1% is no small feat. Of the 230K authors in the data, only 1.2% had written an article with more than two thousand claps.

在收入最高的1%人群中撰写故事绝非易事。 数据中的23万名作者中,只有1.2%撰写过超过2000拍手的文章。

Even fewer authors were able to post articles with more than two thousand claps consistently. The following graph shows what I am talking about.

更少的作者能够一贯发表超过2000拍手的文章。 下图显示了我在说什么。

But be advised, this cutoff for the top 1% includes articles written for vastly different genres.


Can we really compare the performance of a poetry story to that of a self-improvement story? Each has a vastly different audience, varying in size, taste, and personality.

我们真的可以将诗歌故事的表现与自我完善的故事进行比较吗? 每个人的观众,规模,品味和个性都有很大不同。

Luckily, Medium already separates its content with tags. All we need to do is find the top 1% of each tag on Medium.

幸运的是,Medium已经使用标签将其内容分开。 我们需要做的就是在Medium上找到每个标签的前1%。

每个标签的前1%获得多少拍手? (How many claps do the top 1% of each tag get?)

Here are the 99th percentiles of claps-received by an article for each of the 36 tags in our data.


Some of Medium’s most followed tags (Self-Improvement, Productivity, Life-Lessons) have the highest cutoffs for being in the top 1%. While the tag with the most stories (Travel) had the lowest cutoff.

中等(Medium)追踪度最高的一些标签(自我完善,生产力,人生经历)在最高1%中具有最高的截止值。 故事最多的标签(旅行)的截止频率最低。

I haven’t been able to come up with a reason for this spread, so I would love to discuss this more in the comments.


Here are the individual 99th percentiles for each of the 36 story tags.


So there we have it! You can use the above numbers to compare the performance of your stories to that of similar authors on Medium.

因此,我们有它! 您可以使用上述数字将您的故事的表现与“中等”上类似作家的表现进行比较。

For example, since this article has a data-science tag, I might make it my goal to get 2900 claps. If I could accomplish that level of reader-engagement, this article would be in the top 1% of data-science related articles on Medium.

例如,由于本文带有数据科学标签,因此我可能希望获得2900个鼓掌。 如果我能达到那种与读者互动的水平,那么这篇文章将成为Medium上与数据科学相关的文章的前1%。

结论 (Conclusion)

Most Medium stories get less than ten claps, and the top 1% of Medium’s stories receive more than two thousand claps. You can use these metrics as benchmarks to measure the performance of your articles, or as a goal in writing future articles.

大多数中型故事获得的掌声少于十个,而中型故事中排名前1%的故事获得了2000多个掌声。 您可以将这些指标用作衡量文章性能的基准,也可以作为编写未来文章的目标。

I also included the cutoff for the top 1% of 36 popular story tags, so you can compare your work to that of similar authors on Medium.


如果您需要更多高质量的数据科学文章,请关注我。 ? (Follow me if you want more high-quality data science articles. ?)

There were a few things I learned about Medium that aren’t directly relevant to this article. So I wrote a comprehensive analysis of everything I found. If you want to know who were: the most clapped authors, the biggest publications, and much more, look here.

我从中学到的一些知识与本文没有直接关系。 因此,我对发现的所有内容进行了全面的分析 如果您想知道谁是:最鼓掌的作者,最大的出版物等等,请点击这里 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-analyzed-a-million-medium-articles-to-learn-how-many-claps-great-stories-get-d688cf92759f/



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