1.1「Motoko——Basic concepts and terms && Mutable state」



let x = 1;
let y = x + 1;
x * y + x



“块表达式(Block expressions)”:



{let x = 1; let y = x + 1; x * y + x  //注意语法细节 最后一条语句不加分号

⚠️但块表达式只能用作控制流表达式的子式(like if, loop, case…)

在其他地方我们可以用 do{ … } 来代表块表达式,以此与object literals进行区分。

For example, do {} is the empty block of type (), while {} is an empty record of record type {}.


let z = do { let x = 1; let y = x + 1; x * y + x



let x = 1;
ignore(x + 42);
let y = x + 1;
ignore(y * 42);
x * y + x;


3.【使用Motoko基础库(base library)】

To import from the base library, use the import keyword. Give a local module name to introduce, in this example D for “Debug”, and a URL where the import declaration may locate the imported module:

import D "mo:base/Debug";
D.print("hello world");

In this case, we import Motoko code (not some other module form) with the mo:prefix. We specify the base/ path, followed by the module’s file name Debug.mominus its extension.

Printing using Debug.print and debug_show:

Above, we print the text string using the function print in library Debug.mo:

print: Text -> ()

The function print accepts a text string (of type Text) as input, and produces the unit value (of unit type, or ()) as its output.

Because unit values carry no information, all values of type unit are identical, so the print function doesn’t actually produce an interesting result. Instead of a result, it has a side effect. The function print has the effect of emitting the text string in a human-readable form to the output terminal. Functions that have side effects, such as emitting output, or modifying state, are often called impure. Functions that just return values, without further side-effects, are called pure. We discuss the return value (the unit value) in detail below, and relate it to the void type for readers more familiar with that concept.

Finally, we can transform most Motoko values into human-readable text strings for debugging purposes, without having to write those transformations by hand.

The debug_show primitive permits converting a large class of values into values of type Text.

For instance, we can convert a triple (of type (Text, Nat, Text)) into debugging text without writing a custom conversion function ourselves:

import D "mo:base/Debug";
D.print(debug_show(("hello", 42, "world")))

Using these text transformations, we can print most Motoko data as we experiment with our programs.

4.【Accommodating incomplete code】

Sometimes, in the midst of writing a program, we want to run an incomplete version, or a version where one or more execution paths are either missing or simply invalid.

To accommodate these situations, we use the xxx, nyi and unreachable functions from the base Prelude library, explained below. Each wraps a general trap mechanism, explained further below.

Use short-term holes:

Short-term holes are never committed to a source repository, and only ever exist in a single development session, for a developer that is still writing the program.

Assuming that earlier, one has imported the prelude as follows:

import P "mo:base/Prelude";

The developer can fill any missing expression with the following one:


The result will always type check at compile time, and will always trap at run time, if and when this expression ever executes.

Document longer-term holes:

By convention, longer-term holes can be considered “not yet implemented” (nyi) features, and marked as such with a similar function from the Prelude module:


Document unreachable code paths:

In contrast to the situations above, sometimes code will never be filled, since it will never be evaluated, assuming the coherence of the internal logic of the programs’ invariants.

To document a code path as logically impossible, or unreachable, use the base library function unreachable:


As in the situations above, this function type-checks in all contexts, and when evaluated, traps in all contexts.

Execution traps stop the program:

Each form above is a simple wrapper around the always-fail use of the assert primitive:

assert false

Dynamically, we call this program-halting behavior a program(-generated) trap, and we say that the program traps when it executes this code. It will cease to progress further.


let text : Text = "abc";
let num : Nat = 30;
var pair : (Text, Nat) = (text, num);
var text2 : Text = text;

在上面这个声明列表中,let关键字用来声明一个在当前作用域中的immutable variables(不可变的变量);var关键字用来声明一个在当前作用域中的mutable variables(可变变量)。




func( i : Nat ) : Nat


※一个名为 gen 的具有相同功能的函数还可以表示为:

gen : Nat -> Nat    //这就是函数gen的type

7.【可变变量的Assignment赋值语句 := 】

text2 := text2 # "xyz";
pair := (text2, pair.1);

易知,赋值语句写作 :=

/*In this example, we update text2 by appending string constant "xyz"to its suffix.*/

赋值操作 := 是常规的,适用于所有类型。



8.【常数组Immutable Arrays】


let a : [Nat] = [1, 2, 3] ;

元素为Nat类型 的常数组的数据类型为 [Nat]

The array a above holds three natural numbers, and has type [Nat]. In general, the type of an immutable array is [_], using square brackets around the type of the array’s elements, which must share a single common type, in this case Nat.


We can project from (read from) an array using the usual bracket syntax ([ and ]) around the index we want to access.

let x : Nat = a[2] + a[0] ;

Every array access in Motoko is safe. Accesses that are out of bounds will not access memory unsafely, but instead will cause the program to trap, as with an assertion failure.


The Motoko standard library provides basic operations for immutable and mutable arrays. It can be imported as follows:

import Array "mo:base/Array";


{append = func;chain = func;equal = func;filter = func;find = func;flatten = func;foldLeft = func;foldRight = func;freeze = func;init = func;keys = func;make = func;map = func;mapEntries = func;mapFilter = func;mapResult = func;tabulate = func;tabulateVar = func;thaw = func;vals = func
} :module {append : <A>([A], [A]) -> [A];chain : <A, B>([A], A -> [B]) -> [B];equal : <A>([A], [A], (A, A) -> Bool) -> Bool;filter : <A>([A], A -> Bool) -> [A];find : <A>([A], A -> Bool) -> ?A;flatten : <A>([[A]]) -> [A];foldLeft : <A, B>([A], B, (B, A) -> B) -> B;foldRight : <A, B>([A], B, (A, B) -> B) -> B;freeze : <A>([var A]) -> [A];init : <A>(Nat, A) -> [var A];keys : <A>([A]) -> Iter<Nat>;make : <A>(A) -> [A];map : <A, B>([A], A -> B) -> [B];mapEntries : <A, B>([A], (A, Nat) -> B) -> [B];mapFilter : <A, B>([A], A -> ?B) -> [B];mapResult : <A, R, E>([A], A -> Result<R, E>) -> Result<[R], E>;tabulate : <A>(Nat, Nat -> A) -> [A];tabulateVar : <A>(Nat, Nat -> A) -> [var A];thaw : <A>([A]) -> [var A];vals : <A>([A]) -> Iter<A>

In this section, we discuss some of the most frequently used array operations. For more information about using arrays, see the Array library descriptions.

10.【Allocate an immutable array with varying content】

In general, each new array allocated by a program will contain a varying number of varying elements. Without mutation, we need a way to specify this family of elements “all at once”, in the argument to allocation.

To accommodate this need, the Motoko language provides the higher-order array-allocation function Array.tabulate, which allocates a new array by consulting a user-provided “generation function” gen for each element.

func tabulate<T>(size : Nat, gen : Nat -> T) : [T]

Function gen specifies the array as a function value of arrow type Nat → T, where T is the final array element type.

The function gen actually functions as the array during its initialization: It receives the index of the array element, and it produces the element (of type T) that should reside at that index in the array. The allocated output array populates itself based on this specification.

For instance, we can first allocate array1 consisting of some initial constants, and then functionally-update some of the indices by “changing” them (in a pure, functional way), to produce array2, a second array that does not destroy the first.

let array1 : [Nat] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8] ;
let array2 : [Nat] = Array.tabulate<Nat>(7, func(i:Nat) : Nat { if ( i == 2 or i == 5 ) { array1[i] * i }    // change 3rd and 6th entries else { array1[i] }    // no change to other entries
} ) ;

11.【可变数组Mutable Array】

元素为Nat类型的可变数组的数据类型为 [var Nat]


To indicate allocation of mutable arrays (in contrast to the forms above, for immutable ones), the mutable array syntax [var _] uses the var keyword, in both the expression and type forms:

let a : [var Nat] = [var 1, 2, 3] ;

As above, the array a above holds three natural numbers, but has type [var Nat].

12.【Allocate a mutable array with dynamic size】

To allocate mutable arrays of non-constant size, use the Array_init primitive, and supply an initial value:

func init<T>(size : Nat, x : T) : [var T]

For example:

var size : Nat = 42 ;
let x : [var Nat] = Array.init<Nat>(size, 3);

The variable size need not be constant here; the array will have size number of entries, each holding the initial value 3.


[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] : [var Nat]

Mutable updates:


a[2] := 42;


13.【Subtyping does not permit mutable to be used as immutable

不能在期望使用 [Nat] 常数组的地方使用 [var Nat] 可变数组。

PS:Motoko forbids uses of mutable arrays across asynchronous communication, where mutable state is never shared.

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